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  1. 1903 Stock Mil Spec Finish Receipe (51 replies)
  2. Problems with The 10 round magazine (4 replies)
  3. Navel Jelly use (8 replies)
  4. Phase out date for the M1903 (5 replies)
  5. Help identifying 03a3 barrel (19 replies)
  6. Would Appreciate SRS Check (2 replies)
  7. SRS Check (4 replies)
  8. Buying a M1903 (198 replies)
  9. 1903 MII Questions (1 replies)
  10. Smith Corona stacking swivel "how to"? (2 replies)
  11. SRS check please Springfield 1025945,1096265 mkI,1496139 (5 replies)
  12. 1903 Springfield in phosphate finish with 11-42 barrel (10 replies)
  13. Red Star M1903 "oddballs" (4 replies)
  14. NM '03 SRS Check (9 replies)
  15. M1903 vs M1922 barrel threads (2 replies)
  16. SRS check and Lyman and cartouche help please (15 replies)
  17. There Are Gems to be Found, Lots of Words and Pic Heavy. (19 replies)
  18. SRS Check please m1903 sn 369307 and Sn 1511565 (12 replies)
  19. Screwy little question (8 replies)
  20. Smith-Corona "C" prefix rifles (11 replies)
  21. Questions on a Remington 1903 Modified (8 replies)
  22. 4,87x,xxx SC rifle question (17 replies)
  23. Where to get Spgfld worked on? (9 replies)
  24. Pre WWI NM rifle (4 replies)
  25. Model 1901 Springfield parts showing up (5 replies)
  26. Interwar M1903 Help (10 replies)
  27. SRS Check Please!!! (1 replies)
  28. M1908 Warner Swasey Scope #325 Help: (4 replies)
  29. Early 1903 Find (19 replies)
  30. WTK: I need to be enlightened on stocks (1 replies)
  31. Accuracy Help Needed for 1903 NM Rifle (18 replies)
  32. Fav Cosmoline Removal Methods (6 replies)
  33. An interesting A4 on auction (2 replies)
  34. Springfield Armory Production (8 replies)
  35. For Fred: another RIA "in-betweener" (15 replies)
  36. Last Government Made '03 barrels (15 replies)
  37. 1903 Springfield Magazine Box Question (2 replies)
  38. Late 1903 (8 replies)
  39. Another WWII USMC leather sling surfaces... (2 replies)
  40. Another WWII USMC leather sling surfaces... (8 replies)
  41. Marine with a 1903A4 on Cape Gloucester (14 replies)
  42. New Cartridge neck rim problems (10 replies)
  43. Heresy!!!!! (8 replies)
  44. SRS Check Please (2 replies)
  45. Beuhler Rings (2 replies)
  46. 30-03 caliber barreled receiver for Model 1901 (3 replies)
  47. SRS check please (1 replies)
  48. Another Sporterized O3A3 Issue (3 replies)
  49. Stock Stamping (8 replies)
  50. Acessory kit real of fake? (2 replies)
  51. Remington R markings (3 replies)
  52. Lengthening a Sporterized '03A3 "C" Stock (19 replies)
  53. Reloading 101 for the M1903 Springfield (11 replies)
  54. Michael Petrov mentioned in Sports Afield (2 replies)
  55. Now, who really said that? (0 replies)
  56. Question on Rem. 03A3 finish (4 replies)
  57. S-C Help Needed (8 replies)
  58. Custom gunmaker (1 replies)
  59. 1903A3 Rem (3 replies)
  60. Remington 03A3 cartouche ? (2 replies)
  61. Serial number check,please (1 replies)
  62. Correct stock (2 replies)
  63. '03 NRA Sporter project started! (3 replies)
  64. 97 Year Old Scam Uncovered (18 replies)
  65. 03 Stock Hardware Question (20 replies)
  66. M1905 sights, 2800yd shoots (27 replies)
  67. 1903-A3 Stock Question (16 replies)
  68. Serial number check for information please? (2 replies)
  69. M1917 follower spring and sight questions (5 replies)
  70. Mouse Gun Skeptics - If '03 Users from 1913 Could Time Travel to 2013 (8 replies)
  71. 03A3s at the Super Bowl (1 replies)
  72. SRS check please (2 replies)
  73. low number with a star guage barrel ? (10 replies)
  74. Question... (0 replies)
  75. Late production 1903 (4 replies)
  76. Benecia Arsenal Rebuild Stamps (9 replies)
  77. Drilled Remington 03A3 Fair Price? (5 replies)
  78. 03 Rifle Team (15 replies)
  79. bolt close problem (5 replies)
  80. SRS Hit Warner Swasey (9 replies)
  81. Sedgley Springfield (11 replies)
  82. 03 Springfields in use (8 replies)
  83. Help with handguard (7 replies)
