View Full Version : Trapdoor Rifles
- Trapdoor Metcalfe Device...? (15 replies)
- M1870 rifle (7 replies)
- Original or reproduction sling? (8 replies)
- More of the "barn find" (6 replies)
- Trapdoor SRS? (4 replies)
- New (to me) 1873 Carbine (0 replies)
- Like new M1884 (9 replies)
- 1888 RB Trapdoor (3 replies)
- 1865 1st Allin Cadet. (30 replies)
- Trapdoor bayonet (7 replies)
- 1865 Lock Plate (3 replies)
- Hey Dick! (2 replies)
- 1870 Trapdoor saddle ring carbine (18 replies)
- New to Trapdoor... have questions (2 replies)
- 1873 Trapdoor bore (6 replies)
- Is this a Bannerman Trapdoor or.... (5 replies)
- 1888 Round Rod Bayonet (2 replies)
- Trapdoor 50-70 Stock ?? (3 replies)
- SRS check on Trapdoor carbine (26 replies)
- Odd trapdoor upper band (6 replies)
- Photos of my Trapdoors (16 replies)
- Cleaning and oiling Trapdoor stock (20 replies)
- SRS my 1873 Trapdoor (7 replies)
- Trapdoor shooters photo (3 replies)
- An awesome M68 (2 replies)
- H&R and Pedersoli Trapdoors - Need Some Assistance (3 replies)
- switch to 1884 (3 replies)
- Custer period carbine question? (19 replies)
- Early 50-70 Conversion (6 replies)
- 1884 rod bayonet trapdoor (7 replies)
- 1866 2nd Allin conversion cartouche marks (0 replies)
- Serial Numbers (8 replies)
- Forager (9 replies)
- No cartouche?? (7 replies)
- Trapdoor barrel opinions (6 replies)
- Assembler left his Print on the back... (17 replies)
- 1873 Trapdoor Question (1 replies)
- AR in .45-70 (3 replies)
- Heads up! (2 replies)
- Irritated (14 replies)
- Miller Conversion (5 replies)
- Trapdoor Bayonets (2 replies)
- Happy Birthday Dick! (6 replies)
- Custer Carbine (10 replies)
- Help with Trapdoor Cadet 50-70 (28 replies)
- Questions about a 2nd Allin conversion (26 replies)
- trapdoor bayonet on 1873 barrel (13 replies)
- 99 carbine stock wanted (3 replies)
- Second Allin cleaning rod (1 replies)
- To Dick Hosmer (2 replies)
- SRS request trapdoor carbine.... (2 replies)
- 1866 Not-A-Repro (12 replies)
- Better photos of my 1866 Springfield. (68 replies)
- another srs request (2 replies)
- 1869 Cadet from Cabelas in Scarborough Maine (5 replies)
- Trapdoor questions? (3 replies)
- First Trapdoors (0 replies)
- Trapdoor help/opinions needed (13 replies)
- Interesting Trapdoor..Named... (9 replies)
- 1870 stock (3 replies)
- Attn. Dick Hosmer. Experimental Carbine sling (1 replies)
- Trapdoor SRS request... (3 replies)
- 1888 Stock Tools (2 replies)
- Trapdoor slugged barrel (7 replies)
- Springfield 45-70 carbine stock stampings (0 replies)
- Triangular Bayonet Model 1880 Rifles (1 replies)
- trapdoor 5 groove barrel (12 replies)
- Unknown cartridge box (7 replies)
- Frazier's Patent 50-70 cartridge box (39 replies)
- Getting closer (47 replies)
- 1868 Trapdoor Serial #22 (3 replies)
- New member, Need help with1873 trapdoor carbine (19 replies)
- Trap Door Bullet Trajectory? (14 replies)
- 50-70 2nd Allin 1866 2 band trapdoor (13 replies)
- Trapdoor forager 1881 (0 replies)
- SRS, Please (5 replies)
- Custer Range Carbine (8 replies)
- Three 1868's (30 replies)
- 1870 Receiver needed (8 replies)
- New member (9 replies)
- What type of carbine is this (8 replies)
- An interesting observation for Dick Hosmer... (27 replies)
- Need stock help (7 replies)
- 1873 Cadet Bayonet (0 replies)
- Rare and or unusual marking on model 1884? (3 replies)
- 1863 date trap door, NEED HELP (7 replies)
- 1888 RB (1 replies)
- Bullet removal (1 replies)
