View Full Version : M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield
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- 1903 Stock Mil Spec Finish Receipe (51 replies)
- Problems with The 10 round magazine (4 replies)
- Navel Jelly use (8 replies)
- Phase out date for the M1903 (5 replies)
- Help identifying 03a3 barrel (19 replies)
- Would Appreciate SRS Check (2 replies)
- SRS Check (4 replies)
- Buying a M1903 (198 replies)
- 1903 MII Questions (1 replies)
- Smith Corona stacking swivel "how to"? (2 replies)
- SRS check please Springfield 1025945,1096265 mkI,1496139 (5 replies)
- 1903 Springfield in phosphate finish with 11-42 barrel (10 replies)
- Red Star M1903 "oddballs" (4 replies)
- NM '03 SRS Check (9 replies)
- M1903 vs M1922 barrel threads (2 replies)
- SRS check and Lyman and cartouche help please (15 replies)
- There Are Gems to be Found, Lots of Words and Pic Heavy. (19 replies)
- SRS Check please m1903 sn 369307 and Sn 1511565 (12 replies)
- Screwy little question (8 replies)
- Smith-Corona "C" prefix rifles (11 replies)
- Questions on a Remington 1903 Modified (8 replies)
- 4,87x,xxx SC rifle question (17 replies)
- Where to get Spgfld worked on? (9 replies)
- Pre WWI NM rifle (4 replies)
- Model 1901 Springfield parts showing up (5 replies)
- Interwar M1903 Help (10 replies)
- SRS Check Please!!! (1 replies)
- M1908 Warner Swasey Scope #325 Help: (4 replies)
- Early 1903 Find (19 replies)
- WTK: I need to be enlightened on stocks (1 replies)
- Accuracy Help Needed for 1903 NM Rifle (18 replies)
- Fav Cosmoline Removal Methods (6 replies)
- An interesting A4 on auction (2 replies)
- Springfield Armory Production (8 replies)
- For Fred: another RIA "in-betweener" (15 replies)
- Last Government Made '03 barrels (15 replies)
- 1903 Springfield Magazine Box Question (2 replies)
- Late 1903 (8 replies)
- Another WWII USMC leather sling surfaces... (2 replies)
- Another WWII USMC leather sling surfaces... (8 replies)
- Marine with a 1903A4 on Cape Gloucester (14 replies)
- New Cartridge neck rim problems (10 replies)
- Heresy!!!!! (8 replies)
- SRS Check Please (2 replies)
- Beuhler Rings (2 replies)
- 30-03 caliber barreled receiver for Model 1901 (3 replies)
- SRS check please (1 replies)
- Another Sporterized O3A3 Issue (3 replies)
- Stock Stamping (8 replies)
- Acessory kit real of fake? (2 replies)
- Remington R markings (3 replies)
- Lengthening a Sporterized '03A3 "C" Stock (19 replies)
- Reloading 101 for the M1903 Springfield (11 replies)
- Michael Petrov mentioned in Sports Afield (2 replies)
- Now, who really said that? (0 replies)
- Question on Rem. 03A3 finish (4 replies)
- S-C Help Needed (8 replies)
- Custom gunmaker (1 replies)
- 1903A3 Rem (3 replies)
- Remington 03A3 cartouche ? (2 replies)
- Serial number check,please (1 replies)
- Correct stock (2 replies)
- '03 NRA Sporter project started! (3 replies)
- 97 Year Old Scam Uncovered (18 replies)
- 03 Stock Hardware Question (20 replies)
- M1905 sights, 2800yd shoots (27 replies)
- 1903-A3 Stock Question (16 replies)
- Serial number check for information please? (2 replies)
- M1917 follower spring and sight questions (5 replies)
- Mouse Gun Skeptics - If '03 Users from 1913 Could Time Travel to 2013 (8 replies)
- 03A3s at the Super Bowl (1 replies)
- SRS check please (2 replies)
- low number with a star guage barrel ? (10 replies)
- Question... (0 replies)
- Late production 1903 (4 replies)
- Benecia Arsenal Rebuild Stamps (9 replies)
- Drilled Remington 03A3 Fair Price? (5 replies)
- 03 Rifle Team (15 replies)
- bolt close problem (5 replies)
- SRS Hit Warner Swasey (9 replies)
- Sedgley Springfield (11 replies)
