View Full Version : TM and availability for 1903A4 and the1903 sniper rifle from WWII
is there such a animal, if one had a extra receiver and other pieces and parts and wanted to make a repro, a tm would be handy
Johnny in Texas
06-27-2010, 09:33
There is a TM for the M1903A4 but not for the 1903 sniper USMC with A5 or Unertl 8X
what would be the nomenclature for the A4 TM?? suppose that might be the best way to start a google thing
The correct nomenclature for the '03 A4 is: U.S. Rifle, Cal. .30, M1903A4
I don't know if there is a seperate TM for the M1903A4 but it's covered, with the other M1903 rifles (excluding the Marine version) in TM 9-1270 dated 20 January 1944.
The above is a War Department manual, not an Army one so it would not surprise me if there was no official manual for the USMC M1903 Sniper Rifle, though I'm sure the Corps made up something ad hoc.
Maury Krupp
06-28-2010, 07:27
There are two TMs for the M1903A4:
TM 9-1270 covers all versions of the M1903; TM 9-270 is specific to the A4 and telescope.
A web search turns up both at
Neither one goes into all that much detail specific to the A4. I'd class them both as "handy or neat to have" but not sure they have much info that would be useful for actually building a rifle from scratch.
The War Department *was* the Army. The USMC came under the separate Department of the Navy. Usually if the Army had a pub the Navy Department would just slap a USN/USMC number on and use it. If there was no Army pub (as there wouldn't be for the USMC rifle) then they'd make something up from scratch. Not familiar enough with the USN/USMC pubs system to know what the number might be or where to look :(
Probably the best reprints of TM 9-270 are available here:
Also Lots of pubs on the m84 scope and USMC M1952 sniper and MC1 scope and mount.
TM-9- 1270 is on a sticky at the Milsurps forum o3 page. Enough detail to put together a clone.
The USMC did put out a little pamphlet on the Unertl 8x and M1903A1 combination - more of an operators manual.
thanks, was able to download the pdf and will print it later (prob take whole cartridge)
unless someone knows a place to buy one for 20 bucks or so
Maury Krupp
06-28-2010, 11:23
Reprints are usually available at gun shows or similar.
Go through the pdf on your computer before blowing a whole ink cartridge printing it. There really isn't all that much in either one specific to the A4; probably less than a half dozen pages tops.
Agreed. Other than the pages that describe shimming and zeroing the scope and some of the pictures there is not a lot that will help you. i think might have the TM -9-1270 reprints.
As was said above, most gunshows have vendors carry reprints of old TM's. I know the ones here do. Might try that. I personally wouldn't reprint it from the internet, ink is too expensive. You should be able to find one at a gun show for less than $.20.00
Johnny in Texas
06-28-2010, 08:15
Ebay search TM 9 1270 you can buy it for 5.00 + 4.90 postage I did not see a TM 9 270. The two I have are both Sept. '43 originals.
Here is a tip, find a 1903 a3 springfield that has been taped for the redfield jr base, it uses two screws one front and one rear.
If it has a two grove barrel on it[ great super.
The bolt must be bent like the real ones/ look at pics.
You are almost home now. Find the rings base and scope
Remove the front sight base ring.
Now find a full length semi wood pistol grip and inlet it for the bolt.
Cross out the last three in 03a3 and make it o3a*4
Very few people know what they really look like and you have one presto...
The rings and bases are hard to find. plus big bucks and more for the right scope.
Cost will be just under 1,000.
Also they sell one for about that much and its a real good fake.
Offer me 6,000 and I might serve you up one with all the blood and guts on it...
It will give you nightmares of of all the death and kills it has been used in. In color will be men screaming with their
blood spurting out and many gut shot Germans and Japs waiting for Death.
Head shots and many wounded having a slow death from the 150 gr 3006 cartridge. Many officers shot between the legs and many a Japs hanging from ropes in trees in the south Pacific used for sighting in guns.
Yes anything a 3006 hunting rifle can do to game has been done to humans threw the alignment of this barrel and scope.
You are talking about the American Springfield 1903a4 sniper rifle Born to kill and proven .
You will just enjoy the nightmares.
Have a nice day/ Like Co Ca cola/ It's the real thing!!!!
i have all the correct parts and pieces including the correct base from that era and a 40's almost new lyman alaskan, going on a 43 remington receiver and a new unfired still in brown paper and cosmo barrel 2 groove remington,
the parts and pieces are at Tim Wheaton a retired gunsmith in Cove City NC for assembly and drill the receiver..
i did break down and buy a new "C" stock, and i just might send the whole assembled rifle to
for manganese (dark) parkerization and i just might have him do the correct markings on the stock, he will do that and then when done he puts a comment inside the barrel groove that this is a replica and that he did it on ___/___/___ which i have absolutely no problem with that
i have some real great shooting two groove remingtons now and hopefully this one will also print well
I shot high senior with the 03A3 i have now with a 292-10/300 at butner, that aint bad for a one eyed hunchback retired marine 67 yrs old
thanks so much for your input
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
07-24-2010, 06:35
TM 9-1005-205-34 (DOA Dec 71) covers direct support and general support maintenance and repair, as well as parts for the A4 and M84 (no authorized repairs at these echelon levels - only depot level). I have an original used copy if anyone wants to pay the price I paid for it (plus postage). The manuals for the M84 are TM 9-6131 and TM 9-1005-205-12.
The pictures of the A4 in the manual sport a C stock.
Johnny in Texas
07-25-2010, 09:33
I want some of what lesries is smokin
I want some of what lesries is smokin
He's just some 13-year old kid. They sneak in here every once in a while while their mamma isn't looking.
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