View Full Version : M1 Garand/M14/M1A
- Receivers for Winter project arrived this afternoon.
- Choosing parts for T44E4s 11061 and 11062
- TRW/Bula/James River
- pre WW2 Springfield M1 rifles
- The meaning of is = I.S. today.
- I love puzzles
- Christmas colors in the M14.
- M1C from the TMP store
- Rock-Ola #146 decisions.
- Lyman, where are
- Rock-Ola # 145 function fired today.
- Unpacking new receivers for 2020 builds
- New Years day builds
- M1A buyer alert
- Contortionist Marine I’m sitting, Subic Bay, 2975
- M-1 Video
- Batch of sight covers today. 1/30/20
- M14BR SA usgi/bula build
- early M14 op rod
- early solid butt plates
- SA 5.4 Mil Value
- A new M14 is born.
- Decisions, decisions?
- Any other Rogue users aboard?
- Pulling parts for next build Bula Defense Systems M21 DMR.
- early Winchester Garand DOB
- Picked up a couple of RWB op rods.
- 2 of 13 receivers left to assemble into M14s
- Boresighting new M14.
- T44 stubby
- Laser engraved M14 Operating rod.
- Long post.. M14M and/or M14NM
- Simple bolt assembly and dissassembly tool.
- M14 receivers for Spring projects.
- Bula Defense Systems back in production.
- Musical M1 Garand's
- Recovered M14 drill bolts
- M14 muzzle devices.
- Using time at home to improve M14 regiment.
- Cleaning and lubing one of my XM21s.
- Morning M14 muster 2020.
- very high serial numbered Springfield M1 rifle
- Bula Defense System .450 Bushmaster.
- NM M1 Garand
- nice looking military stocks
- Bula Defense Systems bolts are back.
- Help on Winchester Garand in the 141,000 range
- Meet my new H&R Punisher.
- Last SA receiver in the stash.
- Beginning work on the Trumpisher.
- early prototype
- Bassett mount tool.
- Bolt supply replenished.
- Winchester M1 Garand sighting issue.
- Springfield vs springfield inc.
- Possible Lend Lease
- SA presentation grade walnut from Fred's
- Bula Defense Systems XM21 raw and finished.
- XM21 twins.
- Ancestor of the Garand
- Planting seed for this years M14 crop.
- XM21 #145 function firing in new stock.
- Need help with Lend Lease M1 rifle import letter
- Sanding and oiling stocks.
- Winchester M14 stock with the mark of Zorro?
- 2 rebuilds at cmp garand forum;My unhappyComments re privilegedSo.Store
- S-1A bolt
- rare M1 bolt
- M14 parts from Bula Defense Systems, outstanding.
- ART and ART II
- Warming up a 10 dot rifle.
- Suppressor ready barrel by Bula Defense Systems
- The Forgotten War Men And Guns Of Korea 1950
- H&R Punisher progresses.
- M14 bolt roller clip ring tool.
- Working on my 6.5 Creedmoor M14.
- Bula modified gas plug arrived.
- Best single point mounts for the M14 standard receiver.
- Who rebuilt O-6x Garands?
- LRB M25 out today.
- Vintage M14 scope mounts.
- Freshly engraved op rod.
- Started on new custom sight cover poject today.
- Anyone else using NF ATACR 5-25 or 7-35?
- DIY destructive testing throught normal use.
- 1940 gas trap rifle
- GC locks
- Keystone Springs
- WRA Cartouche for review ....
- Reproduction Rear Sight Assembly
- Bula parts for trigger group.
- Today's batch of custome engraved sight covers.
- New Bula Defense Systems parts and receivers.
- New Garand Arrived
- Good GCA Article
- Personalized M14 op rod.
- Informational only LRB M14SA receivers on M14BR forum.
- Finishing CMP-Sourced Boyd's Reproduction M1 Garand Stock
- Optics mounts for the M14.
- Want to buy a M1 Garand barrelin 7.9mm, who to contact?
- Bula/James River Armory M14.
- SA Inc M1D
- H&R Punisher nearing completion.
- Fulton project rifle.
- Trw usmc barrel info
- Setting up an M14 rifle for Kilo range service rifle on M14BR.
- Complete service on my 10 dot M14
- CMP M1 Rack Grade Special, Looking for pics and experience with them
- Garand National Match Barrel Markings
- Recommendations for stiffening the USGI mold stock for the M14?
- M14 in 450 Bushmaster.
- 10,000 Dollars for an AFH Bayonet?
- Annual service of the M1s.
- Eagerly awaiting a couple of LRB receivers from a group buy.
- Winchester M1 rifle barrel with flaming bomb ordnance stamp
- Japanese "garand"
- Visit to local Unicorn farm.
