View Full Version : Service Life

  1. A flying story from the past!!!
  2. Ah, the good old days!!!!!
  3. Talk about it.
  4. The story that inspired the creation of this page
  5. A free suite in Singapore
  6. Rvn - "tet - 1968
  7. Let there be light.
  8. A story about my cousin...
  9. When / where did you serve?
  10. Only thing my father only said about WWII and his service
  11. 47th Anniversary !!
  12. D.I. is an important title.
  13. Sinbad
  14. ROTC Summer Camp, Fort Sill, 1970
  15. Lackland AFB, September 1972, Basic Training.
  16. My Excellent European Adventure
  17. Why I like the Marines
  18. Please post some pics!
  19. test
  20. My Excellent European Adventure PT 2
  21. Possible story to come.
  22. Anyone else here ever get sent to the Winter Wonderland Goose Bay Labrador?
  23. Bingo!
  24. Hikes: Blisters, No Water, Heat Prostration, Sweat, and Cheating
  25. Nice to see this board finally coming to life!
  26. A VC .38 Victory Model S&W from Vietnam..
  27. You Take the Bad With the Good
  28. Emi
  29. Southwest tour of the USMC Band Fall, 2010 (moderator feel free to MOVE...)
  30. Army chow...SOS in particular.
  31. The M-16 Bent Nail sight adjuster Club
  32. The best meal from Uncle Sam
  33. October 5th, 1965
  34. What was the worst duty you ever had to pull?
  35. Some Rhodesian Army videos
  36. After the Vietnam War Story
  37. Conduct Unbecoming.....?
  38. Sailors and Coffee
  39. Practical Jokes
  40. Insults
  41. Meeting General "Black Jack" Pershing
  42. What's the difference?
  43. Who do you remember most from your outfit?
  44. Happy Birthday
  45. Old Army/New Army
  46. Rosters of WW2 Civilian Sea Bees?
  47. What was your biggest breach of military etiquette?
  48. It's all down hill............
  49. Anybody Ever Have to Buy the House a Round in a Military Club? Cubi Point?
  50. Ft. Knox Basic 64
  51. military movie portrayal
  52. Christmas in the field
  53. The Silence is Deafening
  54. Bob Hope Christmas Special--Vietnam
  55. Christmas truce - WW 1
  56. some vietnam photos from goo
  57. ~ Government Gave Me Seven (7) Military Pre-Induction Exams. Does that Count?
  58. gunny ermey interview
  59. "There I sat, on the Group 'W' Bench..."
  60. Anybody Need a B-25 Bomber?
  61. Pleiku 1969
  62. Your 11 General Orders
  63. S.o.s
  64. And then the fight was on....
  65. What's the Worst Example of Government Waste You Saw in the Service?
  66. Where were you on 11 Feb. 1971?
  67. Ever heard of a D.S.S. Form 158?
  68. Likes and dislikes while in the Service
  69. Things That Stick With you
  70. Devil Pups 1963
  71. Were YOU Ever Ordered to do anything militarily ILLEGAL or IMMORAL?
  72. 23rd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Infantry Division WWI?
  73. Any old Far East Hands have memories of your "Mama San?"
  74. What were some of your extra duties?
  75. Other than your weapon, what was your most prized possession?
  76. Your SSN...
  77. Girls - Roll Call
  78. Getting Messed With on the Rifle Range
  79. Funny inspection stories...
  80. 30 years ago today...