- 03 Springfields in use (8 replies)
- Help with handguard (7 replies)
- Pre-War M1903 National Match rifles (32 replies)
- 1909 Match 1903 with Winchester A5 Scope (87 replies)
- 1903 ladder sights info (4 replies)
- Why I can't be trusted in a Pawnshop (4 replies)
- 1908 SA questions (10 replies)
- Help please...can't get bolt to cock (7 replies)
- 1903 Stock/Handguard Fit Questions (3 replies)
- Smooth trigger? (11 replies)
- 1916 Info on NRA Sales Rifles Pre WWI (12 replies)
- early rear sight base (4 replies)
- Bolt numbers (5 replies)
- What do I have? (12 replies)
- 1942 Remington Model 1903 Transition ? (14 replies)
- Recent Gunbroker win...NRA Rock Island (9 replies)
- Stock cut-out for Warner-swasey mount (7 replies)
- Rod Bayonet barrel band (12 replies)
- Mk.1 stock w/no Cartouche (29 replies)
- X marked sear and trigger (2 replies)
- What 1903 is this? (7 replies)
- Model 1903-A3 upper band installation (4 replies)
- Posting photos (3 replies)
- 1903 Armory Tools - What are they? (17 replies)
- 03a3 Max pressure (16 replies)
- Hollifield dotter tube on ebay (5 replies)
- Ok This is what I purchased, Tell me what you think (22 replies)
- B2 NS bolt (6 replies)
- 03-A3NM in SRS books (9 replies)
- Bolt identity question (4 replies)
- Smith Corona bolt (2 replies)
- How Many Different Stock Variations for the Remington M1903?? QUIZ (12 replies)
- Interesting muzzle cover and SRS check request (7 replies)
- Early NM rifle rear sight question (5 replies)
- What does 'star guaged' mean? (4 replies)
- SRS Check, Please (2 replies)
- Anyone have Big Larry's Unertl sniper list they want to share? (6 replies)
- SRS list M1903 Star Gauged, Scoped and Winchester connection M1903 (12 replies)
- wanted shootable 1903 (6 replies)
- Question about originality of LN SA M1903...NOT about safety to fire! (25 replies)
- 3 Ps (0 replies)
- Possible USMC? Oh, What To Do? (41 replies)
- SRS Check Please (2 replies)
- Pre Star ga. NM 03 barrels? (4 replies)
- 03 Stock Cartouche Question (3 replies)
- Another sported A3 (33 replies)
- Rear Sight base question (4 replies)
- Just took some more close up photos of... (75 replies)
- NRA Sporter? SRS check (7 replies)
- Cheap Display 1907 slings $11 (0 replies)
- What is the street value of an original 1903A4 barreled receiver complete with bolt? (9 replies)
- Air Corps 1903 rifle (69 replies)
- Serial # mystery (15 replies)
- New to me low SN M1903 w/out cartouche w/sling; info & SRS check please. (3 replies)
- What a shame (4 replies)
- SRS check, please (4 replies)
- SRS Check Request-Thanks in Advance (4 replies)
- Clarification of a point in Brophy. (7 replies)
- 1903 crossbolt stock "NRA" type on 1922m1 Rifle Correct? (2 replies)
- Tulsa Show (1 replies)
- 1903 Springfield Grenade Launching Recoil Pad (11 replies)
- Rock Island Question (2 replies)
- Some photos of an early 1903 and ammo belt (8 replies)
- 1920 National Match 1903 Springfield (39 replies)
- US Modei 1928 International Match Hammerli (10 replies)
- Competitive use of M1903 (7 replies)
- New 1903 (3 replies)
- Looking for the SA 1903 that marries to my Warner-Swasey 1913 Scope (6 replies)
- ? Make by serial number (8 replies)
- Test post of high pictle photo... (26 replies)
- 1903 Sporter (23 replies)
- A couple of questions from a Noob (8 replies)
- 1905 sights on a revolver? Why? (7 replies)
- Caliber change for my 03 (11 replies)
- Just acquired a 1915 M1903 - a few questions please (18 replies)
- CMP Auction description a bit off (2 replies)
- Does a RIA barrel on a 1903 Springfield always indicate a rebuild?? (10 replies)
- First use of two pin stocks (5 replies)
