View Full Version : For Sale/Wanted
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- F/S Vintage Tan 1964 Property of The US PO Dept. snubby holster (0 replies)
- WTS...Military rifle collection..M1882 Remington-Lee Army Trials rifle (21 replies)
- WANTED: 1980s Colt M16A2 handguards in South Carolina (5 replies)
- WTS Rifle collection for sale (3 replies)
- F/S Handgunners Guide, First Edition by Chick Gaylord (0 replies)
- F/S NOS Herretts Checkered Walnut Colt DS Shooting Star Grips (0 replies)
- WTS: US Model 1917 (4 replies)
- WTS: M1 Garand SA 1943 (0 replies)
- WTS: Collector grade M1 Garand, SA 1945 (0 replies)
- WTS: 9-42 SA M1 barrel (0 replies)
- Kerr slings f/s (2 replies)
- F/S NOS Herretts checkered walnut Colt DS Shooting Star Grips (0 replies)
- WTS: Minty model 1903 Springfield 1920 (2 replies)
- WTB: Rockola M1 Carbine Barrel (0 replies)
- For sale: Very nice M1a1 carbine (8 replies)
- wtb 1903 a4 receiver (0 replies)
- WTB Norwegian Krag M-1897 Carbine Parts (0 replies)
- F/S Vietnam War Era pilot / Flight crew revolver shoulder holster (0 replies)
- 30.06 AP Bullets (50) - Last Batch (0 replies)
- WTS: CMP/HXP 30-06 Ammo in clips & bandoleers (1 replies)
- WTS: Brophy's 1903 Springfield book (4 replies)
- WTS: Korean Era Garand Bandolier (0 replies)
- WTS HK 91 .22 conversion kit (0 replies)
- WTB: No.4Mk2 Enfield forend (5 replies)
- F/S Early HRA Garand Stock (1 replies)
- Winchester Model 12 Parts For Sale. (0 replies)
- WTB 1903 rear sight slide #8 or 9 (0 replies)
- WTB - Belgium Made Browning A5 20 Gauge Magnum (0 replies)
- For Sale: Romanian PSL (2 replies)
- WTS 1911 parts (0 replies)
- WTS: 1903 Springfield (0 replies)
- WTS Minty low 3-digit Devine Texas Springfield M1a (7 replies)
- WTS: RtL's November Book Sale - REDUCED with new titles added! (0 replies)
- WTS Colt 1911a1 US Army Pistol. WB inspected (2 replies)
- WTB; Clean Phrobis M9 bayonet w/scabbard (0 replies)
- NRA 1915 1903 rifle with gauge card for sale (3 replies)
- WTB Pedersoli 12, ga SS Shotgun (1 replies)
- F/S Tan Brauer 1930's-40's style Plug Toe 1911 Auto SH (0 replies)
- WTB: 1903A4 receiver, parts, etc. (0 replies)
- Springfield M1 Garand (3 replies)
- WTB: EDMF M9 bayonet grip (0 replies)
- F/S Vintage USAF style Aircrewman revolver SH (0 replies)
- WTB: PB marked Garand parts (5 replies)
- WTS: Rem 870 top folding stock NOS $160 shipped (0 replies)
- F/S Vintage Tan Buchiemer " Detective "Colt Pocket 32 / 380 holster (0 replies)
- F/S Vintage Righthand Tan Brauer Bros 1930's style Colt Pocket Auto Shoulder holste (0 replies)
- Custom FN-49 (Venezuelan) scope mount (0 replies)
- WTS: M1 Carbine, Garand, and various other parts and accessories (1 replies)
- F/S Vintage Tan 1964 US PO Dept. Snubby holster (0 replies)
- WTS: Beautiful very late Remington M1903 - relisted (0 replies)
- WTB: Savage Model 6a Rifle Wood Stock (1 replies)
- WTB Carcano 91/24 Stock (0 replies)
- Looking for Rockola M1 Carbine Barrel.... (10 replies)
- WTB Russian M44 bayonet lock ring collar (0 replies)
- 1917 Remington Bayonet With Mills Green Scabbard MINT CONDITION (1 replies)
- FS: Beautiful Last Ditch Type 99 Arisaka w/perfect Mum, A+ bore..$439 (0 replies)
- WTS Springfield Armory M1A Loaded (0 replies)
- WTS: Original 1906/08 M1903 (2 replies)
- old magazines for sale (0 replies)
- F/s Vintage Fitz Checkered K frame bullseye target grips (0 replies)
