View Full Version : Anyone else here ever get sent to the Winter Wonderland Goose Bay Labrador?
Just curious if anyone else here ever got sent to "The Goose"?
I realize that most of the membership consists of Army, Navy, Marine and a few AF aircrews, but no one has mentioned the small squadrons stationed at Goose Bay Labrador.
I got there in Jan '62. A beautiful clear day with no clouds in sight. Before leaving the C-54 we were warned not to touch any exposed metal without gloves. That became the rule for the next 12 of 18 months there.
Just wondered if anyone else here had the pleasure of being there.
Just Curious,
Nick Riviezzo
08-18-2010, 05:09
Phil441, Never having been there I have to ask,was it a real pleasure or was that "tongue in cheek"? I did have the "pleasure" of walking about 1/3 of a mile[ to the lobby and again back to the plane] in short sleeve "Tropical Worsted"khakis at the airport in Ankorage AK. on the way home from my last tour in 'Nam.The airport was under construction and the walkway was sheets of 4x8 plywood 4 feet high[open to the sky]. Did I mention it was early March.I didn't mind the cold much 'cause I survived another "go around" and when I got in the main lobby there was a mounted Polar Bear that had to be close to 15 feet tall! Even mounted it would get your blood going.[and,of course,a little liquid sustainance]One hour layover and back on the plane to SeaTac and Ft. Lewis for transshipping. The land of the BIG PX aka THE REAL WORLD. Lord,who would believe that was 39+ years ago? Nick
Never there either but a home town buddy was sent there for a yr (early 50's). He was a truck mech. (AF) I spent my year in 'The Land Of The Morning Sun', I think they call it! (AF)
Nick, I can assure you that was a "tongue in cheek" comment. It was a pretty poor assignment to pull. Very few good things to say about it. I keep hoping to hear of someone who found a good experience there just so I might be reminded of something at least tolerable I'd forgotten about. No luck so far. We had a group of airmen come over from Thule (a 12 month duty due to isolation) for a week and those guys were really ready to get off The Goose (18 month semi-isolated). One of 'em said to me, you guys really have a dump here!
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