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When and where did you serve?
-Jeff L
FT. Campbell, KY 84-86
Al Anbar Province, Iraq 05-06
07-06-2010, 01:31
USS Colonial LSD-18, 1963-1964
USS Renville APA-227, 1964-1966
Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club, 1964-1966
07-08-2010, 02:48
USAF Oct 59 - 63. Stationed Lackland AFB, San Antonio Tex., Lowry AFB Denver Co., Walker AFB Roswell New. Mex. TDY to Altus Oklahoma., don't recall the name of the base. The majority of time was at Walker, 6th Bomb Wing SAC
1980 to 1993. 842nd Petroleum Support, 308th Psychological Operations, 917th Support Group, 1/73 Armor Regiment. Not in that order though. Never been to war, so I haven't any stories to relate. Sure do miss the food!
Hal O'Peridol
07-10-2010, 11:39
Ft Devens, MA 1983
Field Station Augsburg, FRG, 1985-85
Ft. Lewis, WA, 109th MI Bn 1985 to 1987
Defense Language Institute, 1987 to 1989
101 MI Bn, 1st Inf Div (FWD), Goeppingen, FRG 1989 to 1991
Operation Desert Storm, Dec 1990 to May 1991 Saudi to Kuwait to Iraq, attached to 2nd Armored Div and then 2nd ACR.
104th MI Bn, 4th Inf Div, Ft Carson, CO. 1991 to 1993
Along the way made several REFORGER, Graf, Hohenfels and Ft. Irwin exercises, and one joint US/Korea exercise, name escapes me now.....Ah, YES! Team Spirit!
Ben Hartley
07-11-2010, 03:42
1961-63 Fort Sill, Oklahoma (The Commanche County Home for Wayward Youth)
1963-64 USMAAG, RVN
1964-66 Fort Sill, Oklahoma
1966-68 USMAC Thailand
1968-69 Fort Sill, Oklahoma (Yes, again!)
07-11-2010, 06:43
1999-2001- Ft. Drum, 1st Bn 87th Inf 10th Mtn
2001-2002- Afganistan, Same
2002-2003- Ft. Drum, Same
2003-2004 Afghanistan, Same
2004-2006 Camp Shelby, 51st Infantry Regiment, PLDC,BNCOC,ANCOC Cadre
cmbt, it appears that we were in the same place at he same time. I was in 2nd BDE 28ID and was at Shelby from January to June 05.
John Sukey
07-13-2010, 02:54
Like Fred, No war stories. 56-57 Ft Meade Maryland AAA
Wiesbaden Germany 57-58 AAA
ANG Tucson, 25 years.
Closest I ever came was just before the shooting started in Panama Left the day before the feces impacted the fan blades.;)
No war stories. Served Ft. Hood, TX 78-79 as 45B small arms repairman.
Must have worked on every type of small arm that broke between the 1 CAV & 2 AD.
OCS 1980 Ft. Benning (Bennings School for Boys)
APG, MD 80 - 83 Operations & Tng Officer Ordnance Center & School
Coordinated instruction for Reserve Component personnel on new equiptment training.
Highly recommend military service to anyone. Great place to learn & travel.
07-15-2010, 11:10
cmbt, it appears that we were in the same place at he same time. I was in 2nd BDE 28ID and was at Shelby from January to June 05.
Well if you ever came through any of the NCO schools we may have crossed paths somewhere.
07-16-2010, 07:21
76-85 PW NAVSTA Midway Island, NMCB3 Pt.Hueneme,Ca. 2 deployments to Subic Bay R.P., Range Coach 31st NCR, PW NAVFAC Barbers Pt.Hi., NAVSUPFOR Mc Murdo Sta. Antarctica. Also a stint with the wing nuts at Sheppard AFB Tx. for HVAC/R School.
Michael Tompkins
07-18-2010, 04:29
Was in the Army from 5 Sep 78 to 6 Sep 81.
MOS was 95B10. Military Police.
Took Basic at Ft McClellan, AL
Spent my entire tour in the FRG.
D Battery 5/6 ADA, Hontheim, FRG Jan 79 to Aug 80.
503 MP Co, 3AD, Friedberg, FRG Aug 80 to Sep 81
Being an MP was both extremely exciting and boring. A lot of responsibility for an 18 yr old kid from Kentucky. Really had no idea what I was getting myself into, but wouldn't trade the experience for the world. Spent a lot of time on the "road" and in the field. Met some not-so-nice people, but met some of the greatest people on earth as well. My experiences in the military made a huge impact on me as a person and as a human being. Definitely opened my eyes to the world around me.
USS Gridley DLG-21 1971-1974(Tonkin Gulf 1972) Left as an SK3
NAF Mildenhall UK 1975-1977 Left as an SK2
USS Trenton LPD-14 1977-1979 Left as an SK1
Griff Murphey
07-20-2010, 08:59
LT Dental Corps USNR
1974-1975 3rd Dental Company, 3rd Marine Division, Mostly at Camp Hansen, Okinawa, also BLT 1-4 Operations Frequent Wind (RVN) and Eagle Pull (Cambodia), USS DUBUQE LPD-8, USS DURHAM LKA-114, USS BLUE RIDGE LCC-19, USS OKINAWA LPH-3, USS DULUTH LSD-?, USS NEW ORLEANS LPH-11, Subic Bay R.P.>!
'75-'76 Naval Regional Dental Center Camp Pendleton, mainside and Camp Horno (Range 214!)
07-20-2010, 09:02
HC-2 Lakehurst, NJ. Detachment 62 - USS Independence 11/65-11/69....ADJ2
No regrets whatsoever
Fort Polk Louisiana BCT 6/66-8/66.