- M65 and MC 58 manuals (0 replies)
- WTB: Creedmoor Big Blue (0 replies)
- Misc. items F/S all US issue (2 replies)
- F/S Vintage German WW2 style PPK Shoulder Holster (0 replies)
- F/S WW2 Tan US Navy Style Flap revolver Holster (0 replies)
- Colt Lawman MKIII 2" .357 (7 replies)
- Need Springfield Trapdoor rear sight........ (1 replies)
- F/S Cold War Era USAF M13 Revolver Flap Holster, Buy a piece of Cold War history (0 replies)
- WTS: Rock Island M1903 (2 replies)
- F/S Vintage tan Brauer Bros, righty n frame SH (0 replies)
- WTS 1903a4 Stock and Matching Handguard (0 replies)
- WTB: M14/M1A in South Carolina (17 replies)
- F/S First Generation tan US Air force M13 Aircrewman Snubnose revolver (0 replies)
- Wtb 2 sets of allen machine screws for m1d scope mount original (2 replies)
- F/S Righty Viet Nam Era Pilot / Flight Crew revolver SH (0 replies)
- F/S Vietnam War Era pilot / Flight crew revolver SH (0 replies)
- Closing business (6 replies)
- WTB (5 replies)
- U.S. WW2 Remington-Rand 1911A1 .45 auto pistol, all original, made 1944 $1,500 + ship (1 replies)
- WTB parts needed for Winchester 54 Bolt action (3 replies)
- WTS: Saginaw S'G' M1 Carbine (0 replies)
- FS, Krag School rifle, problems? (0 replies)
- WTB 30 Mauser Brass WRA/ REM-UMC (0 replies)
- Stevens Pope 22cal ammunition (2 replies)
- For Sale Gortz-Sturgess books (0 replies)
- Gun collections for sale (0 replies)
- WTS M1903 rear sight. (0 replies)
- Jap 99 Mag $1000 (1 replies)
- F/S Tan Left Hand Bianchi 3S IIWB 1911 auto holster (0 replies)
- WTS: PPK magazines (1 replies)
- WTS/ M4 KI with USM8A1 (0 replies)
- School gun additional photos.... (0 replies)
- F/S Vintage Service MFG. Co. Military or Police Flap holster (0 replies)
- Selling special Krag Carbine. (10 replies)
- WTS: CMP/HXP 30-06 Ammo in clips (0 replies)
- WTS: Type 2 Underwood M1 Carbine Bolt - Stripped (0 replies)
- WTS 11-62 cheek pad. USGI (0 replies)
- WTS - Shoulder Holsters (0 replies)
- WtS - m1907 slings (0 replies)
- WTS: 3 WWII M1 Carbine Canvas covers/cases, great shape (1 replies)
- F/S Sig P220 (0 replies)
- For Sale-Clawson's Big Book (3 replies)
- Wtb m1 garand op rod straightness gage (0 replies)
- WTB: USGI M1 Carbine round bolt and adjustable rear sight assembly (0 replies)
- Vietnam bring-back Chinese Type 56 SKS rifle (2 replies)
- WTB: Bolt Stop for S/42G K98k Mauser Rifle (0 replies)
- wts WW2 Japanese Officers Dress Uniform 100% authentic (1 replies)
- F/S Sixguns By Keith, " The Standard Reference Work" (0 replies)
- F/S WW2 Tan US Navy Style revolver Flap Holster (0 replies)
- For Sale: M1 Carbine Top Hand Guards. (1 replies)
- WTS: Collapsible stock and metal handguard for the M1 Carbine (1 replies)
- WTS Matching Enfield No4 Mk2 and Henry 30-30 (0 replies)
- WTS: CM marked WRA Trigger Housing (1 replies)
- RtL's Book Sale - ALL prices reduced! (0 replies)
- WTB., WW2 USMC camo helmet cover (0 replies)
- WTB., WW2 USMC camp helmet cover (0 replies)
- WTS Quality Hardware M1 Carbine High Wood Stock (2 replies)
- WTT, I Need a trapdoor rear sight and screws, have Krag sight to trade? (2 replies)
- WTS: RtL's May Book Sale! (0 replies)
- Cutaway Trainers 1919, BAR, M2, Garand, Carbine, 1911, WANTED (5 replies)
- WTS:WWII Mauser 98k, Low number springfield 1903 , And a few others!! (5 replies)
