- Collectible Mausers ? (11 replies)
- Czech VZ24 (1 replies)
- Need help with Turkish Mauser frt sight (0 replies)
- Brno 22 (6 replies)
- Found a Mauser this morning (11 replies)
- German K98 from 1918 (8 replies)
- F.B Radom barreled action (2 replies)
- 8mm German Mauser ammo box id please: (3 replies)
- Haenel-Lorenz extractor (1 replies)
- Value of Swedish Model 38 Short Rifle (3 replies)
- Value of 1891 Argentine Mauser Cavalry carbine? (6 replies)
- Unknown parts (1 replies)
- Model 71 pics & questions (13 replies)
- 98K in CMP Vintage Match - Sling? (3 replies)
- 1895 chilean short rifle (2 replies)
- A Question for You Mauser Guru's ...... (4 replies)
- 1891 Arg enginmeers carbine (8 replies)
- a pair of 1952 Belgian ABL Mausers (1 replies)
- New 1908 Brazilian Mauser (3 replies)
- Persian Vz.24... (6 replies)
- Help with a Butchered Bringback 98K (5 replies)
- My M1896 showed up today (7 replies)
- "Babe in the woods" on Swedish Mausers and need some help (11 replies)
- 1896 Swedish Mauser (1917) (2 replies)
- Argentine 1909 Mausers (4 replies)
- New Swedish M96 (24 replies)
- " (4 replies)
- Mauser Stock Identification (6 replies)
- A $275 RC duv 41 (1 replies)
- Mauser oberndorf sporting rifle question (19 replies)
- 1954 Israeli ammo for K98 (8 replies)
- Need a M98 trigger guard (0 replies)
- CG-80? (3 replies)
- Just picked this up on Thursday (11 replies)
- My pawn shop find (16 replies)
- A bit puzzled by the closure of the thread on US training film -- (0 replies)
- GEW 98 question.......? (7 replies)
- G.33/40 front sight cover (4 replies)
- What can you tell me about the 10x57 and 10.5x57 cartridges? (4 replies)
- What model Mauser is it? (3 replies)
- Mauser K98 Hogue Stock (1 replies)
- Info on two Swede M96's needed (4 replies)
- Need info help to ID K98....................... (5 replies)
- Info on a 1899 Swedish Mauser needed (9 replies)
- Mauser Trainer (8 replies)
- Ammo for German Mauser (7 replies)
- question for the markings on ammo, for argentine mauser (2 replies)
- what does provenance have to do with value of a weapon? (20 replies)
- Mauser sporter stuff. (5 replies)
- small bore center fire Mauser cartridges (1 replies)
- 98 feeding problem (7 replies)
- 98 Masuer sigth adjustment? (3 replies)
- german mauser (4 replies)
- Karbiner 98a (7 replies)
- Samco Persian Mauser "no blue" refinish (3 replies)
- Yugo Mausers? (6 replies)
- 1937 Vz24 Help (4 replies)
- ? About a byf 43 (7 replies)
- Is this a Mauser cover? (4 replies)
- Norwegian K98 (12 replies)
- In need of tech. advice (3 replies)
- what market did the belgian mauser barrels in 3006 serve (7 replies)
- "Sanitized" Spanish M43's (6 replies)
- So I've got this old gun... (Mauser Mod98k BYF41 all matching) (16 replies)
- Stiff FR8 Mauser (7 replies)
- German Ammo ID please (2 replies)
- '98 bolt interchangable? (1 replies)
- Something of interest for the German collectors (0 replies)
- Mauser M/71 (8 replies)
- K98 Trigger Housing Screws (3 replies)
- I have seen it all, for now (6 replies)
- Is this sporterized WWII rifle even a Mauser? What do the markings mean, specifically (6 replies)
- Bubba'd Argentine mauser (18 replies)
- Question on trading a 1909 Arg. Mountain/Engineers carbine (2 replies)
- Mauser 98 .22 Conversion (3 replies)
- Mitchell to make new mausers?? (18 replies)
- Mod. 98 numbers matching (20 replies)
- K43 Value?? (4 replies)
- Husqvarna M96? . . . . (2 replies)
- 1909 Arg carbine (4 replies)
