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  1. M1a1 case (3 replies)
  2. What trigger guard for '43 Underwood? (5 replies)
  3. Found a Rock-ola Carbine. Questions on Some Non-Rockola Parts (6 replies)
  4. Another Pesky M1A1 Stock on Ebay (3 replies)
  5. Pic of WRA buttplate. (1 replies)
  6. m1 carbine slide is stuck (4 replies)
  7. SG recoil plate (1 replies)
  8. VINTAGE M1A1 CARBINE PARATROOPER STOCK on EbAy! ReaL DeaL OR ReAl FaKe???? (12 replies)
  9. Inland 30 carbine (4 replies)
  10. .30 carbine ammo? (9 replies)
  11. Underwood carbine (4 replies)
  12. Saginaw SG question (2 replies)
  13. NPM carbine questions (4 replies)
  14. M1 carbine "throat job"? (19 replies)
  15. How to clean leather scabbard (6 replies)
  16. Anyone make a decent repo M1A1 folding stock? (4 replies)
  17. help id (10 replies)
  18. Need help with NY gun law (9 replies)
  19. M1 carbine book question, please... (4 replies)
  20. Rockola Mags--How about a Follower that stops the Bolt? (6 replies)
  21. Need advice on best way to sell my carbines (5 replies)
  22. For the birch lovers...... (0 replies)
  23. M1A1 metal on ebay with odd buttplate (2 replies)
  24. Carbine porn............. (21 replies)
  25. M1a1 question (1 replies)
  26. Mistake I need to correct. (4 replies)
  27. I need some advice on an M1A1 purchase (11 replies)