- FS: Early Walnut Original Inland Highwood "I" cut stock set ...... (3 replies)
- WTB 1870 cleaning rod (0 replies)
- WTB: PTR-100 GI in South Carolina (14 replies)
- WTS: 12 ga. 24" rifled 2 3/4 shell slug barrel for (0 replies)
- wtb an/pvs2 night scope (1 replies)
- WTB Reising 50-55-60 parts (1 replies)
- USGI M1 Carbine Four Rivet Handguard (2 replies)
- WTB rear sight 1896 Krag carbine (0 replies)
- Wtb gas trap parts (0 replies)
- 1916 Mauser (1 replies)
- WTS M1 Carbine Parts (3 replies)
- Fs: Wwi british webley mark v .455 cal ...... (1 replies)
- FS: Early Walnut Inland Highwood "I" cut stock set ...... (2 replies)
- wtb used m16 bolt carrier group (0 replies)
- F/S Viet Nam War Era US Army / US Marine Corp. Helicopter SH (2 replies)
- FS/ M1 Carbine W recoil plate (0 replies)
- M4 Bayonet by KI (1 replies)
- WTS: Winchester M1200 shotgun GI bolts (0 replies)
- Sporterized WW1 U.S. Model 1917 Eddystone (Remington) "US Enfield" .30-06 rifle $320 (5 replies)
- for sale Uroarms replica .577 rifled musket and..stuff (1 replies)
- wtb Hopkins and Allen revolver convertion cylinder and barrel (0 replies)
- Wtb: Looking for a springfield m1 receiver ....... (0 replies)
- for sale Enfield Pattern 14 front volley dial plate (0 replies)
- Garand early parts (0 replies)
- For Sale M1903A3 parts and 1903 rear sight leafs (1 replies)
- Carcano 7.35 (0 replies)
- NOS....Central Powers Pistols (0 replies)
- WTB: M1 Carbine Type 1 Swivel and Screw (0 replies)
- WTB or trade M1903 barreled reciever or sporterized m1903 or 1903 with cracked stock (0 replies)
- Books - Various Cleector Reference Books - All Like New! (1 replies)
- WTS/ M1 Garand Winter Trigger - NOS (0 replies)
- F/S Vietnam War Era pilot / flightcrew Revolver SH (0 replies)
- F/S Cold War Era M13 Aircrewman United States Air Force snubnose flap holster (0 replies)
- WTB Mauser FN straight handle bolt (0 replies)
- wtb 1933 Izhevsk 91/30 rifle (0 replies)
- WTB/:M1 Garand upper and lower Beech hand guards (1 replies)
- WTS Russian M44 and British Enfield No4 Mk2 (0 replies)
- WTB: 1911 barrel (1 replies)
- WTS Auto Ordnance M1 Carbine Paratrooper with EXTRAS (0 replies)
- Thompson 1928 parts (0 replies)
- firearm related maybe, gun cabinet? FREE (2 replies)
- wtb: Israeli 98K (0 replies)
- WTS - M1907 Slings (0 replies)
- WTS - Shoulder Holsters (0 replies)
- WtS - M1907 slings (0 replies)
- WTB m91/30 Izhevsk barrel 1933 dtated (0 replies)
- wtb Spanish civil war related Mosan Nagant stock and Handguard (0 replies)
- Mauser stocks by Bubba (0 replies)
- WTS: RtL's January Book Sale! EVERYTHING REDUCED! (0 replies)
- wtb Japanese type 38 parts (0 replies)
- Fajyn thumb hole stock for a M1 Carbine (0 replies)
- WTS: RtL's January Book Sale! (0 replies)
- wtb cheap 193A3 sporter stock (0 replies)
- Wts original vintage model 1907 sling (0 replies)
- Wts colt comercial 1911 upper slice (0 replies)
- WTB Retro M16 parts (1 replies)
- WTB M73B1 Scope (1 replies)
- Three WW II M1911A1 Magazines for sale (2 replies)
- WTB-Complete Hand Stop, swivel and screw Mossberg 144 US (0 replies)
- WTB: "right" 1911a1 grip panels (0 replies)
- 03a4 bolt wanted (1 replies)
- WTS USGI Irwin Pedersen M1carbine (3 replies)
- F/S Vintage Tan WW2 Navy Style Flap Victory revolver Holster (0 replies)
- WTS Thompson SMG Mags (0 replies)
- F/S Vintage Basket Weave Safariland 1911 Auto Holster (0 replies)