  84. Pre-War M1903 National Match rifles (32 replies)
  85. 1909 Match 1903 with Winchester A5 Scope (87 replies)
  86. 1903 ladder sights info (4 replies)
  87. Why I can't be trusted in a Pawnshop (4 replies)
  88. 1908 SA questions (10 replies)
  89. Help please...can't get bolt to cock (7 replies)
  90. 1903 Stock/Handguard Fit Questions (3 replies)
  91. Smooth trigger? (11 replies)
  92. 1916 Info on NRA Sales Rifles Pre WWI (12 replies)
  93. early rear sight base (4 replies)
  94. Bolt numbers (5 replies)
  95. What do I have? (12 replies)
  96. 1942 Remington Model 1903 Transition ? (14 replies)
  97. Recent Gunbroker win...NRA Rock Island (9 replies)
  98. Stock cut-out for Warner-swasey mount (7 replies)
  99. Rod Bayonet barrel band (12 replies)
  100. Mk.1 stock w/no Cartouche (29 replies)
  101. X marked sear and trigger (2 replies)
  102. What 1903 is this? (7 replies)
  103. Model 1903-A3 upper band installation (4 replies)
  104. Posting photos (3 replies)
  105. 1903 Armory Tools - What are they? (17 replies)
  106. 03a3 Max pressure (16 replies)
  107. Hollifield dotter tube on ebay (5 replies)
  108. Ok This is what I purchased, Tell me what you think (22 replies)
  109. B2 NS bolt (6 replies)
  110. 03-A3NM in SRS books (9 replies)
  111. Bolt identity question (4 replies)
  112. Smith Corona bolt (2 replies)
  113. How Many Different Stock Variations for the Remington M1903?? QUIZ (12 replies)
  114. Interesting muzzle cover and SRS check request (7 replies)
  115. Early NM rifle rear sight question (5 replies)
  116. What does 'star guaged' mean? (4 replies)
  117. SRS Check, Please (2 replies)
  118. Anyone have Big Larry's Unertl sniper list they want to share? (6 replies)
  119. SRS list M1903 Star Gauged, Scoped and Winchester connection M1903 (12 replies)
  120. wanted shootable 1903 (6 replies)
  121. Question about originality of LN SA M1903...NOT about safety to fire! (25 replies)
  122. 3 Ps (0 replies)
  123. Possible USMC? Oh, What To Do? (41 replies)
  124. SRS Check Please (2 replies)
  125. Pre Star ga. NM 03 barrels? (4 replies)
  126. 03 Stock Cartouche Question (3 replies)
  127. Another sported A3 (33 replies)
  128. Rear Sight base question (4 replies)
  129. Just took some more close up photos of... (75 replies)
  130. NRA Sporter? SRS check (7 replies)
  131. Cheap Display 1907 slings $11 (0 replies)
  132. What is the street value of an original 1903A4 barreled receiver complete with bolt? (9 replies)
  133. Air Corps 1903 rifle (69 replies)
  134. Serial # mystery (15 replies)
  135. New to me low SN M1903 w/out cartouche w/sling; info & SRS check please. (3 replies)
  136. What a shame (4 replies)
  137. SRS check, please (4 replies)
  138. SRS Check Request-Thanks in Advance (4 replies)
  139. Clarification of a point in Brophy. (7 replies)
  140. 1903 crossbolt stock "NRA" type on 1922m1 Rifle Correct? (2 replies)
  141. Tulsa Show (1 replies)
  142. 1903 Springfield Grenade Launching Recoil Pad (11 replies)
  143. Rock Island Question (2 replies)
  144. Some photos of an early 1903 and ammo belt (8 replies)
  145. 1920 National Match 1903 Springfield (39 replies)
  146. US Modei 1928 International Match Hammerli (10 replies)
  147. Competitive use of M1903 (7 replies)
  148. New 1903 (3 replies)
  149. Looking for the SA 1903 that marries to my Warner-Swasey 1913 Scope (6 replies)
  150. ? Make by serial number (8 replies)
  151. Test post of high pictle photo... (26 replies)
  152. 1903 Sporter (23 replies)
  153. A couple of questions from a Noob (8 replies)
  154. 1905 sights on a revolver? Why? (7 replies)
  155. Caliber change for my 03 (11 replies)
  156. Just acquired a 1915 M1903 - a few questions please (18 replies)
  157. CMP Auction description a bit off (2 replies)
  158. Does a RIA barrel on a 1903 Springfield always indicate a rebuild?? (10 replies)
  159. First use of two pin stocks (5 replies)
  160. 03a3 Hand Guard Question (2 replies)
  161. Last round pops out (4 replies)
