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  1. 1903A4 Bolt Questions (1 replies)
  2. RP 30-06 SPRG brass (14 replies)
  3. Remington 1903a3 info (23 replies)
  4. Rock Island bolt question (10 replies)
  5. Sedgley 12-43 USMC barreled Action (3 replies)
  6. some stocks (8 replies)
  7. Some WWII history from my home town (4 replies)
  8. Remington A303-04 SRS check please (10 replies)
  9. On the reloading board here, on a thread on fluted cases (8 replies)
  10. ebay auction A3 parts (5 replies)
  11. SRS check (1 replies)
  12. Trigger sticking at second stage after initial bolt operation? (29 replies)
  13. What solvernt to remove wood stain from parked receiver? (2 replies)
  14. Marksmanship with the M1903 in WWI? (14 replies)
  15. 1903 rear sight fit question (10 replies)
  16. 1903 questions for the experts (3 replies)
  17. USMC Sniper or Not (14 replies)
  18. 1927 National Match Ammo (5 replies)
  19. SRS check please (1 replies)
  20. Dates of SPG stamp (3 replies)
  21. SRS check please! (2 replies)
  22. Pre-WW1 M1903 Eye Candy (34 replies)
  23. 1903A4 Replacement Stock (4 replies)
  24. 100.00 USMC rifle (19 replies)
  25. SRS Check Please (1 replies)
  26. Intriguing Rifle (14 replies)
  27. low number 219 Donaldson Bench rest rifle (3 replies)
  28. SRS check please on RIA 214674 (15 replies)
  29. M1903 Fabric Chart (8 replies)
  30. Springfield International Parts (4 replies)
  31. Barrel pitting (8 replies)
  32. 1919 SA national match (4 replies)
  33. 1920 National Match (31 replies)
  34. SRS check please (1 replies)
  35. 1903 Sporter? (6 replies)
  36. Check your P.M. (0 replies)
  37. Rem 1903 receiver, is it true? (11 replies)
  38. first time installing a web strap on 03a3.....shoulder stabber!!!! (7 replies)
  39. Boyd's Springfield Sporter Stocks (5 replies)
  40. 1903 rear sight marking? (11 replies)
  41. Free French Soldiers in Italy 1943-44 [1280 x 844] (3 replies)
  42. Looking for some parts (6 replies)
  43. SRS check (3 replies)
  44. Difference between 1920 and 1921 National Match Springfields? (2 replies)
  45. 1905 posible alteration? (22 replies)
  46. marking question (3 replies)
  47. SRS Check (7 replies)
  48. Rear sights not corresponding to their range values (14 replies)
  49. A4 clone build finished with an issue (11 replies)
  50. Sedgley 9-41 USMC barrel (10 replies)
  51. maximum clearance between the rear of the safety lug and the receiver 03A3 (15 replies)
  52. !903 Bolt failures? (11 replies)
  53. SRS check please (2 replies)
  54. Collector-related Rock Island M1903 Data (8 replies)
  55. 03A3 (4 replies)
  56. Remington SRS check please (1 replies)
  57. SRS Check, please.. (6 replies)
  58. 1923 sling? (11 replies)
  59. Remington 03 questions (4 replies)
  60. USS North Carolina 1903 Update (4 replies)
  61. Cal. 30 Auto. Pistol Ball Cartridges value (7 replies)
  62. 1903 serial #'s (7 replies)
  63. WW1 USMC 1903 Springfield sniper rifle with Winchester A5 scope (1 replies)
  64. Collector-related M1903 data (36 replies)
  65. man this stuff was hard to get,,,, (8 replies)
  66. Headspace and Bolt Education (12 replies)
  67. Rock Island 1903 354744 (8 replies)
  68. SRS volumes as they pertain to M1903s... (1 replies)
  69. Pre-War Rebuild, or something much more? (29 replies)
  70. ViShooter 1903 pages (0 replies)
  71. NRA Sporter current value (12 replies)
  72. Before the rain last month (0 replies)
  73. Sling ID and Information (5 replies)
  74. Range time today. (6 replies)
  75. Barrel Values ? (4 replies)
  76. M1922 scope mount bases - identifying (8 replies)
  77. My '03A4 (5 replies)
  78. Devil Dogs (4 replies)
  79. Creedmore Chinertl... worth the extra $100? (8 replies)
  80. Col Tom Whitley has Passed (0 replies)
  81. Col. Brophy rifle (20 replies)
  82. The passing of Dick Culver (20 replies)
  83. 1903 Sight collar question (13 replies)
  84. SRS check and thoughts NRA sporter? (3 replies)
  85. The 03 on the range…….. (3 replies)
