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Pages : 1 [2]

  1. Huh?
  2. Flea Market Find
  3. Another great one, I think
  4. Not a military knife blade
  5. Looking for M5-1,M5A1 grip screws??
  6. My 1917 knuckle knife
  7. RIA 1907 US bayonet, SN 81946
  8. quarterbore
  9. Bayonet for a Bushmaster
  10. Yard sale find and advice..............
  11. M-1905 bayonet rawhide scabbard question from a newbe
  12. M1 Bayonet questions
  13. Dented scabbard repair
  14. Bayonet & knife values??
  15. I didn't know they made one like this
  16. Unknown US M4 Carbine bayonet ......value???
  17. M3 PAL Fighting Knife parts
  18. Repair of a M8 Scabbard Using JB Weld
  19. which bayonets are interchangeable with which rifles?
  20. Mystery M1 Bayonet
  21. Which scabbards fit the WWI Mark 1 Trench knife?
  22. Imperial German M1898/05 Bayonet Question
  23. Posible USMC RIA M1905 with M1910 scabbard?
  24. M1905 Springfield Bayonet with M1910 Scabbard possible USMC connection.
  25. A recent find...
  26. Pig sticker problem
  27. Wtb usmc 2000 bayonet
  28. WW I bolo knife question.
  29. Old needle bayonet question
  30. M4 Bayonet With Unmarked Guard
  31. Randall
  32. Question. 1842 French Yatagan style bayonet. What gun does it fit??
  33. More Kabars
  34. Frog attachment?
  35. Unusual M16 bayonet
  36. USN M1917 Cutlass wrist strap?
  37. Knife ID
  38. P1913/M1917 Bayonet
  39. Metal staines.
  40. Speaking of knuckle knives
  41. Another LF&C
  42. What kind of knife is this?
  43. What do you do when you have them all?
  44. Valuing an Aussy bayonet?
  45. 1917 Winchester help
  46. 1905 bayonet parts
  47. bowie bayonets
  48. WTS Randall #16 Dive/Survival Knife. MINT! Must have for your kit/collection $565.00
  49. 1896 Krag bayonet
  50. Almost perfect
  51. USMC KBAR by Camillus Question
  52. ID an old CASE fixed blade "survuval" knife?
  53. Camillus M3 Blade Marked Repros 1990 Mfg.
  54. Need help ID'ing German bayonet ot dagger??.......................
  55. M4 Bayonet markings
  56. 1873 trapdoor scabbard value
  57. 1891 argentine mauser bayonet variations,....why?
  58. Wwii ka-bar
  59. M1887 Hospital Corps Knife
  60. Japanese Diamond 60 makers mark?
  61. Help: M4 bayo catches seized/frozen in place
  62. Ulster TL-29 marked CRAFTSMAN on blade and TL-29
  63. Did you carry a sheath knife in combat 1941-1979
  64. Link for info on a PAL c35 USN Mk I knife?
  65. Are they crazy? M4 bayo question
  66. Bayonet, SA 1918, serial number 889799. complete with scabbert.
  67. What they be..keepers or sellers? M-1/O3 bayonets..
  68. Had to edit...bayonet thingee..
  69. Fair Offer
  70. Need a guru
  71. 2 knives, are they worth keeping?
  72. Remington Rolling Block bayonets
  73. How major or minor are the "adjustments" required on IMA repros?
  74. custom ww2 trench knife...
  75. Markings Question
  76. Need information on bayonet.
  77. Need information on bayonet.
  78. Junk store U. S. bayonet find
  79. K-Bar hunting knives
  80. World War II Brass Knuckles?
  81. WTB: SA 1905 bayonet catch
  82. Which to keep?
  83. Strange US Web Scabbard ID HELP
  84. WWII Navy bronze Blade Deep Sea Diver's Knife Imfo?
  85. Best Publications for Info on WWII USN or USMC Knives
  86. USMC machete?
  87. So a friend asked me to look for a 16" Garand Bayonet for him...
  88. Old All Steel Bayonet Identification
  89. Help with a M1917 Trench knife
  90. Many U S Fighting Knives For Sale.
  91. Ames 1861 Navy cutlass scabbard reproduction?
  92. Machete Scabbard Value
  93. Fuji moment with blades.
  94. repro ? scabbard
  95. Nazi Dagger value
  96. Nice find...?
  97. Need info on Camillus USMC Mark 2 "fighting knife"
  98. Nazi dagger help
  99. Wooohooooo!!
  100. Opinions needed
  101. I need some advice from those who actively collect bayonets
  102. Rare USMC Kabar pick-up
  103. Czech bayo
  104. Scabbard M8 to Scabbard M8A1
  105. Persian Mauser bayonet source?
  106. m9 bayonet hangers
  107. My Bayonets
  108. Enfield No5 Mk1 bayonet
  109. Greenish M1 UFH
  110. What I got?
  111. some m3s.
