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View Full Version : M1917 bayonet ?

07-04-2010, 12:56

I am knew to bayonets. Just purchased a Chinchester 1897 trench gun copy :icon_rabbit: and I would like to add a bayonet. Does this look real? Would I be better off looking for an unmolested specimen? I do like the unissuedness look of this one that would match the finish on the gun. :icon_wink:

BTW, I am look for a very good conditon bayonet and scabard for my 1898 Krag rifle.

Charlie Flick
07-04-2010, 01:30

My view is that you should pass on that particular bayonet. It appears refinished to me and has the wrong scabbard. You can do a lot better so keep looking.


desert guy
07-04-2010, 01:31
BillG: Looks like a "repro" M1917-type bayonet. Never seen a painted one, only bright or parkerized. Semper Fi.

07-04-2010, 04:06
Thanks gents. The real ones I have seen on ebay are $200-350. I will keep looking for a real one. I doubt that I will ever be able to afford a real M1897 trench gun.

07-05-2010, 01:58
The bayonet is an original, but as stated in the description, it has underwent a British rebuild. The grips are replaced, the scabbard is British, not US, and it has been black enameled. I also feel that you can do better without spending much more