- Huh?
- Flea Market Find
- Another great one, I think
- Not a military knife blade
- Looking for M5-1,M5A1 grip screws??
- My 1917 knuckle knife
- RIA 1907 US bayonet, SN 81946
- quarterbore
- Bayonet for a Bushmaster
- Yard sale find and advice..............
- M-1905 bayonet rawhide scabbard question from a newbe
- M1 Bayonet questions
- Dented scabbard repair
- Bayonet & knife values??
- I didn't know they made one like this
- Unknown US M4 Carbine bayonet ......value???
- M3 PAL Fighting Knife parts
- Repair of a M8 Scabbard Using JB Weld
- which bayonets are interchangeable with which rifles?
- Mystery M1 Bayonet
- Which scabbards fit the WWI Mark 1 Trench knife?
- Imperial German M1898/05 Bayonet Question
- Posible USMC RIA M1905 with M1910 scabbard?
- M1905 Springfield Bayonet with M1910 Scabbard possible USMC connection.
- A recent find...
- Pig sticker problem
- Wtb usmc 2000 bayonet
- WW I bolo knife question.
- Old needle bayonet question
- M4 Bayonet With Unmarked Guard
- Randall
- Question. 1842 French Yatagan style bayonet. What gun does it fit??
- More Kabars
- Frog attachment?
- Unusual M16 bayonet
- USN M1917 Cutlass wrist strap?
- Knife ID
- P1913/M1917 Bayonet
- Metal staines.
- Speaking of knuckle knives
- Another LF&C
- What kind of knife is this?
- What do you do when you have them all?
- Valuing an Aussy bayonet?
- 1917 Winchester help
- 1905 bayonet parts
- bowie bayonets
- WTS Randall #16 Dive/Survival Knife. MINT! Must have for your kit/collection $565.00
- 1896 Krag bayonet
- Almost perfect
- USMC KBAR by Camillus Question
- ID an old CASE fixed blade "survuval" knife?
- Camillus M3 Blade Marked Repros 1990 Mfg.
- Need help ID'ing German bayonet ot dagger??.......................
- M4 Bayonet markings
- 1873 trapdoor scabbard value
- 1891 argentine mauser bayonet variations,....why?
- Wwii ka-bar
- M1887 Hospital Corps Knife
- Japanese Diamond 60 makers mark?
- Help: M4 bayo catches seized/frozen in place
- Ulster TL-29 marked CRAFTSMAN on blade and TL-29
- Did you carry a sheath knife in combat 1941-1979
- Link for info on a PAL c35 USN Mk I knife?
- Are they crazy? M4 bayo question
- Bayonet, SA 1918, serial number 889799. complete with scabbert.
- What they be..keepers or sellers? M-1/O3 bayonets..
- Had to edit...bayonet thingee..
- Fair Offer
- Need a guru
- 2 knives, are they worth keeping?
- Remington Rolling Block bayonets
- How major or minor are the "adjustments" required on IMA repros?
- custom ww2 trench knife...
- Markings Question
- Need information on bayonet.
- Need information on bayonet.
- Junk store U. S. bayonet find
- K-Bar hunting knives
- World War II Brass Knuckles?
- WTB: SA 1905 bayonet catch
- Which to keep?
- Strange US Web Scabbard ID HELP
- WWII Navy bronze Blade Deep Sea Diver's Knife Imfo?
- Best Publications for Info on WWII USN or USMC Knives
- USMC machete?
- So a friend asked me to look for a 16" Garand Bayonet for him...
- Old All Steel Bayonet Identification
- Help with a M1917 Trench knife
- Many U S Fighting Knives For Sale.
- Ames 1861 Navy cutlass scabbard reproduction?
- Machete Scabbard Value
- Fuji moment with blades.
- repro ? scabbard
- Nazi Dagger value
- Nice find...?
- Need info on Camillus USMC Mark 2 "fighting knife"
- Nazi dagger help
- Wooohooooo!!
- Opinions needed
- I need some advice from those who actively collect bayonets
- Rare USMC Kabar pick-up
- Czech bayo
- Scabbard M8 to Scabbard M8A1
- Persian Mauser bayonet source?
- m9 bayonet hangers
- My Bayonets
- Enfield No5 Mk1 bayonet
- Greenish M1 UFH
- What I got?
