View Full Version : Scout-Sniping by Periscope
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
09-08-2010, 10:12
Anyone know where I can find a copy (digital or hard cover) of "Scout-Sniping" by Periscope, 1918? I found one, but it was in a military personnel file and I couldn't (and wouldn't) take it.
09-18-2010, 05:48
Found this. Looks like all the info on the book. Might be easier to find this way.
"Periscope." Scout-Sniping. London: Gals, 1918. 118 p. U220P47
I didn't see the one above, but there are a lot of WWI sniper manuals you can dowload on this site. Maybe some might be an interest to you.
09-18-2010, 02:14
Try Bruce Canfield. Since he published the section on the Cameron-Yaggi Trench Periscope" pg 82-90 in his book on the 1903 he may have other information.
Google books has the first 32 pages for viewing. One view they have a dummy's head on a stick that they put up over the trench. It even has a cigarette in its mouth that they take puffs on from a rubber tube. They used it to draw sniper fire so they could locate the snipers.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
09-21-2010, 05:17
Thanks, Rick. I had tried Google Books before with no success. If you want to read the war story of one of America's greatest snipers, read "No Hard feelings", by John Lewis Barkley. You won't be able to stop reading. He won the MOH.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
09-22-2010, 05:59
Google books has the first 32 pages for viewing. One view they have a dummy's head on a stick that they put up over the trench. It even has a cigarette in its mouth that they take puffs on from a rubber tube. They used it to draw sniper fire so they could locate the snipers.
I can't find it on Google Books with any preview. What did you type in for the search?
Made a mistake on this one Jim. I can't get it to preview either. What I was getting was another book with scout snipe periscope in the search window. Will see if I can get it to email to you.
Going to take the No Hard feelings book back to the library today and offer to make a donation if they will sell it. Then I will try and get a copy of Scout-Sniper by Periscope on the lending Library system.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
09-22-2010, 09:55
Bear in mind that books sells retail for $700.
Going to offer $100 if they will donate it to the Marine Corps project. The book is owned by the Army so I don't know if they will or not. It just never hurts to ask. You might get your face slapped more times than not but every now and then you get lucky.
If you guys get a chance to visit the WWI Liberty Memorial & Museums in KC, Mo do so.
They have displayed almost every weapon issued by the US, Great Brit, & quite a bit of French & German gear, plus field pieces, planes, mortars, multiple periscopes, a German torpedo, ambulances, trench art etc etc etc.
Took the 11 year old grandson to it last year, he needed to learn that freedom isn't free & see where 1 of his great great grandpas foughts & several of his great great uncles.
They have a good lil cafe too & proceeds from the tickets go to upkeep & acquiring new items. A leading machine gun collector & his wife just gave them their collection to add to the great ones they already had.
da gimp
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
09-25-2010, 06:30
Sounds like a nice display. If I am ever in that area, I will stop in and take a look.
Maureen M
02-07-2011, 01:54
Hi , I came across this forum while searching for the Book you mention above .
This book was written by my Great Grandfather Lieut.Col. Pete Anderson I have been looking for a copy also for a few years.
I had found a copy @ The Library at The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Centre , U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, PA ,
Here is the Link to view the books info at USAHEC
I have been advised I can get a Photo copy of the book. But they want about $ 75.00
The book "Scout-Sniping" a Training Manual was published in London by Gale and Polden 1918 and in New York by Harvey Pub Co c1918.
Here is a link to a Second book written by him
on page 171 you will see reference to the Book " Scout-sniping" by Periscope
Thanks for your time !
Sincerely Maureen
Was Lt Col Anderson an American or English? Which regiment?. I have an original Harvey Military Series printing of Scout Sniping.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
02-10-2011, 03:28
He was Canadian. Are you interested in selling your copy? I have been looking for one.
Hi , I came across this forum while searching for the Book you mention above .
This book was written by my Great Grandfather Lieut.Col. Pete Anderson I have been looking for a copy also for a few years.
I had found a copy @ The Library at The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Centre , U.S. Army Military History Institute, Carlisle, PA ,
Here is the Link to view the books info at USAHEC
I have been advised I can get a Photo copy of the book. But they want about $ 75.00
The book "Scout-Sniping" a Training Manual was published in London by Gale and Polden 1918 and in New York by Harvey Pub Co c1918.
Here is a link to a Second book written by him
on page 171 you will see reference to the Book " Scout-sniping" by Periscope
Thanks for your time !
Sincerely Maureen
Thanks Maureen! A great link to the past on a topic where there is not all that much information available.
Maureen M
02-25-2011, 02:28
Hi all, I will try this again I had a whole bunch written here earlier and hit the wrong button and lost it.
My Great Grandfather Pete Anderson was born on the Island of Fynen , Denmark in 1868 and came to Canada in 1888.
Who ever has the book Scout Sniping written by him , I would love to have a Photo Copy of the Book and would be happy to pay for the Photo Copys and postage !
Thanks Maureen
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
02-25-2011, 05:13
Scanning and posting it would help a lot of people who have an interest in this book. For the enlightenment of all, the book was part of the WWI OSD Scout-Sniper School, and the title is "Scout-Sniping" with a hyphen. I have seen and held a copy, and why I didn't copy it at the time will forever escape me. It is a physically small book, and was one of the very first books on the "sneaky" aspects of sniping, and it was published in Britain. I spent many hours trying to discover the real name of "Periscope", and why he chose that name, with both efforts fruitless. I thank Maureen for finally solving my little personal mystery. Maureen's great grandfather was quite the character - fearless, and not bound by British military protocol. Character wise, he reminds me a lot of Carlos Hathcock, with both having amazing man hunting skills.
Maureen, when I get back to Quantico, I will make a copy for you if no one else has done so by then. It may be a month or two before I return. Please email me your contact information ( You will pay for nothing. I owe you that much.
Thank you, Maureen,
Jim Tarleton
Going to offer $100 if they will donate it to the Marine Corps project. The book is owned by the Army so I don't know if they will or not. It just never hurts to ask. You might get your face slapped more times than not but every now and then you get lucky.
That last line reminds me of an old joke! I'm sure you know the one! hehehe!
A copy of this book sold on eBay for $88.50 in March 2011.
By the way, if anyone has a copy of this to trade, I would give an original copy of "Hesketh-Prichard, A Memoir" in exchange. This book is actually more interesting than "Sniping in France" as it tells the background story to Hesketh-Prichard's work in WWI, partly through his letters to his wife and others.
I have a WWI trench periscope and a battery commander's periscope. That would be a book that I'd like to read!
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
05-15-2011, 01:24
I have a WWI trench periscope and a battery commander's periscope. That would be a book that I'd like to read!
I have read the book, and it is an in depth training manual for snipers. Although written during WWI for trench warfare, it is applicable to modern day sniping also. It is quite detailed.
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