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  • JohnMOhio's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 07:59
    Allen, once they find out what it does, (right now they only know it is there,) they will then know why it is needed. It is definitely a Pear Tree.
    7 replies | 184 view(s)
  • RED's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 07:55
    RED replied to a thread This is all Greek to me. in Gun Talk
    Faster is better. Our scientists are trying to get a vehicle to travel the speed of light! The speed of sound has been conquered 50 years ago. ...
    7 replies | 184 view(s)
  • JohnMOhio's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 07:41
    Was not aware that the fission material came from a surrendered German U-Boat. Thanks for the added information Pflasher.
    8 replies | 425 view(s)
  • Allen's Avatar
    09-28-2024, 04:35
    Allen replied to a thread Medical Care in this Area in Gun Talk
    Update: The "doctor" should have had his license pulled years ago as this was not his first screw up. Seems as though the entire staff in the...
    6 replies | 776 view(s)
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