- 1873 Trapdoor Carbine (7 replies)
- Undated 1870 Breech block (28 replies)
- Trapdoor officers model (9 replies)
- 1884 Springfield Questions (2 replies)
- Model 1884 Serial Number Inquiry (5 replies)
- Damaged in Testing on "The newly designed 1868 rifle"? (15 replies)
- Model 1884 questions (3 replies)
- trap door, springfield, m-1873 help (10 replies)
- 2nd Model Maynard Carbine - SRS Check Please (2 replies)
- Chicago City Police M66 short Rifles (14 replies)
- Picked up a trapdoor in Tulsa (1 replies)
- Another Pedersoli Checklist Item: (3 replies)
- Star Trek Voyager & Trapdoors (15 replies)
- The final cword: Make your Pedersoli TD Eject Like a Man! (2 replies)
- New to me Pedersoli - ejector Question (8 replies)
- Stuck firing pin (6 replies)
- 1873 firing pin (13 replies)
- New trapdoor barrel & receiver (5 replies)
- New trapdoor barrel & receiver (0 replies)
- TD carbine (1 replies)
- SRS Check Please (1 replies)
- Need Help Identifying A Flintlock Springfield Musket (10 replies)
- Just bought a Pedersoli (8 replies)
- Mysterious 15" U.S. Marked Socket Bayonet (2 replies)
- Prototype M1866 Springfield Rifle Musket (8 replies)
- SRS check please (2 replies)
- Model 1868 Serial/Barrel Numbers (2 replies)
- Photo Posting Test (8 replies)
- Model 1866 Lock Removal (11 replies)
- Nose caps? (1 replies)
- Highly Incorrect 2nd year of production (4 replies)
- Trapdoor slings (6 replies)
- "new" trapdoor first year production carbine (1 replies)
- 50-70 Questions (4 replies)
- value of POOR condition 1842? (1 replies)
- 1866 Allen (4 replies)
- I don't suppose.... (7 replies)
- An interesting 1866 Allen (57 replies)
- 1873 trapdoor (4 replies)
- Cadet Sized Bayonet Needed (4 replies)
- And yet another 1868 dated 1868 Springfield... (185 replies)
- Trapdoor Cadet Barrel Markings (2 replies)
- Frasca TD board (6 replies)
- Happy Birthday Dick! (4 replies)
- Firing pin springs (5 replies)
- 157024 Need help (2 replies)
- A short history of the trapdoor springfield rifle (2 replies)
- No Rear Sling Swivel? (6 replies)
- Drop tube and Trapdoor reloading. (8 replies)
- Type 2 Allin conversion (7 replies)
- Trapdoor ammo (2 replies)
- Early carbine without original stock (17 replies)
- M1882 Remington-Lee rifle and bayonet (7 replies)
- 1873 TD bayonets (4 replies)
- My experiences with the 1873 trapdoor springfield (5 replies)
- Butt Plate (10 replies)
- trapdoor scope (5 replies)
- 1884 Dark Brown Residue (6 replies)
- 1868 Trapdoor ID? (8 replies)
- Gouged buttstock (9 replies)
- please help with serial number / year ID ??....... (2 replies)
- Another SRS check (2 replies)
- Questions on my 1888 Springfield Trapdoor (8 replies)
- Mod 86 additinal photos (0 replies)
- mod 86 photos (6 replies)
- Book (6 replies)
- Is my .45/70 a safe shooter? (23 replies)
- SRS check please (5 replies)
- M1884 questions (3 replies)
- SRS Check Please (3 replies)
- SRS check please and ?? on getting the SRS book? (6 replies)
- floppy trigger? (8 replies)
- An opportunity for field tested front sights for the .45-70 Trapdoor (9 replies)
- Springfield Trapdoor Butt stock cover arrived (1 replies)
- Springfield Trapdoor 24" Carbine (17 replies)
- Miroku 1886 with "original 45/70 spec chamber??? (4 replies)
- Lee Vertical Action-question for Dick Hosmer (14 replies)
- SRS check Please (0 replies)
- General Trapdoor conversation and questions (2 replies)
- NYS Rolling block- nowhere to turn (6 replies)
