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  • RED's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 12:04
    RED replied to a thread Huh? in Gun Talk
    I suspect she told him! I do not think Harris will be the nominee. She has been such a flop as Veep, there is no way in hell she can compete with...
    1 replies | 5 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    07-21-2024, 07:22
    Allen replied to a thread Coffee Thread in Yesterday's Weapons
    It's going to rain forever.
    77 replies | 6548 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    07-20-2024, 08:30
    Allen replied to a thread I am done with Jouster in Gun Talk
    I sent him the password a couple of months ago and he's been logging on and replying. Sent it to him again when he posted this thread. He may be...
    3 replies | 69 view(s)
  • RED's Avatar
    07-20-2024, 03:57
    RED replied to a thread I am done with Jouster in Gun Talk
    Been there done that!!!! It's OK, just get the word via private message and you will be good to go. It is time to drop the password for the 2nd...
    3 replies | 69 view(s)
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