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  1. Collectible Mausers ? (11 replies)
  2. Czech VZ24 (1 replies)
  3. Need help with Turkish Mauser frt sight (0 replies)
  4. Brno 22 (6 replies)
  5. Found a Mauser this morning (11 replies)
  6. German K98 from 1918 (8 replies)
  7. F.B Radom barreled action (2 replies)
  8. 8mm German Mauser ammo box id please: (3 replies)
  9. Haenel-Lorenz extractor (1 replies)
  10. Value of Swedish Model 38 Short Rifle (3 replies)
  11. Value of 1891 Argentine Mauser Cavalry carbine? (6 replies)
  12. Unknown parts (1 replies)
  13. Model 71 pics & questions (13 replies)
  14. 98K in CMP Vintage Match - Sling? (3 replies)
  15. 1895 chilean short rifle (2 replies)
  16. A Question for You Mauser Guru's ...... (4 replies)
  17. 1891 Arg enginmeers carbine (8 replies)
  18. a pair of 1952 Belgian ABL Mausers (1 replies)
  19. New 1908 Brazilian Mauser (3 replies)
  20. Persian Vz.24... (6 replies)
  21. Help with a Butchered Bringback 98K (5 replies)
  22. My M1896 showed up today (7 replies)
  23. "Babe in the woods" on Swedish Mausers and need some help (11 replies)
  24. 1896 Swedish Mauser (1917) (2 replies)
  25. Argentine 1909 Mausers (4 replies)
  26. New Swedish M96 (24 replies)
  27. " (4 replies)
  28. Mauser Stock Identification (6 replies)
  29. A $275 RC duv 41 (1 replies)
  30. Mauser oberndorf sporting rifle question (19 replies)
  31. 1954 Israeli ammo for K98 (8 replies)
  32. Need a M98 trigger guard (0 replies)
  33. CG-80? (3 replies)
  34. Just picked this up on Thursday (11 replies)
  35. My pawn shop find (16 replies)
  36. A bit puzzled by the closure of the thread on US training film -- (0 replies)
  37. GEW 98 question.......? (7 replies)
  38. G.33/40 front sight cover (4 replies)
  39. What can you tell me about the 10x57 and 10.5x57 cartridges? (4 replies)
  40. What model Mauser is it? (3 replies)
  41. Mauser K98 Hogue Stock (1 replies)
  42. Info on two Swede M96's needed (4 replies)
  43. Need info help to ID K98....................... (5 replies)
  44. Info on a 1899 Swedish Mauser needed (9 replies)
  45. Mauser Trainer (8 replies)
  46. Ammo for German Mauser (7 replies)
  47. question for the markings on ammo, for argentine mauser (2 replies)
  48. what does provenance have to do with value of a weapon? (20 replies)
  49. Mauser sporter stuff. (5 replies)
  50. small bore center fire Mauser cartridges (1 replies)
  51. 98 feeding problem (7 replies)
  52. 98 Masuer sigth adjustment? (3 replies)
  53. german mauser (4 replies)
  54. Karbiner 98a (7 replies)
  55. Samco Persian Mauser "no blue" refinish (3 replies)
  56. Yugo Mausers? (6 replies)
  57. 1937 Vz24 Help (4 replies)
  58. ? About a byf 43 (7 replies)
  59. Is this a Mauser cover? (4 replies)
  60. Norwegian K98 (12 replies)
  61. In need of tech. advice (3 replies)
  62. what market did the belgian mauser barrels in 3006 serve (7 replies)
  63. "Sanitized" Spanish M43's (6 replies)
  64. So I've got this old gun... (Mauser Mod98k BYF41 all matching) (16 replies)
  65. Stiff FR8 Mauser (7 replies)
  66. German Ammo ID please (2 replies)
  67. '98 bolt interchangable? (1 replies)
  68. Something of interest for the German collectors (0 replies)
  69. Mauser M/71 (8 replies)
  70. K98 Trigger Housing Screws (3 replies)
  71. I have seen it all, for now (6 replies)
  72. Is this sporterized WWII rifle even a Mauser? What do the markings mean, specifically (6 replies)
  73. Bubba'd Argentine mauser (18 replies)
  74. Question on trading a 1909 Arg. Mountain/Engineers carbine (2 replies)
  75. Mauser 98 .22 Conversion (3 replies)
  76. Mitchell to make new mausers?? (18 replies)
  77. Mod. 98 numbers matching (20 replies)
  78. K43 Value?? (4 replies)
  79. Husqvarna M96? . . . . (2 replies)
  80. 1909 Arg carbine (4 replies)
  81. New 1917 Swede Mod 96 (2 replies)