- Which model is this reciever? (2 replies)
- Value of old FA 45-70 ammo? (7 replies)
- SRS check please (3 replies)
- Al Frasca trapdoors? (2 replies)
- rolling blocks (5 replies)
- Been awhile, and hello again! (7 replies)
- New Member (7 replies)
- SRS Search (2 replies)
- Rust Pitting? (13 replies)
- Lee 450 grain Bullet in 1866 (3 replies)
- Trapdoors in gunstores? (15 replies)
- More SRS requests (4 replies)
- 50-70 barrel diameter (4 replies)
- M1873 carbines? (3 replies)
- 1888 RB SRS check please (2 replies)
- 45-70 ammo headstamps (19 replies)
- SRS Serial Help (2 replies)
- My 1868 Project Carbine (13 replies)
- Raising the rear sight slide (2 replies)
- Trapdoor Reloading (34 replies)
- Model 1868 I just found at a yard sale... (56 replies)
- Trapdoor Carbine (2 replies)
- SRS check please (1 replies)
- SRS check ... Ser. # 75368 (1 replies)
- Heres one for the experts--- (3 replies)
- Model 1873 Trapdoor Carbine (I Guess) (6 replies)
- srs check please (4 replies)
- 1884 Trapdoor Picked up today (13 replies)
- Co. B 22nd NY Firing Practice (1 replies)
- Frasca: The .45-70 Springfield (10 replies)
- New member trapdoor owner (5 replies)
- Looking for 1868-1870 model 50-70 barrel (8 replies)
- M1884 rifle info sought (5 replies)
- Srs check please (1 replies)
- Trapdoor modification- (3 replies)
- trapdoor bore mirror (14 replies)
- Trapdoor Price Check, Pic Heavy (6 replies)
- Dick Hosmer (1 replies)
- 1973 rear sight carbine (1 replies)
- SRS check please and help identifying stock numbers (8 replies)
- Model 1888 RB Trapdoor (19 replies)
- field replaced stock question (3 replies)
- new guy - looking to buy a Springfield 1879 Trapdoor - need some advice (15 replies)
- Hi all, new here with a question. (1 replies)
- Srs check (1 replies)
- Model 1888 Wiping Head? (9 replies)
- srs check (5 replies)
- Extracting broken sight screw (5 replies)
- Cut down 1888 (3 replies)
- Spring loaded firing pin. (2 replies)
- srs check (2 replies)
- load shows promise in trap door cheap to shoot (2 replies)
- Happy Birthday to Dick Hosmer! (12 replies)
- Circa 1876 Trap-door Rifle questions? (2 replies)
- Is this a Cadet rifle? (2 replies)
- Carbine rear sight (1 replies)
- WTK SRS CHECK on TD Carbine (1 replies)
- SRS Check - Model 1864 Burnside Carbine (3 replies)
- Must be that extremely rare takedown model (11 replies)
- Is this a Bannerman cut down ? (4 replies)
- Need Help with Entrenching Bayonet (6 replies)
- Metcalf rifle sold (4 replies)
- 1873 Trapdoor with brass fittings (22 replies)
- 1866 Allin second conversion ? (2 replies)
- Unknown Cartridge (4 replies)
- Need Help Identifying Barrel Band (4 replies)
- forks of the delaware gun show (4 replies)
- Attn. Dick Hosmer (6 replies)
- Trapdoor Model 1888 - ejection, rear sight, powder questions (6 replies)
- Al Frasca's site (1 replies)
- 1880 Experimental Trapdoor (20 replies)
- Trapdoor carbine questions and value. (0 replies)
- Trapdoor carbine question and value (0 replies)
- Trapdoors in pictures…... (9 replies)
- 1868-69 Trapdoor Stock (12 replies)
- SRS check Sharps carbine? (2 replies)
- 1884 Thumb Latch (1 replies)
- M1866 "2nd Allin" Script N marking (3 replies)
- About 120 rounds through her since Feb (5 replies)
- 7th Cavalry Serial Numbers (26 replies)
- 1880 Experimental Trapdoor (2 replies)
- Serial Number Check - Trapdoor Please (26 replies)
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