- 03a3 Hand Guard Question (2 replies)
- Last round pops out (4 replies)
- NM 03 tick mark (9 replies)
- Selling two 1905 Bayonets and a scabbard... (2 replies)
- Quantico vintage sniper match (0 replies)
- 1903A4 Scopes (6 replies)
- Need some help on a Springfield 1903 H.B. 1932 (20 replies)
- Picked up an 03 Book today (8 replies)
- USMC sling on ebay... (3 replies)
- Dad's M1903 (10 replies)
- My first M1903 Springfield rifle. (4 replies)
- Hit a few snags fixing the 03a4, needs ome mentoring (11 replies)
- "C" stock with a "P" in a square box.........curious..... (10 replies)
- Correct Remington bolt (2 replies)
- Rimkunas Double Set Trigger - Need info (4 replies)
- SRS check please (7 replies)
- Srs please (10 replies)
- 1922 and M2 question ? (5 replies)
- '03A3 rear sight base set screw specs? (4 replies)
- Remington '03 Question (1 replies)
- SRS Check Please 1903 NM? (8 replies)
- Eagle head marking on a Krag rifle (7 replies)
- Springfield model 1922 M1 sporter presentation ? (2 replies)
- SRS Check on Smith-Corona "03A3 (0 replies)
- Muzzle Wear: Criterion Barrel (3 replies)
- Smith Corona 1903a3 I have been offered - Please Help (30 replies)
- Heresy! (5 replies)
- M84 in M81/82 rings (9 replies)
- Headspace problems in a 1903 Remington (7 replies)
- 03 Rifles in the Movies (22 replies)
- Sportered SC 03A3 (23 replies)
- RIA question (38 replies)
- Mark I receiver (17 replies)
- To flute or not to flute... (1 replies)
- Forward BBL Preasure Question (6 replies)
- SRS Check Info (7 replies)
- Rod Bayonet 1903 (18 replies)
- In sporting rifles forum---- (0 replies)
- 1903-a3 srs (6 replies)
- Late production 1903 (5 replies)
- A rebuilt Mark 1 (4 replies)
- SRS check pretty please (2 replies)
- SRS Check Please (1 replies)
- John Beard (4 replies)
- Help with 03 Bolt Marking (14 replies)
- Happy Birthday, JB! (12 replies)
- FJA stamp "on top" of CSAA? (3 replies)
- Surprise (3 replies)
- SRS check please (3 replies)
- Photo's of a neat Rock Island Arsenal 1903 (19 replies)
- 1903 sight collar (18 replies)
- RIA '03 (2 replies)
- 03 Springfield rear sight drift (4 replies)
- SRS Check Please (1 replies)
- 05 barrels (24 replies)
- SRS Check, Please (0 replies)
- '03 springfield stock question (5 replies)
- Went To The Reno Show, Came Home w/a Z-Prefix 03-A4 (4 replies)
- something neat found in old medford MA armory. (13 replies)
- A few more photos.... (3 replies)
- Perhaps a bit interesting for some..... (11 replies)
- Stock Rack Numbers (6 replies)
- Springfield M1922 Sight Question (2 replies)
- Help With Springfield Sporter (7 replies)
- Rescued Remington s/n 3,006,771 (11 replies)
- SRS please (1 replies)
- Hola (3 replies)
- 1903/1905 dated leather sling (19 replies)
- Fake NS Bolt ? (13 replies)
- RIA 1903 Question (8 replies)
- An interesting comparison of buttplate traps... (6 replies)
- Why I asked.... (5 replies)
- SRS Rquest Thank you in advance. (4 replies)
- SRS please (1 replies)
- SRS Request Please (2 replies)
- Target profile in WW1 and WW2 (6 replies)
- 1903 remington anzac (7 replies)
- Legal Question (27 replies)
- Remmington 03a3 sniper (39 replies)
- Looking for a James Michener quote (15 replies)
- What to fire in a LN receiver (90 replies)
- wow (7 replies)
- SRS Request Please (9 replies)
- Pencil whipped straight handled 03 bolt... (2 replies)
- Building an 03A4gery (7 replies)
- While you have SRS books out.... (3 replies)
- SRS check? (5 replies)
- 03a4 bolt confirmation (3 replies)
- Gary Cooper's .22 Hornet (2 replies)
- New 101yr old friend (18 replies)
- Just came in! 1903 Springfield 1920 National Match (20 replies)
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