  112. Machete/ Bolo Knife
  113. Sad find at a pawn shop
  114. No.5
  115. M1 Bayonet Replacement Parts?
  116. KaBar
  117. bayonets
  118. Civil War Cavalry Officer saber.
  119. Whare can I find original Springfield bayonet??
  120. Anderson "Patton" sword knife on The Rifleman..
  121. Bolo knife question
  122. okc 3s bayonet
  123. 5th Marines Raider Knife
  124. pre WW1 1905 bayonet
  125. M3 militart knife
  126. Pattern 1907 hooked quillon bayonet
  127. What can you tell me?
  128. 1903 rod bayonet
  129. U.S.M.C. flat point bolo/knife
  130. Hardhat divers knives
  131. Divers blades
  132. Bent/sprung bayonet blades
  133. ww1 mauser saw back bayo
  134. M2 US Navy Kabar with sheath
  135. M 1905 bayonet value
  136. Spanish bayonet
  137. M1906 Saber question
  138. New US Bayonet Book
  139. 1911 RIA Bayonet
  140. Unknown marking
  141. Marine corp raiders stillehto.
  142. M16/M4 bayonet
  143. I have a---
  144. Can a M1905 bright blade be restored from Greek park?
  145. Weird Marked Japanese Navy? Bayonet
  146. Just an Impressive weapon!
  147. us navy RH-37 pal
  148. Help me date this Randall please
  149. Bayonet ID help
  150. Wilde tools & 4 digit SA.
  151. unknown bayonet
  152. Do these swords have any value.
  153. Not USGI But Kind of Nice...
  154. Cleaning/Refurbishing Bayonets
  155. You never know what's on eBay.
  156. Strangely marked M7 bayonet scabbard
  157. Help with bayonet value please!! (must act quickly)
  158. Need Information On M9
  159. Bringing a knife to a knife fight.
  160. Can you date my SA bayonet?
  161. Bayonet and sheath that came with Ross Rifle I posted earlier Pics
  162. yard sale find
  163. Ross Rifle Bayonet value
  164. A few fighting knives
  165. Bayonet Maker
  166. M1905E1 Bayonet Question
  167. Refurbished M1905 Bayonets
  168. First M4 bayonets
  169. Lee Enfield Bayonets
  170. Wooden handle M4 bayonet
  171. Musket bayonet
  172. Trapdoor bayonet
  173. M1917 Bayonets
  174. Krag 1900 Bowie pics for your enjoyment
  175. What is your edc knife?
  176. some time ago--
  177. Photos of my Bayonets and Scabbards
  178. Silent Partner
  179. HELP P1913 bayonet
  180. Bayonets are excellent photo subjects.
  181. New book on M1917 bayonets?
  182. 1941 Johnson Bayonet
  183. Really old bayonet
  184. Auction treasures
  185. Capture screw help
  186. Another day.........
  187. Some U.S. Bayonets
  188. Weley Bayonet
  189. bayonet
  190. A few Wilde Tool.
  191. ww1 and period bayonets
  192. How about this 42 WT
  193. WTB M1887 hospital corps knife in need of a sheath
  194. Krag Bowie Bayonet
  195. dating garand bayonets
  196. Rock Island Bayonet display basic casting to complete
  197. Naked 17s
  198. Model 1905 bayonet
  199. How about these!
  200. British Pattern 1903 markings
  201. Kinfolk M3 knife
  202. Pattern 1907 hooked Quillan bayonet
  203. Springfield m1909 bolos'
  204. Collins bolo info request
  205. Collins bolo info request
  206. A few holes yet to fill
  207. Indian I.P. bayonet
  208. Short artillery sword?
  209. SA M1909 bolos wanted
  210. Need help identifying large lot of WWII / later bayonets
  211. USMC Machete sheath and canteen cover
  212. Bought a kabar today that I know nothing about...please help
  213. Early Red Spacer Ka-Bar
  214. Next Comprehensive Book on M1905 Bayonets...
  215. M1905 Bayonet
  216. Pattern 1907 hooked quillion for sale from Joe Salter $1995.00
  217. Identify a bayonet
  218. M9 bayonet question
  219. Is this M4 bayonet USGI issue or a reproduction?
  220. M1905 bayonet
  221. GI knives
  222. Fighting Knives Book Question
  223. Who made this M7 bayonet?
  224. Bucket O Bayonets
  225. Two from my pile of old steel
  226. Enfield Hookies!
  227. LC-14-B fighting knife
  228. Found these...........
  229. Pharoah TUT's burial knife
  230. Pharoah TUT's burial knife
  231. 16 inch 1912 bayonet
  232. 16 inch 1912 bayonet
  233. duplicate posts
  234. Sweet Pat '07 Lithgow, partner for the Lithy SMLE
  235. M1917 bayonet dated 1918