  82. brg marking (2 replies)
  83. Another 6.5x55 swede question (6 replies)
  84. Wolf firing pin spring (2 replies)
  85. Ammo for CZ24 rifle question? (1 replies)
  86. 6.5x55 swede ammo advice (9 replies)
  87. Persian Mauser Bolt (6 replies)
  88. New "1930" Venezuelan mauser (14 replies)
  89. 98K Drill Rifles. Anyone? (6 replies)
  90. Chech VZ24, what to know about it? (5 replies)
  91. Bolt Stop (2 replies)
  92. First Matching Mod 98 (2 replies)
  93. swede stock needed (6 replies)
  94. 7.65 Argentine Mauser (15 replies)
  95. 1895 chilean mauser (5 replies)
  96. Looking for information on a sight for a Mauser. (3 replies)
  97. Scope Mounts & Scopes (2 replies)
  98. Mauser purchase sources (6 replies)
  99. Reproductions (0 replies)
  100. GEW 88's for sale on GB (0 replies)
  101. Need cleaning rod for venezuelan fn mauser (0 replies)
  102. Argentine Mauser Question (4 replies)
  103. New Yugo K98 (2 replies)
  104. vz24 date of manufacture? (2 replies)
  105. Mauser Lug Cut (5 replies)
  106. I know, I know. It's a travesty.. (16 replies)
  107. Anyone do a Swede M96 scope mount? (3 replies)
  108. Ammo (8 replies)
  109. German Mauser Question (4 replies)
  110. WWII Maser Barrel (2 replies)
  111. Identifying a Mauser (2 replies)
  112. WWI Mauser rear sight quesion.............................. (8 replies)
  113. Spanish Destroyer carbine C & R eliagable? (1 replies)
  114. Vintage Military Match yesterday at Camp Perry (0 replies)
  115. 03/38 Turk Mauser ????? (2 replies)
  116. Mauser KKW .22 (1 replies)
  117. Interesting bit on my SOG Mauser (7 replies)
  118. Reproducing Harry Selby's 416 Rigby (111 replies)
  119. My 1st Mauser (5 replies)
  120. Installing sight hood on a 98K (10 replies)
  121. 3 WW German Mausers (12 replies)
  122. Portraits of German Soldiers during WW1 (13 replies)
  123. GEW value? (5 replies)
  124. Buehler Safety on Mauser 98 Sporter Stuck in "Fire" Position (0 replies)
  125. New Mauser on The Way... (3 replies)
  126. What Mauser Ammo? (7 replies)
  127. I D help on a VZ-24 (4 replies)
  128. Which German Mauser ??? (9 replies)
  129. Swedish M 41 B sniper rifle and scope (8 replies)
  130. Where to find 98 Trigger Guards? (5 replies)
  131. Any Polish Mauser owners? (3 replies)
  132. FN Mauser ID ? (2 replies)
  133. Are these GTG? (2 replies)
  134. school me on large ring 98s. (1 replies)
  135. Canging rear site on 98? (1 replies)
  136. G43 cleaning rod? (2 replies)
  137. SWEDE MAUSER tuned up for Vintage match at Eastern Games and Perry (4 replies)
  138. Swedish Mauser M96 with bayonet question? HELP (3 replies)
  139. Flea Market K98 (8 replies)
  140. Old find (5 replies)
  141. Two M1916 7mm Spanish Mausers (2 replies)
  142. Different type of bolt action Mauser style rifle. (3 replies)
  143. Clocking K98k RC's trigger guard screws?? (7 replies)
  144. Turkish contract 1918 (8 replies)
  145. k98 Parts (1 replies)
  146. Chilean Mauser - Questions (6 replies)
  147. Late FN Model 98 Military Mauser Carbines; Values? (3 replies)
  148. RC with blued bore (2 replies)
  149. Interesting K98k (8 replies)
  150. Duffle cuts--just for discussion (3 replies)
  151. 1939 Mod.98 German 8mm Mauser (16 replies)
  152. Rhineland Mauser (9 replies)
  153. 1891 Argentine (10 replies)
  154. Mexican Mauser (6 replies)
  155. ar 41 with sight base (2 replies)
  156. Check out this classic ...AHEM...Mauser actioned rifle. (4 replies)
  157. I believe I have a "bringback" (6 replies)
  158. Mauser sporter (6 replies)
  159. 1891 Mauser speculation (12 replies)
  160. What is this? (6 replies)
  161. K98 help. (7 replies)
  162. BYF-43 Stock Marking (3 replies)
  163. Help identify this stock (5 replies)
  164. Picked up a new Mauser, might be bringback, curious what it is? (11 replies)
  165. model 98 used by Military in ceremony honor of attempt to kill hitler (6 replies)
