- Dick Hosmer--- Message Space
- Springfield Cadet
- Springfield M70 up for sale
- Springfield Cadet Pt. 2
- Year of manufacture
- 45-70 barre;
- Carbine serial # search
- Need Trapdoor Help
- Early 1870 Rifle
- Sling for M1873 Trapdoor
- Couple of trapdoors
- 1873 Receiver
- Richard Hosmer
- Opinion on barrel
- M1889 Trapdoor Bayonet Tulip Tip (Original)
- 1884 trapdoor
- SRS on a 1873 Trapdoor and a Question
- pov model 1866
- 1883 dated lock plate
- 1880 trb
- Dick Hosmer in hospital.......
- Update on Dick Hosmer............
- Further update on Dick ............
- Dick has been moved out of ICU.....
- Richard and Kay’s update
- Update on Dick........12/26 evening
- Update on Dick.....12/31
- 1873 Trapdoor marking question
- 1884 Trapdoor front sight
- srs check
- First Trapdoor, a 1875 with 1882 Cartouche
- 1869 Breech Block
- 50 70 cartridge box
- Need help 1888 Trapdoor
- A few of my favorites
- Shooting my original 1884
- A rebound in interest?
- Baltimore show
- Interesting Breech Block
- i wonder where these came from
- Is commercial 45 70 ammo suitable for use in a 1884 Trapdoor?..
- What is the "free length of the FP and Ejector springs for a 1884 TD?
- colt franklin rifle
- Nice M1884 on GI
- Strange marking on an 1884, any ideas?
- The quest for a carbine...GB auctions
- Searching for Gordon P.
- 1884 rod bayonet
- New Photos
- 1868 shoots to the right
- M1873...Original and Correct
- The other 1884 Rod Bayonet Rifle
- The other 1884 Rod Bayonet Rifle
- Bannerman Lock - Stamped 1884
- .58 rimfire dimensions
- Newsletter
- Gun Safe Interior Dimensions?
- Parker's Snow and co.
- Early 1873
- trapdoor stock markings?
- Repeating Trapdoor
- Experimental RRB, not 1884.
- carbine or cut down
- Weird peep sight on M1873
- Need help with 45-70 rounds for M1873
- Looks like new
- forager carbine?
- Help with an SRS Check please.
- National Archives researcher
- Indian Scout Trap
- Need Help 1870 ejector
- 1879 cartouche.
- 1873 Info help. New to historical firearms research
- Model 1868 serial/breechblock date correlations?
- SRS Check
- 1877 carbine
- 1868/1870 stock
- Centennial draw set
- 45-55-405 carbine box 1875
- This one is out of my price range, (Buyer Beware thread)
- SRS Check Please
- Help with 1866 Second Model Allin Conversion at the Gun Show
- New trapdoor SRS request
- New (to me) 1866
- My New Addition: 1873 Springfield Carbine
- Shooting 2 Trapdoor Carbines, 1 Undocumented Indian Tack
- Trapdoor with JSA/1898 cartouche
- New Member. New Trapdoors.
- Photo Gallery
- Trapdoor carbine
- The disease persists lol
- Trapdoor ID help
- 1880 trb
- M80 Iron Guard
- Dick Hosmer
- What can this be?
- Gemmer
- SRS request for model 1873 trapdoor rifle S/N 258518
- H&R 1873 Trapdoor sight question
- What do I really have?
- Nickel plated carbine - what do I have?
- H&R 1873 sight too short
- SRS request for 1868 trapdoor
- anyone out there who can fix a bent trapdoor barrel
- SRS Check Please on 1873 Carbine 126761
- Pedersoli carbine?
- 1873 Trapdoor Carbine
- Trapdoor Lock dated 1883?
- Does anyone have measurements on current brass rounds fired in the later...
- SRS Check on 1884 443665
- Carbine quest...consumated...?! (Model 1870 carbine)
- Stuck Trapdoor Firing Pin
- SRS check?