U.S. Army Missille & Munitions Center & School, Redstone Arsenal Alabama, Nike Missile Repair School 9/66-4/67
U.S. Army Missile & Munitions Center & School, Cadre, 4/67-12/67
Direct Support, 44th Air Defense Artillery, Taechon-Ni Korea 12/67-2/69
All in all not a bad gig. I wasn't really cut out for the military but I went in as an E-1 and left as an E-5. The military also paid for my college and helped finance my home. No real regrets or complaints here.
07-21-2010, 11:29
Enlisted Airborne Infantry Nov '66.
Ft Polk Basic
ABN INF AIT Ft Gordon, Ga
Selected for Special Forces
BAC 45th Co, April '67
6th SFG, '68
5th SFG '68-'70 A-341
7th SFG '70.
Used GI benefits to earn a BA.
Did some good and some bad times with some of the best people I ever knew.
I consider military service as a basic rite of passage and don't have much regard for those who failed that.
Sometimes tell war stories among vets.
I served in the US Army, OHARNG, and the USAR for 29 Years, 1979-2008. I served a tour in OEF and OIF in 2006-2007. Happily retired.
07-23-2010, 12:17
NAS Mirimar San Diego Ca. '75-75' RVAW-110
NAS Norfolk Va. '76-79' RVAW-120
1966- 1969 Gulfport MS-- Ca and Viet in 1967- 1968.
07-29-2010, 01:39
USS Simpson (FFG-56) '87-'92
Do not particularly care for the Persian Gulf anymore.
Kilroy in Muncie
07-31-2010, 08:48
82 - Lackland for basic and SP Tech School
82 - 84 Spangdahlem AB, GE
84 - 86 Vandenburgh AFB, CA
86 - Keesler AFB, MS for Radio Maintenance Tech School
86 - 89 Patrick AFB, FL
89 - 93 Lindsey AS, GE
november 1985 - September 1993
lackland afb, san antonio texas
lowry afb, denver colorado
beale afb, marysville california
tdy fort richardson, anchorage alaska
tdy fairchild afb, spokane washington
altus afb, altus oklahoma
never went to war, i watched the gulf war on CNN when i wasnt watching denise austin doing aerobics...
23151 graphic arts specialist
23131 still photographic specialist
base honor guard 3yrs at beale afb, 2yrs AIC/NCOIC of training flight B
Ft. Knox - 1979
Ft. Rucker - 1979-1985
Ft. Campbell - 1985-1989
El Salvador - 1989
National Guard - 1989 - 2006
Ft. Leonard Wood, MO
Defense Language Institute, Monterey, CA
Goodfellow AFB, TX
Ft. Devens, MA
108th MI BN, Wildflecken, FRG
338th MI BN, Ft. Meade, MD
08-02-2010, 09:41
Chanute AFB, Ill 1967; Kincheloe AFB, Michigan 1968; U-Tapio AB, Thailand 68-69; back to Kincheloe 69-71. SAC B-52s and KC-135, two great aircraft.
1966 USAF OTS - Medina Base, San Antonio, TX
1966-1967 Aircraft Maint Officer School - Chanute AFB, Rantoul, IL
1967-1968 438 OMS/MMCW - McGuire AFB, Wrightstown, NJ
1968-1970 36TAS - Langley AFB, VA
1968-TDY RAF Mildenhall, UK
1969-TDY Rhein Main, Frankfurt, FRG
Spent most of my career under the Med running at 4 knots and 400 feet, rigged for patrol quiet. Only excitement was shadowing Russian submarines for days at a time. Oh, for the glory days of the Cold War again!
MM A School, Great Lakes, IL - 1963
Naval Nuclear Power School, Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Vallejo, CA - 1964
Navy Nuclear Power Training Unit, National Reactor Testing Station, Arco, ID - 1964
Naval Submarine School, New London, CT - 1965
U.S.S. Lafayette, SSBN-616, Charleston, SC and Rota, Spain - 1965-70
PA Air National Guard, Pittsburgh International Airport, Coraopolis, PA - 1976-77
Served 1955-75. Samson AFB, NY Chanute AFB,IL Naha AB, Okinawa Andrews AFB, MD Naha AB again AFTAC, Alexandria, VA Naha AB again Fairchild AFB, WA Fuchu AS, Japan Offutt AFB, NE Glasgow AFB, MT Cape Romanzof AFS, AK With TDYs to Wheelus AB, Lybia Danang AB, RVN Korat AB, Thailand. I think that's all.
Lackland AFB 6/86-7/86
Keesler AFB 7/86-9/86
Shemya AFB, Aleutian Islands 11/86-11/87
Griffiss AFB 12/87-6/88
NJANG, McGuire AFB 6/88-6/92
Dan Shapiro
08-23-2010, 02:57
Ft. Ord, Ca - Apr/June 67
Ft. Devens, Mass - July/Oct 67
Herzo Base, West Germany - Nov 67/June 69
Two Rock Ranch, Ca - July/Sept 69
Phu Bai, Vietnam - Oct 69/Nov 70
08-23-2010, 08:56
For Dan Shapiro: While in Phu Bai, did you ever run into a 6'4' tall RO by the name of Dunn? He was kind of dorky looking then an scared chitless sometimes.
08-23-2010, 09:13
Ft. Ord, Ca. 73
Ft Bliss, Tx for ada AIT
A/1/44 Korea 73-74
Ft. Bliss again d/2/55
C/1/2 Korea 75-76
D/1/65 Key West, Fla an Ft. Bliss again
Nurmours reforgers an air support for the 3rd hurd
Navy Goose Creek, South Carolina 80-84
Ft. Rosecrans, Ca. 84-88
National Gd. 88-89
All good tours, lost a few good buds ( death ) froze my behind off in winter times an got sunburned in the summer. An I hated the POS m-16 from day 1.
