View Full Version : M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield
Pages :
- 1903A4 Bolt Questions (1 replies)
- RP 30-06 SPRG brass (14 replies)
- Remington 1903a3 info (23 replies)
- Rock Island bolt question (10 replies)
- Sedgley 12-43 USMC barreled Action (3 replies)
- some stocks (8 replies)
- Some WWII history from my home town (4 replies)
- Remington A303-04 SRS check please (10 replies)
- On the reloading board here, on a thread on fluted cases (8 replies)
- ebay auction A3 parts (5 replies)
- SRS check (1 replies)
- Trigger sticking at second stage after initial bolt operation? (29 replies)
- What solvernt to remove wood stain from parked receiver? (2 replies)
- Marksmanship with the M1903 in WWI? (14 replies)
- 1903 rear sight fit question (10 replies)
- 1903 questions for the experts (3 replies)
- USMC Sniper or Not (14 replies)
- 1927 National Match Ammo (5 replies)
- SRS check please (1 replies)
- Dates of SPG stamp (3 replies)
- SRS check please! (2 replies)
- Pre-WW1 M1903 Eye Candy (34 replies)
- 1903A4 Replacement Stock (4 replies)
- 100.00 USMC rifle (19 replies)
- SRS Check Please (1 replies)
- Intriguing Rifle (14 replies)
- low number 219 Donaldson Bench rest rifle (3 replies)
- SRS check please on RIA 214674 (15 replies)
- M1903 Fabric Chart (8 replies)
- Springfield International Parts (4 replies)
- Barrel pitting (8 replies)
- 1919 SA national match (4 replies)
- 1920 National Match (31 replies)
- SRS check please (1 replies)
- 1903 Sporter? (6 replies)
- Check your P.M. (0 replies)
- Rem 1903 receiver, is it true? (11 replies)
- first time installing a web strap on 03a3.....shoulder stabber!!!! (7 replies)
- Boyd's Springfield Sporter Stocks (5 replies)
- 1903 rear sight marking? (11 replies)
- Free French Soldiers in Italy 1943-44 [1280 x 844] (3 replies)
- Looking for some parts (6 replies)
- SRS check (3 replies)
- Difference between 1920 and 1921 National Match Springfields? (2 replies)
- 1905 posible alteration? (22 replies)
- marking question (3 replies)
- SRS Check (7 replies)
- Rear sights not corresponding to their range values (14 replies)
- A4 clone build finished with an issue (11 replies)
- Sedgley 9-41 USMC barrel (10 replies)
- maximum clearance between the rear of the safety lug and the receiver 03A3 (15 replies)
- !903 Bolt failures? (11 replies)
- SRS check please (2 replies)
- Collector-related Rock Island M1903 Data (8 replies)
- 03A3 (4 replies)
- Remington SRS check please (1 replies)
- SRS Check, please.. (6 replies)
- 1923 sling? (11 replies)
- Remington 03 questions (4 replies)
- USS North Carolina 1903 Update (4 replies)
- Cal. 30 Auto. Pistol Ball Cartridges value (7 replies)
- 1903 serial #'s (7 replies)
- WW1 USMC 1903 Springfield sniper rifle with Winchester A5 scope (1 replies)
- Collector-related M1903 data (36 replies)
- man this stuff was hard to get,,,, (8 replies)
- Headspace and Bolt Education (12 replies)
- Rock Island 1903 354744 (8 replies)
- SRS volumes as they pertain to M1903s... (1 replies)
- Pre-War Rebuild, or something much more? (29 replies)
- ViShooter 1903 pages (0 replies)
- NRA Sporter current value (12 replies)
- Before the rain last month (0 replies)
- Sling ID and Information (5 replies)
- Range time today. (6 replies)
- Barrel Values ? (4 replies)
- M1922 scope mount bases - identifying (8 replies)
- My '03A4 (5 replies)
- Devil Dogs (4 replies)
- Creedmore Chinertl... worth the extra $100? (8 replies)
- Col Tom Whitley has Passed (0 replies)
- Col. Brophy rifle (20 replies)
- The passing of Dick Culver (20 replies)
- 1903 Sight collar question (13 replies)
- SRS check and thoughts NRA sporter? (3 replies)