- Fewer Garands
- M1 Rifle by Remington
- Stock coating
- Interesting X 6 million serial number garand
- Garand ammo
- Modern day XM21.
- IHC Garand stock
- M11 Small Arms Rifle rack
- New to me laminated stick project.
- Package from Shootingsigh arrived.
- Removing rear handguard without removing gas cylinder
- M25 2021 version.
- who refinishes gas cylinders ?
- Ready for Father's Day on the range.
- LRB still Master and Commander.
- how does one check out a used m1 bolt
- seeking advise on 30-06 FMJ bulk expensive bulk bullets
- what do I need for 1/2 inch adjustable windage sights on my garand
- seeking a copy of TI-00540A-50/4 USMC M1 garand match procedures
- Doofus-ness on Steroids
- Commercial Ammunition and M1 Bolt Velocity
- New Wood
- John C. Garand match latest rules
- Compliant T44
- Traditional Winchester M14 build.
- LRB M25 with 18.5 barrel.
- How to replace the rearsign spring cover,
- Source for replacement detent ball and spring for M14 buttplate ass'y?
- T44 projects continuing.
- M3A1 M1 Garand Rifle Rack
- Decisions again.
- seeking a couple of leather slings 1 1/4 inch
- Value of CMP Collector Grade today?
- Minelli Garand stocks?
- OSS suppressor for my M14s
- M14 receivers for Winter projects.
- Historical M1 Rifle
- Combining hobbies.
- Uncut op rod
- Suppressed Bula Defense Systems XM21
- M-25 Ready for steel.
- Fantastic!
- Early start on Winter projects.
- Adapt and overcome.
- Bula Defense Systems XM21 #2.
- Working on a few stocks.
- New Receivers for Winter projects.
- Clint Fowler Op Rod Guide Pics?
- post WW2 elbow bore sight
- Very special M21 DMR.
- Next in que.
- original finish three digit Winchester M1 rifle
- Early pre WW2 Winchester fancy walnut M1 rifle stocks
- Curing finish.
- LRB M14BR 05119 ready for the range.
- unusual M1 rifle receiver
- As new USGI trigger groups delivered today.
- LRB M14BR 05120 ready to become a rifle.
- Annual cleaning and maintenance.
- Weather hold.
- LRB M25 with different glass.
- M-14 Rogue project.
- Duff Reference Book Check Winchester Garand
- Seeking info
- 7th Round Stoppage?
- Something new to try.
- Service grade value
- E2 from Fred's
- rack grade
- Early SA M14 scope mount.
- M1 Garand Set of Gauges...
- nice birch M1 rifle stock
- Help to choose which M1A
- I bought a LEAD
- Danish 30-06
- 4 recent rack grades to review.
- E2 = Canoe paddle
- How to refinih hte inside hand guard cover on the M1A?
- Collecting component for this Winter's builds.
- CMP Garand with VAR Barrel
- Bula XM21 rear lugged receivers.
- Small Garand model
- LRB Rocks!
- Large military training weapons
- Chasing the iron sights.
- Grenade sights
- XM21 212 ready for the range.
- M1 NM barrel
- Just got 2 more.
- M14 barrels. Sericous and super serious.
- LRB M14BR in E2.
- Bula XM21 209
- Xn21 211
- JAE Chassis for Winter projects.
- New M1A
- Saturn barrels
- M!A at the range
- Would somebody explain this?
- Stock options.
- What do ya think?
- HRA #57700XX With SA punched P 11-53
- 6 Digit SA's which one to keep for shooter
- Early Gas Port Barrel
- Whats all the hype over LEAD Letterkenny's Garands
- Springfield 1940 M1 receiver variation
- Annual Clean Up
- Took my son out to shoot Danish return VAR
- 17" UFH Bayonet 1943 with Brown handle?
- Lake City M2 Ammo problem/question
- Inbound 5.4M Springfield
- Rok-Ola M14 #1616
- Hey nf1e (and others)
- Late WW2 Springfield M1 Rifle
- Bula Defense Systems XM21 #3.
- Factory wood repairs with wood putty
- receivers
- M14 in Ukraine
- 1943 Training Film on the M1 Rifle
- WW2 SA receiver photo
- first month of production for gas port barrels S-A 6-40
- Pulling parts together for another rifle.
- Suspicious email from jcars
- List of US small arms inspectors
- Bula Defense Systems M14 10-X target rifle.
- does anyone make m14 magazines
- M14 makes a great coyote gun.
- m14 , civilian sales ?
- Asking for help and not trying to sell anything.
- LRB M-25 work in progress.
- Cleaning M14 and dumb Armorers
- Collecting parts.
- New to Me Garand
- My Poly tech.
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