- WTS: M1 Rifle Front/Rear Handguard set ....... (1 replies)
- Collector Books for 1911, Garand & M1 Carbine (0 replies)
- WTS: SA 9-42 barrel (1 replies)
- WTS carbine club news letters (0 replies)
- wtb 10.5" skinny/pencil barrel for 5.56 AR, 1 in 9" twist only. (0 replies)
- WTT early M16 butt stock without butt trap very good to excellent (0 replies)
- Wts - m1907 slings (2 replies)
- WTS - Shoulder Holsters (0 replies)
- large G marked 45 acp barrel (0 replies)
- WTB reamer and headspace gages (0 replies)
- looking for a late 56 SA barrel (0 replies)
- WTB: WWII Colt Large G 1911 Barrel (2 replies)
- WTS: M84 scopes (0 replies)
- WTT-ww2 "US" Winchester m97 riot (2 replies)
- WTB Holster Model 1909 Colt Pistol (0 replies)
- F/S Desert Storm / Afghanistan Military Issue Adirondack Tan Leather M/9 Shoulder (2 replies)
- WTB 1891 Argentine sporter stock (2 replies)
- Lyman spire-point 357 bullet mold 358093 125g (0 replies)
- WTS Reconditioned USGI Butt Plates (0 replies)
- WTS - M1907 slings for sale (0 replies)
- WTB/T: M1 Carbine barrels that are totally used up but have a decent gas cyl. (0 replies)
- WTB., 1909 bolo w/scabbard (0 replies)
- WTB/WTT Dillon Square Deal B cartridge conversions (3 replies)
- F/S Colt M1911A1 (2 replies)
- Fo sale Thompson stock set (0 replies)
- For sale Kerr no buckle sling (0 replies)
- For sale M16 bi pod (0 replies)
- For sale WW2 1945 machete w/scabbard (0 replies)
- For sale Thompson SMG stuff (1 replies)
- WTS - Shoulder Holsters (0 replies)
- WTB AR15A1 Butt stock with butt trap (0 replies)
- F/S Vietnam War Era pilot / flight crew revolver SH (0 replies)
- WTS: 1912 Sqquad Kit WWII (1 replies)
- RtL's Book Sale!! - REDUCED!! (0 replies)
- WTS: 2 Remington 1903A3 triggers (0 replies)
- F/S Desert Storm War Era US M7/ M9 Shoulder Holster (2 replies)
- WTS Carbine Case (1 replies)
- WTS: MC52 Mount and rings (0 replies)
- FS Vintage S&W Made Vertical Colt Commander Shoulder Holster (0 replies)
- WTS NOS Vietnam War Era pilot / flightcrew revolver shoulder holster (0 replies)
- For Sale - M1907 Slings (2 replies)
- WTB Inglis Hipower magazines (0 replies)
- WTS Remington 1903 rear sight leaf and base. (0 replies)
- WTS Lake City Garand ammo '66 (0 replies)
- WTS1917 bayonet with early scabbard (0 replies)
- For Sale: Model 1903 rear sights (1 replies)
- F/S Vintage Herretts 1911 auto Checkered Walnut Shooting Star Grips (0 replies)
- WTS Remington Model 1902 Rolling Block stock (1 replies)
- M1 Carbine 30 rd Mags, "Hardback", Marked SEY, BRAND NEW in Original Wrap (0 replies)
- U.S. military M1 Garand & Carbine stock sets, carbine handguards (4 replies)
- WTT/WTB S&W Model 27 ANIB (0 replies)
- WTS: USMC 1903 Rifle, ID’d to China Marine (1 replies)
- WTS Winchester M1 Carbine. non import, nice. (5 replies)
- M1 Carbine Underwood 12/43 (0 replies)
- WTS: 1903A4 mount (0 replies)
- WTS: Ithaca 37 Riot 1968 $600 shipped (0 replies)
- 1918 BAR Cutaway Training Rifle Parts or Drawings Needed (3 replies)
- UH-1 Huey troop seat for sale (2 replies)
- Looking for Remington 1903 parts (2 replies)
- Shoulder holsters for sale (0 replies)
- M1907 slings for sale (0 replies)
- F/S Desert Storm War Era US M7/ M9 Shoulder Holster (0 replies)
- WTS: 1903 rear swivels and screws (0 replies)
- WTS: Rem 870 Military butt stock in wrapper $90 shipped (0 replies)
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