- The 03 on the range…….. (3 replies)
- 1903 Eye Candy, TENN marked LN RIA, a few SA Marine Rifles (7 replies)
- 1903 and 1903A3 stock question (0 replies)
- Johnny005 (0 replies)
- 1903 SRS Check Please (4 replies)
- SA 6-13 Blow up! (36 replies)
- Early 30-06 cartridge question (12 replies)
- New M1903 (7 replies)
- Michael's Volume II (6 replies)
- Michael Petrov RIP (23 replies)
- Front sight dovetail cants left... Any easy fix? (11 replies)
- Pictures for Nelson (1 replies)
- '03 leaving military hands (8 replies)
- '03s in the ETO (14 replies)
- Barrel Mark (5 replies)
- 1941A1 Leather Scope Caps? (2 replies)
- It's Ba-ack! (8 replies)
- Rem 03 Stocks (5 replies)
- RLB GG Stock (16 replies)
- Experts Opinion Needed/Requested (3 replies)
- M1903 Bolt Striker Marked NP (2 replies)
- USMC Rifle (5 replies)
- A little nervous... (5 replies)
- SRS Check Request (2 replies)
- Did the Marines Have M1917's in WWI? (31 replies)
- Punch mark before serial number (9 replies)
- Keystone C Stock (6 replies)
- NRA Springfield sporter?? (25 replies)
- Early model 1903 any value (6 replies)
- Filth from a clean bore? (14 replies)
- A 1903 Photo Mystery... (16 replies)
- Remington 1903 help (11 replies)
- SRS Check Please on Springfield 1903. Thanks! (4 replies)
- Please critique and help me complete the life story of my rifle. (1 replies)
- SRS check please? (2 replies)
- SRS Check on a new to me Springfield (5 replies)
- Rock Island SN ck (1 replies)
- Need help on parts (4 replies)
- Finally got my hands on a piece of family legacy and American history... (40 replies)
- Early 1903 receiver, any interest? (0 replies)
- SRS request for new M1903 (6 replies)
- Springfield M1922 International Match adjustable hook (0 replies)
- Thoughts on Milsurp collecting (5 replies)
- Rock Island Question (2 replies)
- 1903 Rear Sight Knobs - When was the bisecting groove eliminated? (1 replies)
- Thoughts on this 1903A1 Sniper (15 replies)
- 1903/22LR kit? (1 replies)
- Presentation Carbine Question (3 replies)
- WTK: M1903 w/ single-shot .22 conversion kit. (8 replies)
- Great Grandfather's 1903/Archives request (9 replies)
- Question about a Rock Island Rifle (5 replies)
- Help (23 replies)
- Gun show single bolt stock (6 replies)
- Please Educate Me On This 03A4 Bolt (11 replies)
- Gun Broker Auction (7 replies)
- USMC Marksmanship WWI-Style (2 replies)
- Remington 1903a3 build (6 replies)
- Electropencil (10 replies)
- SRS Check, please? (2 replies)
- Just wond'run' out loud . . . . (4 replies)
- A few questions for the resident experts for my 1903A1 sniper build. (1 replies)
- Floor plate popping off (11 replies)
- SRS Check for 1918 dated 03 (1 replies)
- SRS check for my 1903 Ser#1248420 (10 replies)
- Inspector? (22 replies)
- Confusion on LN 03's (60 replies)
- M1905 Bayonet Price Check. (2 replies)
- Now i have seen everything! (8 replies)
- J5 Bolt (1 replies)
- 1903 bbl. Vs. 1903a3 bbl. (3 replies)
- Is this RIA worth $1300 ? (8 replies)
- I haven't seen this Remington 03... (2 replies)
- Barrel qouetion (10 replies)
- Take Home 1903 Mark I (0 replies)
- Marine 03 rifles (9 replies)
- Early M1903 with .30-03 rear sight leaf (20 replies)
- Can U.S.M.C. provenance on a 1903 rifle be determined by its serial number? (2 replies)
- Questions re: originality of early RIA (8 replies)
- O3 bolt question (26 replies)
- Bolt Question (19 replies)
- Sarco grasping groove stocks? (2 replies)
- 1903 / 1903A3 SRS Check Request (2 replies)
- Newbie (12 replies)
- Unusual rack number (8 replies)
- Cartouche help... (12 replies)
- Weight Gain (7 replies)