  81. The dumbest thing you ever did while in the service...
  82. Does this homeless vet tale pass the smell test?
  83. question on dd 214
  84. Never Volunteer
  85. Anniversery Today
  86. Rules for Posers
  87. Letter from the USMC about health concerns
  88. The Army's Favorite Soldiers
  89. Service Flags for fallen vets
  90. Happy Birthday Marines
  91. Thank you to all the Veterans
  92. The Law of Unintended Consequences
  93. 70s Navy "Tiger Cruise" in the Pacific
  94. "A Thousand Letters Home" - newly-published WWII book
  95. Marcus Island, anyone ever been
  96. Cpl. Jim "Seamus" Garrahy passes..
  97. Anyone ever dealt with the VA?
  98. PILLARS OF THE POST - 85 Veteran Bios from a small VFW Post
  99. Tet 1968
  100. Had a 92 yr old friend visit today
  101. Speciallty plates
  102. 2012 Edson's Raider Reunion Small Arms Shoot
  103. Odd Sightings at Sea
  104. Puzzling Navy Rates
  105. A couple of pics...
  106. Did you have a nick name?
  107. Brutality in Basic Training
  108. Few more pics...
  109. IPTF Bosnia, anybody????
  110. Grandpa in WWII
  111. Korean Ingenuity
  112. Korean vets gathering,
  113. And, yet a couple more pics...
  114. Happy 237th birthday jarheads!!!!!!!
  115. What is the story behind your Avatar!
  116. Ken
  117. What are your best war stories from the greatest generation.
  118. M3 Greasegun and M1911 in service.
  119. 22 Years ago today Desert Shield becomes Desert Storm
  120. Zippo lighters from VN war
  121. Gun shopping at the exchange
  122. Memories Of Those Who Gave All.
  123. Ever Hit on the Head with a Cleaning Rod?
  124. Ft. Bragg, NC 1966
  125. Cooks in Vietnam
  126. Important Web links for Veterans
  127. Ever wonder how the government can afford $40,000,000.00 planes but
  128. Firing Ranges can be Deadly
  129. Any advanadage of the VA over Medicare and supplemental medical insurance coverage?
  130. November 22,1963
  131. Seal Team Two??
  132. Interesting Sea Story from a black WW-2 Sailor
  133. Giving All
  134. Goodbye Don.
  135. USS Laffey DD 724
  136. Why the VA sucks.
  137. Feeling Old............
  138. Ever get flashbacks?
  139. My buddy...Special Forces in Vietnam
  140. Mess Nights
  141. Tell me it isn't true
  142. Hikes
  143. Uncle Louie
  144. Odd military dining experiences
  145. Iwo jima + 70
  146. 70 years ago today... USS Franklin (CV-13)
  147. 70 years this evening
  148. WWI Notice To Appear For Physical Examination
  149. San Diego Boot Camp circa 1973
  150. First Letter from Son at Parris Island
  151. Unit crests/insignia for your automobile
  152. This is in response to USMC EOD Duty on another Military Forum
  153. Thank you for your service. Welcomed or not?
  154. VA does it again
  155. Saudi Arabia 25 years ago
  156. Viet vets, how were you treated.
  157. Quartermaster Heebee Jeebies
  158. 7 days and a wake-up
  159. Armed Forces Entrance and Examination Station Experience
  160. Somebody say something
  162. Were you there--Chosin Reservoir?
  163. Anybody serve in the 8th TAB 25 arty in 1966-67 Vietnam
  164. Weapons that don't sound like the comic books
  165. Military Jargon, slang, and wise sayings... How many can you remember?
  166. Deployment to Vietnam preparation
  167. Train to Yamesee......
  168. Marine Barracks Gtmo
  169. V-N era dog tag question
  170. Risk lives to recover bodies???
  171. USN: 1963 to 1967
  172. Do you have a funny or weird story about how you got assigned in the military?
  173. Rhodes Greece 1969
  174. Read the book “Sailor Man “ by Del Staecker
  175. Range Time at Camp Bullis '77-'72 with the Army, USAF, and USMCR
  176. Vietnam "Red Cross girls"
  177. The Dark Angel
  178. Any funny stories from your service life?
  179. WW2 nose art
  180. Just connected with boot camp DI after 47 years
  181. Life On A Korean Era Destroyer
  182. Question for Vietnam Vets
  183. Let There Be Light
  184. Ft. Bragg, NC and Pope Air force base
  185. The American flag
  186. Battalion dental officer goes on the hike
  187. What was the first thing you learned in Army basic training
  188. Never let them know you can type
  189. Out of basic, onto a Troopship and straight into trouble ...
  190. Wearing your uniform as a veteran
  191. A-1 Skyraider VS MIG jets.
  192. Biden's portrait
  193. ROK in 'Nam
  194. Rock Apes
  195. Officer's mess hall 2nd field force long bien
  196. Where I Was, Korea 12/30/67 - 2/14/69
  197. Donut Dollies in 'Nam
  198. Going to Vietnam 1966