- Buffington Sight question
- Rod bayonet 1888/89
- Springfield Model 1873 SRS Check SN: 73920
- References for Determining Safety of Shooting a Model 1873
- Springfield 1884 SRS
- Al Frasca?s books
- Indian Scout rifle
- Range time with the '88
- Found myself an 1868...
- A comparison of two early trapdoors
- Some trap-door implement trivia
- 50/70 rounds
- Prices for cut down rifles?
- Are Model 1868 and 1870 breachblocks interchangable?
- Another set of Volume 1 and Volume 2 of Al Frasca?s book for sale on Gunbroker.
- Movie studio marked guns
- Stampings
- Trapdoor Carbine Serial number
- M1879 Combination Tool Find
- Model 1870 type ??
- Hollywood, Martin Retting and Trapdoor Carbines
- What Is The Correct Barrel Length Of Trapdoor Carbine
- An early Forager
- SRS Check
- My early 1870 I let go years ago
- 1879 Carbine Cleaning Rod Section
- Latest trapdoor - 1886 carbine
- Did I do good??
- My Springfield Trapdoor
- Trapdoor state property marks?
- 1869 Cadet bayonet
- Group photo
- How to Use Trapdoor Carbine Cleaning Rod
- Use of jouster private message system
- Merry Christmas
- Al Frasca's site certificate?
- Some Trapdoor related trivia
- Filling another gap - 1870
- Part of Captain Metcalfe's 1876 Centennial Display Report
- My 1868?s.
- 1873 carbine
- 1888 sn check and info
- Help identify tool
- So close and yet so far
- Period modified Mills belt for Forager rounds
- Two new additions
- Hosmer
- Tom Trevor
- Bless me Father, for I have sinned................
- SRS Check
- 1866 short rifle
- Reloading for 1865 1st Allin
- SRS check
- (Relative) Presence of 1886 Carbines in SRS
- Trapdoor Carbine With Star Marked Receiver
- SRS Check for Carbine
- Difference between a Cadet and Short rifle 50-70
- Trapdoor Rear Peep Sight Question?
- Ramrod bayonet Trapdoor rifle information
- Rod bayonet rifle
- Am I missing something here?
- .45-70 cartouche question +1
- M1870 Trapdoor
- Sharps carbine
- Foragers that went to Alaska
- Happy Birthday!
- 28 ga Trapdoor Carbine Forager?
- TD serial numbers?
- Removing some clear varnish from trapdoor wood
- Real M1870 Carbine for sale
- M1882RB parts at Lewis & Grant
- Lewis & Grant Auction - Lot 37 - M1882 Parts
- 1922 NRA/DCM Sales
- 1873 Trapdoor Breech Block-Ammo Question
- Original sling repair
- 1873 Trapdoor Armory Upgrade Question
- Early 1873 carbine
- Bore Mirror
- Al Frasca
- Thoughts on this "mint" 1884 Trapdoor?
- Any comments on the originality of RIA auction officers model?
- 1879 lower band needed
- Question for a machinist . . .
- 1866 Short Rifle before and after
- New Trapdoor Forum - good news for collectors, competition for Jouster
- Possible Indian scout rifle??
- Diagram for sling installation
- Stared carbine
- Searching for John Harbeck (old member, cannot remember alias)
- carbine sash hanger clip
- Cartridge ID please
- Back when I had eyes! . . . . (That actually WORKED!) . . .
- Pricing a pristine trapdoor
- First One
- Condemned parts
- Free 45-70 reloading manual
- This group is also DEAD
- Very Early 1868 trapdoor on Gunsinternational.
- sling bars?
- Happy Birthday!
- Need a Cleaning Rod For A 1884 Trapdoor Rifle
- Captured 1873 carbines ??
- 1873 Trapdoor Carbine Opinions Please
- Looking for this trapdoor
- 1873 high arch breech block
- Trapdoors for the Franco-Prussian War
- Looking for 2 Carbine Saddle Rings
- 1881 Trapdoor Carbine
- New to me trapdoor