08-29-2010, 02:33
USMC 1988-1993 active 1993-1995 irr
88 parris island
89 nas memphis, nas cecil field, mcas el toro
90 mcas el toro, sheik isa air base bahrain
91 sheik isa air base bahrain, mcas el toro
92 mcas el toro, mcas iwakuni japan, k2 ab teagu south korea, kadina ab okinawa
93 kadina ab, okinawa, osan ab south korea, mcas el toro then off active duty to irr
served with I MEF, 3 MAW, MAG 11 , VMFA-314 during Desert Shield, Desert Storm.
USMC 1988-1995
08-29-2010, 02:48
MOPP level 4 sucks, got thrown out the back of a hummer while we were going to post one night when we came under a scud attack and the driver rolled the hummer of the road and down the embankment luckily none of got anything more than the wind knocked out of us as we in the back were thrown clear of the hummer before it could land on us. next day new orders no driving while wearing a gas mask oops. my profile pic is of me in a tower manning a ma deuce on the gulf side of the base while tdy to the MP's the pic was taken on christmas morning 1990. my unit VMFA-314 and VMFA-235 arrived at king fahd airport dahran saudi arabia at 1400 on august 21,1990 and we left bahrain on march 13,1991 at 2100 hours during 41 days of combat operations VMFA-314 flew 814 combat sorties and expended 2.1 million pounds of ordnance of all types. guarding the off site ammo really sucked as we had 25 Marines to cover a square mile perimeter and we had no nvgs cause the air force took them back. stare at something long enough in the pitch black dark and it will move. the desert sucked but wouldnt trade any of my experiences in the Corps for anything it has shaped my life .
USMC 1988-1995
09-04-2010, 01:20
8/65-8/67 - Schools or waiting for schools
8/67-8/69 - NAVSECGRUACT Marietta, WA
8/69-2/70 - Back to School
3/70-5/71 - NAVSECGRUACT Keflavik, Iceland
5/73-10/73 - Back To School
10/73-10/75 - NAVSECGRUACT Northwest, VA
10/75-5/76 - Back to School
5/76-5/78 - NAVSECGRUACT Azores
5/78-7/78 - Back To School
8/78-8/81 - NAVCOMTRACEN Corry Station, Pensacola, FL (Instructor duty)
8/81-5/84 - NAVSECGRUACT Adak, AK
5/84-6/86 - NAVSECGRUACT Guam
6/86-7/86 - Back To School
8/86-8/89 - NAVSECGRUACT Augsburg, GE and OUT!
(Since my time, all duty stations except Corry and Guam have been closed.)
No combat but feel I contributed in no small way by providing "assistance" to those in combat. No ships - equipment I maintained was much too large for shipboard deployment. (I tried, but was told with my background, it wasn't gonna happen.) Family separations? Once, for 2 months, our choice - waiting for the kids to finish the school year. All overseas deployments were accompanied, concurrent travel. On the brighter side, I served as Station Weapons Officer at several stations, as well as SAMI - which wasn't a plus at advancement time.....
Sean P Gilday
09-05-2010, 01:56
Ft. Hood 1982-1984
2nd Armored Div.
HHC 1st Bn, 50th Inf Rgt (M)
Co. E. 124th Maint Bn
NYARNG 1984-2008
Co. C 1st Bn, 71st Inf Rgt. 42nd Div 1984-1993
Co. C 1st Bn, 105th Inf Rgt, 27th E-Bde. 1993-2000
Co. D. 1st Bn, 69th Inf Rgt, 42nd Div 2000-2001
Co. A.. & B. 1st Bn, 69th Inf Rgt USMA 2001-2002 Noble Eagle attached to Garrison 1/1 Infantry
Co. B. 1st Bn, 69th Inf. Rgt. 256th Bde. Iraq 2004-2005
Det. 1 NY PTAE 2006-2008
TAC CP2 42nd Div G-3 FUOPS 2008
OIF III -Baghdad, Radwiniya, Route Irish Patrol
Combat Infantry Badge Jan. 20th, 2005
Purple Heart June 10th, 2005 (130mm HE-Frag IED)
ADCS USN Ret. 1958 -1979 Would do it again if I could
USAF 1960 to 1964 mostly with the 449th Bomb Wing (SAC) Kincheloe AFB, Michigan but TDY many times. I was home on leave when the Cuban Missile Crisis broke, got a telegram from the Pentagon "Report to your duty station by first available transportation". We were on alert for a month or more. I remember standing guard at a hanger entrance with an M2 carbine with 10 rounds in the mag. Would have been a short battle on auto.
I was TDY at Wright-Patterson the day the B-29 "BOCKSCAR" was flown in to the Air Force Museum. I got inside for a look around.
Never shot at or slept in a foxhole but hope my small contribution helped keep the Soviets on their side of the world.
Never shot at or slept in a foxhole but hope my small contribution helped keep the Soviets on their side of the world.
w4rf, trust me, you didn't miss anything!
Dan Shapiro
09-07-2010, 12:00
"For Dan Shapiro: While in Phu Bai, did you ever run into a 6'4' tall RO by the name of Dunn? He was kind of dorky looking then an scared chitless sometimes. "
Don't recall the name. Biggest guy in our hootch was Jack Morresette (could have played linebacker for Green Bay) - and he was scared #$@ of bugs. We were TAD to night perimeter guard. I'd kick Morresette's rack to wake him as I went to get cleaned up in the afternoon. He'd mumble, but wouldn't get up until I got back, then he'd have to rush to catch up in time for chow. After a couple of days listening to his bitching about my not waking him, I kicked his rack one afternoon and yelled "catch" as I threw a cockroach on his chest. Next thing I knew he was chasing me down the company street yelling that he'd kill me. At least he got up on time for once. :evil6:
Doug Douglass
09-07-2010, 04:12
United States Coast Guard...operation Market Time...TAD Nam 66, Photographer.....not good times but we did it...and survived.. Semper Paratus :icon_salut:
USS Independence 65-69. Not much of a Navy Man my only goal was to do my time and get back to civilian life.