- Looking for war time pics of USMC 03 sniper with A3 trigger guard (10 replies)
- Unusual 1903 Butt Plate Marking (5 replies)
- What was the technical reason for going from 30-03 to 30-06? (15 replies)
- 4 digit story (12 replies)
- WW1 1903 proper bolt? (4 replies)
- How did they bedd rifles using 1940's wood filler, putty, wax, toothpicks & glue ? (10 replies)
- 1903 Bolt Questions. (3 replies)
- Lesson learned... (7 replies)
- Remington 1903 New Zealand Lend Lease (36 replies)
- A few parts with drawing numbers (4 replies)
- Need advice. (4 replies)
- Cleaning Rod (12 replies)
- 1903a3 serial (1 replies)
- Bring out your favorite M1903 pictures! (81 replies)
- I have owned this for a while, SRS (7 replies)
- SA Mark 1 barrel/action (4 replies)
- Boxed S.A. cartouche (3 replies)
- Correct M73B1 Variants For Mid and Late Production 1903A4's (2 replies)
- SRS Check please (2 replies)
- Front Sight ? (16 replies)
- 1903 Sprinfield Armory SRS request... (2 replies)
- early Rock Island stock markings (7 replies)
- Purpose of end/post WWII arsenal work... (23 replies)
- Any one exactly what I got? (7 replies)
- Rem. 1903 Question (24 replies)
- 2014 Springfield/Vintage Sniper Match... who's going? (6 replies)
- Merry Christmas Everyone (6 replies)
- Serial number: 1137808 (0 replies)
- SRS request (3 replies)
- Interesting Early Rifle (6 replies)
- 03A4 (2 replies)
- SRS check on Rock Island Arsenal S/N 236221? (12 replies)
- Sporterized 03 Springfield with an unusual barrel. (10 replies)
- just bought 03A4 (12 replies)
- Smith Corona Remington parts update with pics..... (7 replies)
- Odd R-marked 03A3 Sling Swivel - see photo (2 replies)
- RIA rifle with SA barrel question. (8 replies)
- Smith Corona 1903a3 with remington barrel (14 replies)
- RIA BArrel Question (3 replies)
- 03A3 Ejector help request (8 replies)
- Where can I get a 03A3 NM sight base? (photo) (3 replies)
- Simon Jackson's A4 (6 replies)
- Remington vs. Springfield 1903 (14 replies)
- Michael Petrov's new book: Status? (3 replies)
- Barrel installation on Remington M1903 (1 replies)
- Bolt ID Please (9 replies)
- WW I Prototype... (11 replies)
- Cpt. Englehorn, please clear excess from your PM's so that I can send you something (1 replies)
- Closing in on an M1903 inventory list for the USS North Carolina (42 replies)
- SRS check on RIA (9 replies)
- Pedersen Device Box (3 replies)
- USMC Sniper project... (24 replies)
- M73B1 Parts Scope? (14 replies)
- Current Ballpark value of an unaltered, not put together 1903 Mark I? (29 replies)
- M1903, '06 Receiver, Remington Stock Questions (2 replies)
- Just Bought A 03a3 ... (2 replies)
- 1903 Remington Questions! (35 replies)
- pre WW2 stock advice (7 replies)
- M1922 M2 Time Capsule (1 replies)
- Happy Thanksgiving! (4 replies)
- SRS check on SA please (7 replies)
- Left Handed 03's available.. (3 replies)
- GI Rifle Grease (9 replies)
- SRS check on 2 RIA's please (4 replies)
- National Archive request for my Great-Grandfather's M1903... (21 replies)
- Second Stock Screw - When? (9 replies)
- death of a rod bayonet... (8 replies)
- A few questions for the resident experts... (14 replies)
- Inherited a Remington 03A3 (4 replies)
- New Stock Problem (2 replies)
- Will someone please explain what all of these stampings are for? (15 replies)
- Looking at a 1903 today (10 replies)
- odd proof mark! (5 replies)
- My M1903 rack (5 replies)
- CMP A4 Receivers (1 replies)
- Early 1903 SRS request (2 replies)
- RtL check your PM. (1 replies)
- Ballistol Oil (7 replies)
- 1903 barrel is under timed (8 replies)
- Got my USMC 1903... (8 replies)
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