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  • Phloating Phlasher's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 11:48
    Well, with those features its probably a real trials rifle. Whats it marked as on thC rifle? It's too small to read in the thumbnail. Many of the...
    1 replies | 30 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 11:36
    Allen replied to a thread Anson Chase in Welcome!
    Welcome aboard. Feel free to post threads, opinions and pictures. There's not much activity here these days and this site sometimes crashes on...
    1 replies | 22 view(s)
  • Vern Humphrey's Avatar
    07-22-2024, 08:50
    Vern Humphrey replied to a thread Huh? in Gun Talk
    Two terms in one lifetime. Bill Clinton tried to claim that after a break he could run again and got slapped down.
    8 replies | 97 view(s)
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