Can you believe my recruiter lied to me? Was promised aircraft engine school and shore duty. Instead I was assigned the Cat Crew of the Independence and did 3 year 9 months and 22 days of sea duty. Thought I would be stuck on the Cats for the my entire enlistment but because of my test scores I was offered my choice of schools a year later. I took Photography because it was the longest school and the closest thing to shore duty.
When I read what a lot of you have done I'm a little ashamed of myself. My only defence is I was young. Joined when I turned 17 to be in a war and ended up spit polishing for endless white glove inspections. Might be some truth that God watches out for fools and young stupid people.
09-07-2010, 07:55
ESS Eldorado AGC-11 (Phib Pac) 1957-1959. Gun Fire Control Tech FT3. "Kiddie Cruiser", in for 3 years total.
Have not heard Kiddie Cruiser for a long time.
When I was mustering out I was told there would be a month to 6 weeks delay. This would put me into September or early October 1969 discharge. I was turning 21 on the 4th of August. I told the discharge people I didn't care what they did my enlistment was up on my 21st birthday and I was leaving if they had papers or not. They cut me loose about a week early.
A Kiddie Cruiser had to be signed in by his parents because he was a minor at 17 years old. When you turned 21 you were a legal adult and your parents consent was null and void.
09-08-2010, 07:35
Dang what would they call call a 17 yr. old who joined the Army durning Vietnam. An I better not see the word dum or stupid or the black coated guys will visit with a thousand camel fleas.
How about a true Patriot that stood up for his country at a young.
What did you think about the college bunch demonstrating and the draft dodgers going to Canada?
USNR - 6 Jun 53 to May 58 (at 17). NAS Olathe, Ks and NAS St. Louis Mo.
Assigned to VF 886 with F4U-4 Corsairs, later got F9F-6 Cougars. Plane Captain on both.
Got tired of working on them and watching someone else fly them so transferred to VP 881 in 1957 as Ordnance man and started flying aircrew on PB4Y-2 Privateers.
usaf - May 58 to Sep 58. Went to flight school, got thrown out because I had hay fever.
Thanks to the F--n hair farce and the way they coded my 214, I spent 3 yrs out.
Colo Army NG - Sep 61 to May 64. Joined a unit activated for the Berlin Wall crisis. They needed bodies and conveniently over looked the RE 4 code on my af 214 (I also had a 4F draft card). Ended up working full time Guard in Colo & Mo. Couldn't hack the pansy asses in the Mo guard so -
May 64 - Apr 68 back in the Navy and back on flying status, on P2V Neptune’s this time.
Volunteered 3 times for RVN, 1st denied, no reason. 2nd ships company in an attack sqdn - I wanted VP 31 flying Neptune’s in RVN & they said no so I told them to shove it. 3rd time for the brown water Navy and they said no because I was an aviation rate.
1 May 68 reenlistment time found me joining another Army Guard unit, this one was being activated for RVN. I even picked up on stripe on this switch - E5 to E6.
again couldn't stand that bunch of draft dodging cry baby SOBs so
13 Sep 68 - Reenlisted RA for Special Forces.
19 Aug 69 Arrived at SF HQ in Nha Trang. I had Finally made it!!!
26 Mar 70 wounded and Medivaced to the states, arrived on 1 May. Short tour!
9 Sep 71 - disability retirement from the Army. 15 yrs, 2 months and a few days - down the tubes!!
See what persistence will do for you!
Dan Shapiro
09-09-2010, 10:46
"What did you think about the college bunch demonstrating and the draft dodgers going to Canada? "
They had a right to be stupid and demonstrate. As for the draft dodgers who went to Canada. Goodbye! We had more respect for those who went to jail for their beliefs. Worst thing that a$$hole in Chief Carter did was the pardon. I'm sure John Kerry sends him a Christmas Card each year for that.
The bastards should have been stripped of their citizenship and sent to Hanoi!!! By air of course, air dropped from 20,000 feet with a bomb tied to their feet!
Even today No dumb SOB Ever wants to let me hear him bragging about going to Canada and then coming back years later. I will most likely put him in the hospital!
El Paso Mark
09-23-2010, 07:52
Have not heard Kiddie Cruiser for a long time. A Kiddie Cruiser had to be signed in by his parents because he was a minor at 17 years old. When you turned 21 you were a legal adult and your parents consent was null and void.
I joined the Army a month after I turned 17. Don't remember if mom had to sign for me or not. That was a long time ago.
C & D Co. 2/502 101st Airborne '74 - '77 (REFORGER '76)
FCTCLANT & Pax River NAS '79 - '81
USS Decatur DDG-31 '81 - '83
USS Callaghan DDG-994 '83 - '86
PMTC Pt. Mugu, Ca. '86 - '88
USS Vincennes CG-49 '88 - '92
FCTCPAC '92 - '96
7 WestPacs, twice to the Persian Gulf, twice to the I.O.
The bastards should have been stripped of their citizenship and sent to Hanoi!!! By air of course, air dropped from 20,000 feet with a bomb tied to their feet!
Even today No dumb SOB Ever wants to let me hear him bragging about going to Canada and then coming back years later. I will most likely put him in the hospital!
Bad as I hate to say it, they had the right to leave(my country, love it or leave it). I don't believe they had the right to return. If they had any sense of honor, they wouldn't consider comming back. We do have the right to be yellow.