  86. 1903 Eye Candy, TENN marked LN RIA, a few SA Marine Rifles (7 replies)
  87. 1903 and 1903A3 stock question (0 replies)
  88. Johnny005 (0 replies)
  89. 1903 SRS Check Please (4 replies)
  90. SA 6-13 Blow up! (36 replies)
  91. Early 30-06 cartridge question (12 replies)
  92. New M1903 (7 replies)
  93. Michael's Volume II (6 replies)
  94. Michael Petrov RIP (23 replies)
  95. Front sight dovetail cants left... Any easy fix? (11 replies)
  96. Pictures for Nelson (1 replies)
  97. '03 leaving military hands (8 replies)
  98. '03s in the ETO (14 replies)
  99. Barrel Mark (5 replies)
  100. 1941A1 Leather Scope Caps? (2 replies)
  101. It's Ba-ack! (8 replies)
  102. Rem 03 Stocks (5 replies)
  103. RLB GG Stock (16 replies)
  104. Experts Opinion Needed/Requested (3 replies)
  105. M1903 Bolt Striker Marked NP (2 replies)
  106. USMC Rifle (5 replies)
  107. A little nervous... (5 replies)
  108. SRS Check Request (2 replies)
  109. Did the Marines Have M1917's in WWI? (31 replies)
  110. Punch mark before serial number (9 replies)
  111. Keystone C Stock (6 replies)
  112. NRA Springfield sporter?? (25 replies)
  113. Early model 1903 any value (6 replies)
  114. Filth from a clean bore? (14 replies)
  115. A 1903 Photo Mystery... (16 replies)
  116. Remington 1903 help (11 replies)
  117. SRS Check Please on Springfield 1903. Thanks! (4 replies)
  118. Please critique and help me complete the life story of my rifle. (1 replies)
  119. SRS check please? (2 replies)
  120. SRS Check on a new to me Springfield (5 replies)
  121. Rock Island SN ck (1 replies)
  122. Need help on parts (4 replies)
  123. Finally got my hands on a piece of family legacy and American history... (40 replies)
  124. Early 1903 receiver, any interest? (0 replies)
  125. SRS request for new M1903 (6 replies)
  126. Springfield M1922 International Match adjustable hook (0 replies)
  127. Thoughts on Milsurp collecting (5 replies)
  128. Rock Island Question (2 replies)
  129. 1903 Rear Sight Knobs - When was the bisecting groove eliminated? (1 replies)
  130. Thoughts on this 1903A1 Sniper (15 replies)
  131. 1903/22LR kit? (1 replies)
  132. Presentation Carbine Question (3 replies)
  133. WTK: M1903 w/ single-shot .22 conversion kit. (8 replies)
  134. Great Grandfather's 1903/Archives request (9 replies)
  135. Question about a Rock Island Rifle (5 replies)
  136. Help (23 replies)
  137. Gun show single bolt stock (6 replies)
  138. Please Educate Me On This 03A4 Bolt (11 replies)
  139. Gun Broker Auction (7 replies)
  140. USMC Marksmanship WWI-Style (2 replies)
  141. Remington 1903a3 build (6 replies)
  142. Electropencil (10 replies)
  143. SRS Check, please? (2 replies)
  144. Just wond'run' out loud . . . . (4 replies)
  145. A few questions for the resident experts for my 1903A1 sniper build. (1 replies)
  146. Floor plate popping off (11 replies)
  147. SRS Check for 1918 dated 03 (1 replies)
  148. SRS check for my 1903 Ser#1248420 (10 replies)
  149. Inspector? (22 replies)
  150. Confusion on LN 03's (60 replies)
  151. M1905 Bayonet Price Check. (2 replies)
  152. Now i have seen everything! (8 replies)
  153. J5 Bolt (1 replies)
  154. 1903 bbl. Vs. 1903a3 bbl. (3 replies)
  155. Is this RIA worth $1300 ? (8 replies)
  156. I haven't seen this Remington 03... (2 replies)
  157. Barrel qouetion (10 replies)
  158. Take Home 1903 Mark I (0 replies)
  159. Marine 03 rifles (9 replies)
  160. Early M1903 with .30-03 rear sight leaf (20 replies)
  161. Can U.S.M.C. provenance on a 1903 rifle be determined by its serial number? (2 replies)
  162. Questions re: originality of early RIA (8 replies)
  163. O3 bolt question (26 replies)
  164. Bolt Question (19 replies)
  165. Sarco grasping groove stocks? (2 replies)
  166. 1903 / 1903A3 SRS Check Request (2 replies)
  167. Newbie (12 replies)
  168. Unusual rack number (8 replies)
  169. Cartouche help... (12 replies)
  170. Weight Gain (7 replies)
