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  • bruce's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 01:19
    bruce replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Hey Red! Very glad your pistol turned up! You are not the only one who has misplaced a pistol or rifle and then looked all over the place before...
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 11:11
    Allen replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Part of getting old. Get used to the new "normal". Who needs drugs or Alzheimer's when you've got old?
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 10:16
    Oyaji replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    Glad you found the missing firearm, Red. It wasn't too long ago that I was searching for my misplaced wallet when the wife found it in the...
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • RED's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 09:54
    RED replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    I have been looking for 10 days and found it. It was in my roll around walker basket. The net basket is black and so is the gun. There was some...
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • lyman's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 09:43
    lyman replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    call the police and report it missing\stolen and also your insurance co, if you find it later, just call them back and say oops, found it, ...
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 08:14
    Oyaji replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    To paraphrase Daniel Boone..... "I've never lost a gun, but I was powerful confused for about three days once." :1948:
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • Johnny P's Avatar
    10-04-2024, 07:37
    Johnny P replied to a thread Renaissance wax in Gun Talk
    Unless done as a form of mental relaxation you are better off using an oily rag, and get in all the places you can't wax.
    2 replies | 42 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 09:42
    Allen replied to a thread Have you ever lost a gun? in Gun Talk
    I've experienced similar 911 calls where everyone shows up IN your house including the volunteer fire dept people and won't leave. It is my...
    7 replies | 59 view(s)
  • Oyaji's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 05:22
    Oyaji replied to a thread Renaissance wax in Gun Talk
    My recommendation would be to ensure that it is only applied to a clean, dry surface. It's good stuff, I like using it wood stocks and blued steel...
    2 replies | 42 view(s)
  • JohnMOhio's Avatar
    10-03-2024, 05:02
    Sound advise Allen.
    4 replies | 190 view(s)
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