09-26-2010, 03:08
Biggest problem with the guys who ran is that they broke the law and were given pardons.
It was a complicated time and situation, but the pardons were way out of line.
Some guys who got discharged with bad paper were given the opportunity for reviiew, but sure weren't pardoned.
Scary thing today os that with the draft being over a generation in the past, current guys who shirk service are actually offended by the thought of mandatory service. A s if it was for some sort of lesser being.
09-26-2010, 03:11
USAF McChord AFB, WA. 89-92
Jet Engine mechanic on the C-141's.
Best Regards
Dan In Indiana
09-30-2010, 04:56
Chu Lai by the Sea
Sept. '67 to Jan. '69
The first part was leading up to 'Nam, Tet of '68 was noisy.
63-64 Ft. Leonard Wood, Ft. Polk, Ft. Benning
64-65 Okinawa 173rd Airborne Brigade, 2ndBn/503rdInf
65-66 Vietnam 173rd, 2nd/503rd
Bad as I hate to say it, they had the right to leave(my country, love it or leave it). I don't believe they had the right to return. If they had any sense of honor, they wouldn't consider comming back. We do have the right to be yellow.
Yes, they had the "right" to leave, But they did NOT have any right to return unless it was to serve a jail term! They should have forfieted their citizenship when they crossed the border!
If they had any sense of honor, they wouldn't consider comming back. We do have the right to be yellow.
If they had any sense of honor, they wouldn't have run off.
The way I looked at it was most of the draft dodgers were probably people I wouldn't want covering my ass anyway, so it's good that they left the country.
It was bad enough when all the drug-users started joining up. That's when I threw in the towel after seven years ('63-'70). We carried nuclear-tipped torpedoes, and we had guys smoking grass in the damn torpedo room! And who the heck knew what was going on the in missile control center with the door closed and locked all the time.
desert guy
10-21-2010, 10:07
1966-1967: 1ST LAAM BN, DaNanag and Hill 55 (20km south of DaNang).
BMC(SW) USN ret.
21 May 1970-31 Jan 1997/Apr 1983-Jan 1987 USNR, (Lt./USAF Security Police 1983-1987)
Dang what would they call call a 17 yr. old who joined the Army durning Vietnam. An I better not see the word dum or stupid or the black coated guys will visit with a thousand camel fleas.
I volunteered in May 1970 at 17 years, 2 weeks old. I have never seen a Draft card and have no idea what they look like. When I retired in 1997 at age 44, I was told by a Navy LT. at TAP class(Transition Assistance Program) that I had to register with Selective Service. I just looked at him and said "If you want me just follow the monthly check."
For Sarge
I did a talk at a modeling convention here on Long Island this summer past about Quad 50s in Vietnam and a woman walked up to me
and wanted to know if I would shake the hand of her brother. It seems he went to Canada and wanted to shake my hand. Well I refused
and had to restrain myself from putting him in the hospital. The SOB had to send his sister over to me , as he couldn't ask himself.
RVN 70 and 71 Quad 50 gunner we ran convoys in the highlands and at times right up to Dong Ha up on HWY 1 .
3 Corp Arty 96-98
2-17 Arty 98-99
82nd Airborne 99-2000
3rd Special Forces Group 2000-2006
Special Forces Instructor 2006-2008
USASOC Special Operations Cell 2008- present
11-27-2010, 10:06
75-77 USAR; 77-81 2nd SPT CMD USAEUR; 81-82 4th INF; 82-84 IRR; 85 USAR; 86-88 MIARNG; 89-93 IRR; 93 USAR; 94 IRR; 95-96 IMA US Army Japan; 97 IRR; 97-03 Retired Reserve; 03 - present California State Military Reserve -- Still serving!
Usaf 1966-1970
griffiss afb ny 416th bomb wing
andersen afb guam 4133rd bomb wing (provisional)
Joined @ 17 got my retirement letter @37, had a beer that night and reenlisted two weeks later, wouldn't trade the experience for anything, strongly recommend it! I was a police officer while I was in the guard and steered a few troubled youth to the military, proud to say, all are now quality members of society, I get a visit and a thank you every now and then. I give them one back, thank you guys too!
202nd SPT BN, Mannheim Ger. 87-89
27th Sig. Bn. Ft Lewis Wa. 89-90
163rd Mech. Inf. ANG Montana 90-95
190th FA BN ANG Montana 95-04
OEF 190th MP CO. Ft Riley KS. 04-06
260th ENG CO ANG Montana 06-09
Ft. Livingroom 09-current
12-19-2010, 06:19
Wow, there are a lot of veterans on this site...not surprising, though. Thanks to all of you for your service.
USMC 1975-2003
3d Bn., 2d Marines, 2d Marine Div. 1975-78 (Evacuation of Beirut, Lebanon)
Broken Time-IRR 78-80
3d Bn, 24th Marines USMCR 80-84
2d Bn, 4th Marines, 2d MarDiv. 84-87
School of Infantry East 87-90
2d Recon Bn, 2d MarDiv. 90-93 1991 Persian Gulf War/Bosnia
Recruiting Duty, Muncie, IN 93-96 (War of a different type...)
HQ Bn, MCAGCC, Twentynine Palms, CA 96-98
L Btry, 3d Bn, 12th Marines (3/11) 98-2000
Recruiting Duty, Chicago 2000-2003
Retired 1 Jan 2003
I was a grunt and reconnaissance Marine. What's not to like? Travel, adventure, free ammo and fun camping trip!
Wayne Dillon
SgtMaj USMC (Ret.)