- New 1917 Swede Mod 96 (2 replies)
- brg marking (2 replies)
- Another 6.5x55 swede question (6 replies)
- Wolf firing pin spring (2 replies)
- Ammo for CZ24 rifle question? (1 replies)
- 6.5x55 swede ammo advice (9 replies)
- Persian Mauser Bolt (6 replies)
- New "1930" Venezuelan mauser (14 replies)
- 98K Drill Rifles. Anyone? (6 replies)
- Chech VZ24, what to know about it? (5 replies)
- Bolt Stop (2 replies)
- First Matching Mod 98 (2 replies)
- swede stock needed (6 replies)
- 7.65 Argentine Mauser (15 replies)
- 1895 chilean mauser (5 replies)
- Looking for information on a sight for a Mauser. (3 replies)
- Scope Mounts & Scopes (2 replies)
- Mauser purchase sources (6 replies)
- Reproductions (0 replies)
- GEW 88's for sale on GB (0 replies)
- Need cleaning rod for venezuelan fn mauser (0 replies)
- Argentine Mauser Question (4 replies)
- New Yugo K98 (2 replies)
- vz24 date of manufacture? (2 replies)
- Mauser Lug Cut (5 replies)
- I know, I know. It's a travesty.. (16 replies)
- Anyone do a Swede M96 scope mount? (3 replies)
- Ammo (8 replies)
- German Mauser Question (4 replies)
- WWII Maser Barrel (2 replies)
- Identifying a Mauser (2 replies)
- WWI Mauser rear sight quesion.............................. (8 replies)
- Spanish Destroyer carbine C & R eliagable? (1 replies)
- Vintage Military Match yesterday at Camp Perry (0 replies)
- 03/38 Turk Mauser ????? (2 replies)
- Mauser KKW .22 (1 replies)
- Interesting bit on my SOG Mauser (7 replies)
- Reproducing Harry Selby's 416 Rigby (111 replies)
- My 1st Mauser (5 replies)
- Installing sight hood on a 98K (10 replies)
- 3 WW German Mausers (12 replies)
- Portraits of German Soldiers during WW1 (13 replies)
- GEW value? (5 replies)
- Buehler Safety on Mauser 98 Sporter Stuck in "Fire" Position (0 replies)
- New Mauser on The Way... (3 replies)
- What Mauser Ammo? (7 replies)
- I D help on a VZ-24 (4 replies)
- Which German Mauser ??? (9 replies)
- Swedish M 41 B sniper rifle and scope (8 replies)
- Where to find 98 Trigger Guards? (5 replies)
- Any Polish Mauser owners? (3 replies)
- FN Mauser ID ? (2 replies)
- Are these GTG? (2 replies)
- school me on large ring 98s. (1 replies)
- Canging rear site on 98? (1 replies)
- G43 cleaning rod? (2 replies)
- SWEDE MAUSER tuned up for Vintage match at Eastern Games and Perry (4 replies)
- Swedish Mauser M96 with bayonet question? HELP (3 replies)
- Flea Market K98 (8 replies)
- Old find (5 replies)
- Two M1916 7mm Spanish Mausers (2 replies)
- Different type of bolt action Mauser style rifle. (3 replies)
- Clocking K98k RC's trigger guard screws?? (7 replies)
- Turkish contract 1918 (8 replies)
- k98 Parts (1 replies)
- Chilean Mauser - Questions (6 replies)
- Late FN Model 98 Military Mauser Carbines; Values? (3 replies)
- RC with blued bore (2 replies)
- Interesting K98k (8 replies)
- Duffle cuts--just for discussion (3 replies)
- 1939 Mod.98 German 8mm Mauser (16 replies)
- Rhineland Mauser (9 replies)
- 1891 Argentine (10 replies)
- Mexican Mauser (6 replies)
- ar 41 with sight base (2 replies)
- Check out this classic ...AHEM...Mauser actioned rifle. (4 replies)
- I believe I have a "bringback" (6 replies)
- Mauser sporter (6 replies)
- 1891 Mauser speculation (12 replies)
- What is this? (6 replies)
- K98 help. (7 replies)
- BYF-43 Stock Marking (3 replies)
- Help identify this stock (5 replies)
- Picked up a new Mauser, might be bringback, curious what it is? (11 replies)