- some m3s.
- Machete/ Bolo Knife
- Sad find at a pawn shop
- No.5
- M1 Bayonet Replacement Parts?
- KaBar
- bayonets
- Civil War Cavalry Officer saber.
- Whare can I find original Springfield bayonet??
- Anderson "Patton" sword knife on The Rifleman..
- Bolo knife question
- okc 3s bayonet
- 5th Marines Raider Knife
- pre WW1 1905 bayonet
- M3 militart knife
- Pattern 1907 hooked quillon bayonet
- What can you tell me?
- 1903 rod bayonet
- U.S.M.C. flat point bolo/knife
- Hardhat divers knives
- Divers blades
- Bent/sprung bayonet blades
- ww1 mauser saw back bayo
- M2 US Navy Kabar with sheath
- M 1905 bayonet value
- Spanish bayonet
- M1906 Saber question
- New US Bayonet Book
- 1911 RIA Bayonet
- Unknown marking
- Marine corp raiders stillehto.
- M16/M4 bayonet
- I have a---
- Can a M1905 bright blade be restored from Greek park?
- Weird Marked Japanese Navy? Bayonet
- Just an Impressive weapon!
- us navy RH-37 pal
- Help me date this Randall please
- Bayonet ID help
- Wilde tools & 4 digit SA.
- unknown bayonet
- Do these swords have any value.
- Not USGI But Kind of Nice...
- Cleaning/Refurbishing Bayonets
- You never know what's on eBay.
- Strangely marked M7 bayonet scabbard
- Help with bayonet value please!! (must act quickly)
- Need Information On M9
- Bringing a knife to a knife fight.
- Can you date my SA bayonet?
- Bayonet and sheath that came with Ross Rifle I posted earlier Pics
- yard sale find
- Ross Rifle Bayonet value
- A few fighting knives
- Bayonet Maker
- M1905E1 Bayonet Question
- Refurbished M1905 Bayonets
- First M4 bayonets
- Lee Enfield Bayonets
- Wooden handle M4 bayonet
- Musket bayonet
- Trapdoor bayonet
- M1917 Bayonets
- Krag 1900 Bowie pics for your enjoyment
- What is your edc knife?
- some time ago--
- Photos of my Bayonets and Scabbards
- Silent Partner
- HELP P1913 bayonet
- Bayonets are excellent photo subjects.
- New book on M1917 bayonets?
- 1941 Johnson Bayonet
- Really old bayonet
- Auction treasures
- Capture screw help
- Another day.........
- Some U.S. Bayonets
- Weley Bayonet
- bayonet
- A few Wilde Tool.
- ww1 and period bayonets
- How about this 42 WT
- WTB M1887 hospital corps knife in need of a sheath
- Krag Bowie Bayonet
- dating garand bayonets
- Rock Island Bayonet display basic casting to complete
- Naked 17s
- Model 1905 bayonet
- How about these!
- British Pattern 1903 markings
- Kinfolk M3 knife
- Pattern 1907 hooked Quillan bayonet
- Springfield m1909 bolos'
- Collins bolo info request
- Collins bolo info request
- A few holes yet to fill
- Indian I.P. bayonet
- Short artillery sword?
- SA M1909 bolos wanted
- Need help identifying large lot of WWII / later bayonets
- USMC Machete sheath and canteen cover
- Bought a kabar today that I know nothing about...please help
- Early Red Spacer Ka-Bar
- Next Comprehensive Book on M1905 Bayonets...
- M1905 Bayonet
- Pattern 1907 hooked quillion for sale from Joe Salter $1995.00
- Identify a bayonet
- M9 bayonet question
- Is this M4 bayonet USGI issue or a reproduction?
- M1905 bayonet
- GI knives
- Fighting Knives Book Question
- Who made this M7 bayonet?
- Bucket O Bayonets
- Two from my pile of old steel
- Enfield Hookies!
- LC-14-B fighting knife
- Found these...........
- Pharoah TUT's burial knife
- Pharoah TUT's burial knife
- 16 inch 1912 bayonet
- 16 inch 1912 bayonet
- duplicate posts
- Sweet Pat '07 Lithgow, partner for the Lithy SMLE
- M1917 bayonet dated 1918