  162. NM 03 tick mark (9 replies)
  163. Selling two 1905 Bayonets and a scabbard... (2 replies)
  164. Quantico vintage sniper match (0 replies)
  165. 1903A4 Scopes (6 replies)
  166. Need some help on a Springfield 1903 H.B. 1932 (20 replies)
  167. Picked up an 03 Book today (8 replies)
  168. USMC sling on ebay... (3 replies)
  169. Dad's M1903 (10 replies)
  170. My first M1903 Springfield rifle. (4 replies)
  171. Hit a few snags fixing the 03a4, needs ome mentoring (11 replies)
  172. "C" stock with a "P" in a square box.........curious..... (10 replies)
  173. Correct Remington bolt (2 replies)
  174. Rimkunas Double Set Trigger - Need info (4 replies)
  175. SRS check please (7 replies)
  176. Srs please (10 replies)
  177. 1922 and M2 question ? (5 replies)
  178. '03A3 rear sight base set screw specs? (4 replies)
  179. Remington '03 Question (1 replies)
  180. SRS Check Please 1903 NM? (8 replies)
  181. Eagle head marking on a Krag rifle (7 replies)
  182. Springfield model 1922 M1 sporter presentation ? (2 replies)
  183. SRS Check on Smith-Corona "03A3 (0 replies)
  184. Muzzle Wear: Criterion Barrel (3 replies)
  185. Smith Corona 1903a3 I have been offered - Please Help (30 replies)
  186. Heresy! (5 replies)
  187. M84 in M81/82 rings (9 replies)
  188. Headspace problems in a 1903 Remington (7 replies)
  189. 03 Rifles in the Movies (22 replies)
  190. Sportered SC 03A3 (23 replies)
  191. RIA question (38 replies)
  192. Mark I receiver (17 replies)
  193. To flute or not to flute... (1 replies)
  194. Forward BBL Preasure Question (6 replies)
  195. SRS Check Info (7 replies)
  196. Rod Bayonet 1903 (18 replies)
  197. In sporting rifles forum---- (0 replies)
  198. 1903-a3 srs (6 replies)
  199. Late production 1903 (5 replies)
  200. A rebuilt Mark 1 (4 replies)
  201. SRS check pretty please (2 replies)
  202. SRS Check Please (1 replies)
  203. John Beard (4 replies)
  204. Help with 03 Bolt Marking (14 replies)
  205. Happy Birthday, JB! (12 replies)
  206. FJA stamp "on top" of CSAA? (3 replies)
  207. Surprise (3 replies)
  208. SRS check please (3 replies)
  209. Photo's of a neat Rock Island Arsenal 1903 (19 replies)
  210. 1903 sight collar (18 replies)
  211. RIA '03 (2 replies)
  212. 03 Springfield rear sight drift (4 replies)
  213. SRS Check Please (1 replies)
  214. 05 barrels (24 replies)
  215. SRS Check, Please (0 replies)
  216. '03 springfield stock question (5 replies)
  217. Went To The Reno Show, Came Home w/a Z-Prefix 03-A4 (4 replies)
  218. something neat found in old medford MA armory. (13 replies)
  219. A few more photos.... (3 replies)
  220. Perhaps a bit interesting for some..... (11 replies)
  221. Stock Rack Numbers (6 replies)
  222. Springfield M1922 Sight Question (2 replies)
  223. Help With Springfield Sporter (7 replies)
  224. Rescued Remington s/n 3,006,771 (11 replies)
  225. SRS please (1 replies)
  226. Hola (3 replies)
  227. 1903/1905 dated leather sling (19 replies)
  228. Fake NS Bolt ? (13 replies)
  229. RIA 1903 Question (8 replies)
  230. An interesting comparison of buttplate traps... (6 replies)
  231. Why I asked.... (5 replies)
  232. SRS Rquest Thank you in advance. (4 replies)
  233. SRS please (1 replies)
  234. SRS Request Please (2 replies)
  235. Target profile in WW1 and WW2 (6 replies)
  236. 1903 remington anzac (7 replies)
  237. Legal Question (27 replies)
  238. Remmington 03a3 sniper (39 replies)
  239. Looking for a James Michener quote (15 replies)
  240. What to fire in a LN receiver (90 replies)
  241. wow (7 replies)
  242. SRS Request Please (9 replies)
  243. Pencil whipped straight handled 03 bolt... (2 replies)
  244. Building an 03A4gery (7 replies)
  245. While you have SRS books out.... (3 replies)
  246. SRS check? (5 replies)
  247. 03a4 bolt confirmation (3 replies)
  248. Gary Cooper's .22 Hornet (2 replies)
  249. New 101yr old friend (18 replies)
  250. Just came in! 1903 Springfield 1920 National Match (20 replies)