- model 98 used by Military in ceremony honor of attempt to kill hitler (6 replies)
- new to me k98 (3 replies)
- Argentine Mausers (6 replies)
- "Bear" markings on a K98k (1 replies)
- can someone help a rookie? (4 replies)
- Mauser crest (5 replies)
- GEW 98 rear site advice? (4 replies)
- Friend has a sporterized 98... (3 replies)
- Mexican Mauser M 1936 (7 replies)
- Kar 88 (16 replies)
- Antelope and the 9.3X62 (9 replies)
- K98 becoming un-popular? (11 replies)
- Israeli .308 Mausers (10 replies)
- Erma 22 conversion kit (3 replies)
- Norwegian K98 (6 replies)
- diameter of small ring 98 versus wwII version 98 (11 replies)
- Info on Mauser (4 replies)
- m1871 Single Shot (4 replies)
- mauser ser # (21 replies)
- Question on K98k with the Mauser banner on the receiver ring (5 replies)
- Mauser Browning (4 replies)
- Speaking of FN Mausers (0 replies)
- m1871 rifle sling (0 replies)
- A very odd coincidence..? (7 replies)
- Correct sear spring for 1895 Mauser (0 replies)
- Mauser Identification from Photo (6 replies)
- Question about BYF 43 / Experts Out There? (6 replies)
- In need of a K98 Mauser Stock (2 replies)
- Hogue stock experience? (4 replies)
- What are these markings? (2 replies)
- What type of Mauser action is this? (8 replies)
- bad ammo?? (5 replies)
- Falschirmjaeger bandoleers - I need some help! (0 replies)
- K98 Restoration Guy - Anybody Know A Good One? (5 replies)
- sportorizing a yugo mauser (3 replies)
- Mauser collectors in AZ? (4 replies)
- Buying first Mauser 98K (10 replies)
- G/K43 Sling Question (5 replies)
- 7mm spanish mauser (5 replies)
- My small Mauser collection (5 replies)
- Picked up a Mauser 71 and know nothing about it. (6 replies)
- K98 1940 (2 replies)
- Swede 6.5 (3 replies)
- k98 bolt question (5 replies)
- cleaning rods (0 replies)
- My weakness for molested guns got me again (7 replies)
- Site hoods (3 replies)
- Value of muzzle caps? (4 replies)
- Hang tag for Interarms "Mauser Caliber 7mm" (0 replies)
- Buying a Mauser (12 replies)
- New book on K98 (3 replies)
- Erma 98k 22 Conversion kit value (2 replies)
- A Question About 98k Slings ...... (4 replies)
- WW I German vintage Mauser..... (8 replies)
- Mark X rifle question (3 replies)
- Spanish Mauser 1916/1893 in .308 (4 replies)
- Rhineland Arms Mauser conversions (3 replies)
- Mausers captured in Iraq (1 replies)
- Chinese made Mauser (3 replies)
- 1891 Mauser serial numbers. (19 replies)
- Picked Up the 1896 Swedish Mauser..... (24 replies)
- 96 Swede Value (5 replies)
- g33/40 sight hood question (2 replies)
- K98k manufacterer code 27 1939 (8 replies)
- Swedes (5 replies)
- Help with a vintage 98k stock (4 replies)
- Looking for a Swedish Söderin Diopter Sight (2 replies)
- Swedish M 1894 Carbine in 7x57? (6 replies)
- Brno 7x57mm (11 replies)
- K98 Extended Mag ? (6 replies)
- vz 24 from aims (0 replies)
- ooking for a Västeres micrometer sight for Swedish Mauser M96 (1 replies)
- VZ 24 Questions (20 replies)
- Persian Mauser Model 98/29 (0 replies)
- Mauser K94? value (7 replies)
- Impressed with Mauser 96B (2 replies)
- mauser photo (1 replies)
- 1904 Vergueiro (3 replies)
- .43 Mauser Carbine (1 replies)
- Mauser-Werke (4 replies)
- Mauser Conversion (0 replies)
- Nice VZ-24s at AIM (0 replies)
- Ammo for Turk Mausers (8 replies)
- $50.00 sporterized persian carbine (4 replies)
- Looking for a screw for a Czech VZ 24 (1 replies)
- Mauser picked up from German trench in Argonne Campaign of 1918 (11 replies)