US Army 1947 to 1969 (retired) 82d Airborne '47 - '48. 187th Airborne Regimental Combat Team, Korea 1951. Made second combat jump on 23 March 1951 at Munsan-ni, Korea. Various jobs and duty stations State side, Germany, Korea.
Last 13 + years spent as a Special Agent, Military Intelligence, State side, Germany & Korea.
Well spent time, never to be forgotten.................
Shawn Grear
02-11-2011, 10:17
Served with the U.S. Army , 1st Bn 64th Armor , 3rd Infantry Division (mech) Kitzingen West Germany as a 4.2 in (four deuce mortorman) Weapons Platoon . 1982-84 . Then PCS'd stateside to the 3rd Bn, 7th Infantry (Cottonballer) , 197th Infantry Brigade (Mech) (Seperate) 81mm mortor Weapons Platoon , Fort Benning Ga. 1984-85 . Rock of the Marne / Willing & able !
02-15-2011, 08:16
Bad as I hate to say it, they had the right to leave(my country, love it or leave it). I don't believe they had the right to return. If they had any sense of honor, they wouldn't consider comming back. We do have the right to be yellow.
Not exactly correct.
Many of these giys had notices to appear for induction or physicals.
They did not cross the border legally nor follow immigration procedures.
You don't have "rights" to break or circumvent the law.
That's what they did.
02-19-2011, 01:31
Navy 1967-1970
NTC Great Lakes
MCAS Quantico VA
NAF Washington DC
1962 to 1968 US Army Reserve, 109th Ordnance and Co. A, 365th Engineers Thank God we were never called up to active duty!
03-07-2011, 08:51
I did not serve in the military...However my father did he was in the Navy from 1951-63 he got out on a hardship discharge when his father was killed in a car accident. He got out to help support his family...his sister was in a wheelchair and his brother who served in the Army was in Korea. He has told me he didnt see action but spent a lot of time in the mediterrainian sea. He was a pipe fitter second class. He doesn't talk about his military life at all. I wish he would his health isnt good and he's 77 yo. But I do know he was proud to have served. Thank you for your time and attention.
04-02-2011, 07:52
USAF Retired. 20 years as Weapons Loader (Load Toad) on B-52G, F-4G and F-16s. 1987-2007.
Gulf War 1
04-02-2011, 08:04
1981-1984, Another 17 year old enlistee, 2/17th Air Cav Ft Campbell KY. Cobra & Blackhawk Crew Chief. President Reagan sent me ALL over the planet, No combat per se, did get shot at by Communist Cowboys on an island with a USMC out post in Puerto Rico.( near Viagas? island) They were on horseback and shot at Jones and I with 22 pistols on my 20th Birthday. Ever hear even a 22 smack a wooden rocket crate? Puerto Rican security forces put a thumpin on those bast@rds. Joined Army under High School to Flight School..................After Basic found out I had funked my hearing test, proud to have been a crew doggie though. Sat on a plane for 2 straight days waiting to see what would happen when the A-holes blewup the Marine Barracks in Beruit. Stayed a PFC for 2 1/2 years when all promotions to spec 4 were frozen, got out.
04-02-2011, 10:01
USCG, 1966-70
CGC Dexter, out of Alameda, Mexico, eastern Pacific, AK fisheries patrol. Aleutians,Gulf of AK, Bering Sea. WE were 270+ days at sea in 1967
CGC Barataria, Govt. Island, Alameda Reefer Docks, Treasure Island, wherever. Nobody wanted us! WestPac. AK fisheries patrol, major engine room fire in Unimak passage, back to SFO/ Todd shipyards.
Ft. Sam Houston, burn ward and convalescent barracks
Lifeboat Station Bodega Bay, CA. Did a lot of SAR, rescued beautiful women who were wearing hardly aNY clothes, etc. etc.
CGC Rush Caribbean, Panama, Costa Rica, Ocean Station November, WestPac, etc.
12/69 3/73 Army medic.Germany,RVN.
US Navy, 1958-1962. Radioman, served two years aboard USS Saint Paul CA73 (Heavy Cruiser, 8" main guns) flagship for Seventh Fleet, homeported Yokosuka, Japan. Rode out two typhoons, crossed the equator twice and went up the Saigon River to visit Saigon, South Vietnam. A heavy cruiser just isn't ideal for riverine ops.
Last year at Port Hueneme, California......liked sea duty much more.
US Army, 1967-1970
Ft Carson, Colo, 46th Field Artillery Group. 1968-1969
Quang Tri Province, Northern I Corps, Vietnam 1969-1970. 75th Support Bn, 1st Infantry Brigade, 5th Infantry Division (Mech). The Brigade was on loan to the Marine Corps and came under Command And Control of the 3rd MarDiv. Khe Sahn Plains to the DMZ.
[QUOTE=Big_Al;141406]US Army, 1967-1970
Ft Carson, Colo, 46th Field Artillery Group. 1968-1969
We were at Ft Carson at the same time. I was in an aviation unit at Butts Field in 68.
[QUOTE=Big_Al;141406]US Army, 1967-1970
Ft Carson, Colo, 46th Field Artillery Group. 1968-1969
We were at Ft Carson at the same time. I was in an aviation unit at Butts Field in 68.
We were in the old wood barracks on one of the last company streets before the back gate to Fountain. Our motor pool was the last, or maybe second to last, one before the gate.
Too darn cold for a Florida boy, especially going to the field in below zero weather.
comm pogue
05-10-2011, 04:19
USMC 6/68-6/71 :hello:
28th Marines San Matao Camp Pen.