  166. new to me k98 (3 replies)
  167. Argentine Mausers (6 replies)
  168. "Bear" markings on a K98k (1 replies)
  169. can someone help a rookie? (4 replies)
  170. Mauser crest (5 replies)
  171. GEW 98 rear site advice? (4 replies)
  172. Friend has a sporterized 98... (3 replies)
  173. Mexican Mauser M 1936 (7 replies)
  174. Kar 88 (16 replies)
  175. Antelope and the 9.3X62 (9 replies)
  176. K98 becoming un-popular? (11 replies)
  177. Israeli .308 Mausers (10 replies)
  178. Erma 22 conversion kit (3 replies)
  179. Norwegian K98 (6 replies)
  180. diameter of small ring 98 versus wwII version 98 (11 replies)
  181. Info on Mauser (4 replies)
  182. m1871 Single Shot (4 replies)
  183. mauser ser # (21 replies)
  184. Question on K98k with the Mauser banner on the receiver ring (5 replies)
  185. Mauser Browning (4 replies)
  186. Speaking of FN Mausers (0 replies)
  187. m1871 rifle sling (0 replies)
  188. A very odd coincidence..? (7 replies)
  189. Correct sear spring for 1895 Mauser (0 replies)
  190. Mauser Identification from Photo (6 replies)
  191. Question about BYF 43 / Experts Out There? (6 replies)
  192. In need of a K98 Mauser Stock (2 replies)
  193. Hogue stock experience? (4 replies)
  194. What are these markings? (2 replies)
  195. What type of Mauser action is this? (8 replies)
  196. bad ammo?? (5 replies)
  197. Falschirmjaeger bandoleers - I need some help! (0 replies)
  198. K98 Restoration Guy - Anybody Know A Good One? (5 replies)
  199. sportorizing a yugo mauser (3 replies)
  200. Mauser collectors in AZ? (4 replies)
  201. Buying first Mauser 98K (10 replies)
  202. G/K43 Sling Question (5 replies)
  203. 7mm spanish mauser (5 replies)
  204. My small Mauser collection (5 replies)
  205. Picked up a Mauser 71 and know nothing about it. (6 replies)
  206. K98 1940 (2 replies)
  207. Swede 6.5 (3 replies)
  208. k98 bolt question (5 replies)
  209. cleaning rods (0 replies)
  210. My weakness for molested guns got me again (7 replies)
  211. Site hoods (3 replies)
  212. Value of muzzle caps? (4 replies)
  213. Hang tag for Interarms "Mauser Caliber 7mm" (0 replies)
  214. Buying a Mauser (12 replies)
  215. New book on K98 (3 replies)
  216. Erma 98k 22 Conversion kit value (2 replies)
  217. A Question About 98k Slings ...... (4 replies)
  218. WW I German vintage Mauser..... (8 replies)
  219. Mark X rifle question (3 replies)
  220. Spanish Mauser 1916/1893 in .308 (4 replies)
  221. Rhineland Arms Mauser conversions (3 replies)
  222. Mausers captured in Iraq (1 replies)
  223. Chinese made Mauser (3 replies)
  224. 1891 Mauser serial numbers. (19 replies)
  225. Picked Up the 1896 Swedish Mauser..... (24 replies)
  226. 96 Swede Value (5 replies)
  227. g33/40 sight hood question (2 replies)
  228. K98k manufacterer code 27 1939 (8 replies)
  229. Swedes (5 replies)
  230. Help with a vintage 98k stock (4 replies)
  231. Looking for a Swedish Söderin Diopter Sight (2 replies)
  232. Swedish M 1894 Carbine in 7x57? (6 replies)
  233. Brno 7x57mm (11 replies)
  234. K98 Extended Mag ? (6 replies)
  235. vz 24 from aims (0 replies)
  236. ooking for a Västeres micrometer sight for Swedish Mauser M96 (1 replies)
  237. VZ 24 Questions (20 replies)
  238. Persian Mauser Model 98/29 (0 replies)
  239. Mauser K94? value (7 replies)
  240. Impressed with Mauser 96B (2 replies)
  241. mauser photo (1 replies)
  242. 1904 Vergueiro (3 replies)
  243. .43 Mauser Carbine (1 replies)
  244. Mauser-Werke (4 replies)
  245. Mauser Conversion (0 replies)
  246. Nice VZ-24s at AIM (0 replies)
  247. Ammo for Turk Mausers (8 replies)
  248. $50.00 sporterized persian carbine (4 replies)
  249. Looking for a screw for a Czech VZ 24 (1 replies)
  250. Mauser picked up from German trench in Argonne Campaign of 1918 (11 replies)