- M1a1 case (3 replies)
- What trigger guard for '43 Underwood? (5 replies)
- Found a Rock-ola Carbine. Questions on Some Non-Rockola Parts (6 replies)
- Another Pesky M1A1 Stock on Ebay (3 replies)
- Pic of WRA buttplate. (1 replies)
- m1 carbine slide is stuck (4 replies)
- SG recoil plate (1 replies)
- VINTAGE M1A1 CARBINE PARATROOPER STOCK on EbAy! ReaL DeaL OR ReAl FaKe???? (12 replies)
- Inland 30 carbine (4 replies)
- .30 carbine ammo? (9 replies)
- Underwood carbine (4 replies)
- Saginaw SG question (2 replies)
- NPM carbine questions (4 replies)
- M1 carbine "throat job"? (19 replies)
- How to clean leather scabbard (6 replies)
- Anyone make a decent repo M1A1 folding stock? (4 replies)
- help id (10 replies)
- Need help with NY gun law (9 replies)
- M1 carbine book question, please... (4 replies)
- Rockola Mags--How about a Follower that stops the Bolt? (6 replies)
- Need advice on best way to sell my carbines (5 replies)
- For the birch lovers...... (0 replies)
- M1A1 metal on ebay with odd buttplate (2 replies)
- Carbine porn............. (21 replies)
- M1a1 question (1 replies)
- Mistake I need to correct. (4 replies)
- I need some advice on an M1A1 purchase (11 replies)