RVN Radio Relay Plt Comm Co Hqbn, rear was at Dong Ha, relay shots to Con Thien, Cua Viet, VCB/Lz Stud and Army SF at My Loc village along the Cua Viet river
Sch Bn Comm supt 21 area, worked with M48s, 105 & P5 Amtracs
05-10-2011, 02:27
Any 3rd ACR guys? I see some Carson guys, Jay
101st Airborne, 501st signal battalion. RVN. All over 1 corp.
regards, dennis
06-08-2011, 11:16
Ft. Campbell,Ky. 88-91 1-187th Inf. Medic
Sinai Egypt 6months MFO
Desert Storm/Desert Shield 7months
Early on, along with several thousand of my airborne battle buddies, I did a few Forced Entries that everyone agreed were Combat Deployments. Between those had a couple of trips of an "Expeditionary" nature. :evil6:
Later, as I was about to retire was informed that my most recent "visits" were not "Kinetic in Action" - - - I was a Former Participant in current & ongoing Overseas Contingency Operations. :icon_scratch:
Not Kinetic in Action? Reckon I was carrying all that 5.56 for nothing! :icon_rolleyes:
09-17-2011, 02:28
1980 to 1984, 400 Strategic Missile Squadron FE. Warren AFB Wy.
1984 to 1984, 740th Strategic Missile Squadron Minot AFB ND. Why not Minot?
1984 to 1987, 5th Bomb Wing Minot AFB ND.
1987 to 1991 Headquarters 8th Air Force Barksdale AFB La.
1991 to 1993 343rd Wing Eielson AFB Alaska.
09-17-2011, 06:09
Why Not, that be where I was born. Did you make it out too Strawberry lake or go ice fishing at Devils lake ? An how about those winter snow drifts?
09-30-2011, 03:09
Am I the only WWII guy to respond or the only WWII guy to visit this forum?
US Army 4-68 to 11-71
Ft. Polk
Ft. Sam Houston
Germany several locations
Viet-Nam 1st Cav
Ft. Hood
10-28-2011, 05:02
HHC 1/505 med. Plt 82nd Airborne
1979/ 1982
HHT 1/124 th med. Plt 49th Armor
1983 / 1993
ft.Sam Houston
ft. Benning
peace keeping tour in the Sinai with the MFO
trained all over the States and few other countries.
USAF 1970-1986
USAFR 1987-2000
Air Traffic Controller 272xx
C-141A Navigator
C-141B Pilot
Altus AFB, OK
Travis AFB, CA
Sheppard AFB, TX
McChord AFB, WA
Charleston AFB, SC
(living proof of the Peter Principle)
01-29-2012, 08:54
USS Carr FFG-52 1991 - 1994
USS Ramage DDG-61 1994 - 1997
04-16-2012, 09:04
Cosine 26: Not the only one.- Navy 1942-Apr46. Sub. Pacific. Army 52-69. Korea and Viet Nam
1956 I signed/via mother for three years in the Army while still 16, a month before my 17th birthday. The recruiter said I should take the GED before I went in but you had to be 17 so he made a "mistake" by a month signing me up for the tests that made me 17 already and I took the tests while still 16 and on my real 17 birthday I was sworn in.
Served May 56 to Jan 57 at Ft Ord, CA, 10th Div,
Jan 57 to mid 58 Bamberg Germany, 10th Div, Neat trip to Germany as loaded ship in Montery Ca, Traveled down coast of Ca and Mexico and through the Panama Cannal and on to Germany. About 17 days on ship.
Then from 1958 to out, Ft Benning.
Got out a few days short of the three yrs, was still 19.
San Diego
El Toro
29 Palms
07-27-2013, 08:36
U.S Army 74-96 - 2 years USAR, 20 Active Duty
1 tour in Germany, 3 years in the Mid East (1 year with the MFO), various places in the states. Duty travel to 28 countries including the old USSR.
80 FT LWood, MO
81-82 Bco 76th Engr Bn, FT Drum, NY
82-84 568th CSE co Hanau, FRG
85-88 Bco 34th Engr Bn, FT Riley, KS (87 Polmerola Air Base, Hondurus: shots fired)
88-92 663rd Ord Co, Schweinfurt, FRG, 90-91 Gulf War
92-94 Bco 43rd Engr Bn, FT Benning, GA : 93 Somalia, Africa
94-95 63rd CSE co, FT Benning, GA : 94 Somalia, Africa
95 released by the Clintons
2006-Present 881st ESCo NC NG
2008 Reclassed to 11B, 2009-2010 OIF, Baghdad, Aco 1/252 IN
2011-2012 883rd Route Clearance Co OEF, Zabul Pro Stan
For those to my left and right, i'd do it all again!!!!!
bombdog, out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-12-2013, 08:22
US Army 1970-73; FT Jackson SC Basic Training; Army Language School Presidio Monterey CA (Russian); FT Devens MA Intel School; Field Station Augsburg Germany.
US Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve 1984 to present in some form or another.
Panama 87-90 including Just Cause
3rd Infantry DIvision In vasion of Iraq 2003
Afghanistan 2009-2010
Former Cav
11-12-2013, 02:07
A Troop, 3rd Sqdn, 4th Cavalry, 25 INF Div. (Mackenzies Raiders) Nov 67 to Aug 24, 68. I have 3 Purple Hearts (or to be exact, a Purple Heart with 2 oak leaf clusters).
I was in the US Army from Jun 14, 65 to Oct 20, 69
In order of service.
Basic and AIT Armor at Ft. Knox Jun 65 to Nov 22nd or so of 65. Troop ship to So Korea (USNS Edwin D Patrick)
To So Korea, Co E, 14th Rifle Inf. Taejon. I was a security guard at a Nike Missile base (didn't know I guarded NIKES until about 3 years ago har har)
Then to Camp Casey So Korea from about Jun 66 to Dec 66 HHC 7Th Inf Div. TF (trainfire...worked on the rifle range)
Then to Fort Carson (I call it Ft. CARTOON), CO. 1/77 Armor, 5th Inf Div Jan 67 to Oct 67. Was TDY to Ft. Knox in the summer of 67 at the armor engineer test board and tested the M-551 Sheridan P.O.S.