  171. Looking for war time pics of USMC 03 sniper with A3 trigger guard (10 replies)
  172. Unusual 1903 Butt Plate Marking (5 replies)
  173. What was the technical reason for going from 30-03 to 30-06? (15 replies)
  174. 4 digit story (12 replies)
  175. WW1 1903 proper bolt? (4 replies)
  176. How did they bedd rifles using 1940's wood filler, putty, wax, toothpicks & glue ? (10 replies)
  177. 1903 Bolt Questions. (3 replies)
  178. Lesson learned... (7 replies)
  179. Remington 1903 New Zealand Lend Lease (36 replies)
  180. A few parts with drawing numbers (4 replies)
  181. Need advice. (4 replies)
  182. Cleaning Rod (12 replies)
  183. 1903a3 serial (1 replies)
  184. Bring out your favorite M1903 pictures! (81 replies)
  185. I have owned this for a while, SRS (7 replies)
  186. SA Mark 1 barrel/action (4 replies)
  187. Boxed S.A. cartouche (3 replies)
  188. Correct M73B1 Variants For Mid and Late Production 1903A4's (2 replies)
  189. SRS Check please (2 replies)
  190. Front Sight ? (16 replies)
  191. 1903 Sprinfield Armory SRS request... (2 replies)
  192. early Rock Island stock markings (7 replies)
  193. Purpose of end/post WWII arsenal work... (23 replies)
  194. Any one exactly what I got? (7 replies)
  195. Rem. 1903 Question (24 replies)
  196. 2014 Springfield/Vintage Sniper Match... who's going? (6 replies)
  197. Merry Christmas Everyone (6 replies)
  198. Serial number: 1137808 (0 replies)
  199. SRS request (3 replies)
  200. Interesting Early Rifle (6 replies)
  201. 03A4 (2 replies)
  202. SRS check on Rock Island Arsenal S/N 236221? (12 replies)
  203. Sporterized 03 Springfield with an unusual barrel. (10 replies)
  204. just bought 03A4 (12 replies)
  205. Smith Corona Remington parts update with pics..... (7 replies)
  206. Odd R-marked 03A3 Sling Swivel - see photo (2 replies)
  207. RIA rifle with SA barrel question. (8 replies)
  208. Smith Corona 1903a3 with remington barrel (14 replies)
  209. RIA BArrel Question (3 replies)
  210. 03A3 Ejector help request (8 replies)
  211. Where can I get a 03A3 NM sight base? (photo) (3 replies)
  212. Simon Jackson's A4 (6 replies)
  213. Remington vs. Springfield 1903 (14 replies)
  214. Michael Petrov's new book: Status? (3 replies)
  215. Barrel installation on Remington M1903 (1 replies)
  216. Bolt ID Please (9 replies)
  217. WW I Prototype... (11 replies)
  218. Cpt. Englehorn, please clear excess from your PM's so that I can send you something (1 replies)
  219. Closing in on an M1903 inventory list for the USS North Carolina (42 replies)
  220. SRS check on RIA (9 replies)
  221. Pedersen Device Box (3 replies)
  222. USMC Sniper project... (24 replies)
  223. M73B1 Parts Scope? (14 replies)
  224. Current Ballpark value of an unaltered, not put together 1903 Mark I? (29 replies)
  225. M1903, '06 Receiver, Remington Stock Questions (2 replies)
  226. Just Bought A 03a3 ... (2 replies)
  227. 1903 Remington Questions! (35 replies)
  228. pre WW2 stock advice (7 replies)
  229. M1922 M2 Time Capsule (1 replies)
  230. Happy Thanksgiving! (4 replies)
  231. SRS check on SA please (7 replies)
  232. Left Handed 03's available.. (3 replies)
  233. GI Rifle Grease (9 replies)
  234. SRS check on 2 RIA's please (4 replies)
  235. National Archive request for my Great-Grandfather's M1903... (21 replies)
  236. Second Stock Screw - When? (9 replies)
  237. death of a rod bayonet... (8 replies)
  238. A few questions for the resident experts... (14 replies)
  239. Inherited a Remington 03A3 (4 replies)
  240. New Stock Problem (2 replies)
  241. Will someone please explain what all of these stampings are for? (15 replies)
  242. Looking at a 1903 today (10 replies)
  243. odd proof mark! (5 replies)
  244. My M1903 rack (5 replies)
  245. CMP A4 Receivers (1 replies)
  246. Early 1903 SRS request (2 replies)
  247. RtL check your PM. (1 replies)
  248. Ballistol Oil (7 replies)
  249. 1903 barrel is under timed (8 replies)
  250. Got my USMC 1903... (8 replies)