Nov 67 to Aug 24, 68. 3/4 Cav, 25th ID.
106th Gen Hosp Japan Aug 2Xth 68 to Nov 4, 68
Fitzsimmons Army Hosp in Aurora (Denver) CO from Nov 68 to Oct 20, 69!!
WORST duty station was at Ft. CARTOON!!
11-12-2013, 05:16
1953 until 1973, USAF navigator, flew B-29s, C47s C54s, C-124, and lastly RF-4Cs. All over the world. Europe, Middle east, Africa, South America. SEA and Conus.
Bill Hughes
11-13-2013, 01:33
Enlisted USNR 4/62
Active Duty 11/63 - 11/65 USS Luiseno (ATF-156) Newport, RI & Gitmo
USNR 11/65 - 04/68 Newport News, VA
Enlisted USMCR 06/75 Marine Air Control Sqn-24, Quantico
Failed Re-Enlistment Physical (Arthritis) - 06/83
Enlisted USNR 06/83 - Staff, Commander Carrier Group 4 - Norfolk
Retired 10/92
Enlisted 2005, USMC as a Rifleman
2 PLT, Golf 2/5 2006-2008, deployed to Ar Ramadi, Iraq and reinforced 2/7 in Al Karmah as George 2/7
15th MEU 2008, BLT 2/5
Instructor, 1st Marine Division Schools- Urban Assault Leader's Course 2009
11-15-2013, 08:34
Drafted Sept 9, 1953, served primarly with the 3rd ID....joined the Air Force Reserve when I was discharged in 1955 and stayed until 1993 (40 years). Reserve unit called up to go to Desert Storm in 1991.
U.S. Army 1964-66
Drafted Dec '64
Basic..Ft Gordon Ga
Infantry Radio Mechanic school Ft Benning Ga
502 nd Military Intelligence Bn Republic of Korea '65-'66
Brad in Idaho
11-19-2013, 10:19
Active duty - January 1965 - December 1967
Basic Training San Diego 1/65 - 4/65
USNCTC Pensacola, Florida 4/65 - 12/65
USNCS Guam 1/66 - 8/67
USNCS Skaggs Island, CA 8/67 - 12/67
Balance of my 6 year enlistment was as an inactive reservist.
11-20-2013, 11:27
I was drafted by President Eisenhower September 9, 1953 and assigned to the 3rd ID. I was discharged September 8, 1995. So, I slept with an M1 for 2 years.....Then, I joined the Air Force Reserve. We were activated for Operation Desert Storm in December 1990 and stayed in the Desert until May 1991. We had A-10 aircraft. I retired in 1993 at the mandatory retirement at age 60 after 40 years in uniform. If I had it to do all over again, I would do the same thing. I don't think anyone ever took a shot at me, if they did they missed.
Sampson AFB. NY
Chanute AFB, IL
Naha AB, Okinawa (three times)
Andrews AFB. MD
AFTAC Alexandria, VA
Fairchild AFB, WA
Fuchu AS Japan
Offutt AFB, NE
Glasgow AFB , MT
Cape Romanzof AS, AK
TDYs to Libya and Thailand
Just a quick note on my post, Retired 01-feb-2014.
End of story,
bombdog, out!! !!
80 FT LWood, MO
81-82 Bco 76th Engr Bn, FT Drum, NY
82-84 568th CSE co Hanau, FRG
85-88 Bco 34th Engr Bn, FT Riley, KS (87 Polmerola Air Base, Hondurus: shots fired)
88-92 663rd Ord Co, Schweinfurt, FRG, 90-91 Gulf War
92-94 Bco 43rd Engr Bn, FT Benning, GA : 93 Somalia, Africa
94-95 63rd CSE co, FT Benning, GA : 94 Somalia, Africa
95 released by the Clintons
2006-Present 881st ESCo NC NG
2008 Reclassed to 11B, 2009-2010 OIF, Baghdad, Aco 1/252 IN
2011-2012 883rd Route Clearance Co OEF, Zabul Pro Stan
For those to my left and right, i'd do it all again!!!!!
bombdog, out!!!!!!!!!!!!!
USMC 1969-1993
Active Duty all
09-14-2014, 10:52
US Army
Leonard Wood Jul-September 1987
Ft Benjamin Harrison September-November 87
Cakmakli Turkey 528th USAAG November 87-November 88
Ansbach Germany 17th FSU November 88-November 90
Ft Lewis, WA till January 1992
Oregon National Guard
Ali Al Salem AFB Kuwait September 2007-February 2008.
Retired from National Guard June 2008.
02-03-2015, 06:12
USAF 1966-1970
Lackland AFB, TX
Defense Language Institute, Monterey CA
Goodfellow AFB, TX
Karamursel Air Station, Turkey
Fort Meade, MD
DoD civilian 1973-2002
US Army War College Graduate 1997
DaNang AB RVN 1972
Nakhon Phanom RTAFB Thailand 1973
None of the rest count
Bob L vietnam 64-65 70-71 Ft Riley ,KS 72-77, germany 77, 80 FT Rucker,AL 80, 87.
Former Cav
05-13-2024, 03:37
Ft Knox 65 for BCT and AIT Armor, So Korea Nov 65 Dec 66, Ft Cartoon (Carson) CO, Jan Oct 67, Nam Late Nov 67 to Aug 24, 68,
Hospital in Japan (106th gen) till Nov 68, then to Fitzsimmons Army Hosp in Denver CO from Nov 68 to Oct 69.
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