View Full Version : Some Rhodesian Army videos
For those of you who have an interest in Counter Insurgency Warfare in the mid 1970's when we were all (well; I WAS at least)young and foolish here are some REAL videos.
Hopefully I got the link right.It was Ken the Kanuck who asked me to post this I might add. A former comrade in arms who now lives just outside Paris and is married to a drop dead GORGEOUS French MD (Mme Docteur Nanou) originally forwarded this link to me.REAL FOOTAGE TOO !:icon_salut:
John R.
It didn't take long for the "revolutionaries" to turn that place in to a first class dung heap.
Did you EXPECT anything different ? After all,every LIEBERAL excuse maker on the planet was rooting for them.The WHITE Army were all deemed to be WAR CRIMINALS and racist swine etc.
Strangely enough the Rhodesian Government were spending MORE on African Education than they were on the war during my time of Service in 1974-1975.I should ALSO point out that I was drafted into that man's army as YOU TOO would have been were you living there.
I have always been of the opinion that you should ALWAYS do any assigned task to the best of your ability and did so.I learned a lot and got out missing only my ring finger(left hand) and a few ounces of meat off my left ankle.Gained a few grammes of metal bits in my abdomen too.
I am still here and most everything still works so wth ?
Pity to have seen what was a country that FED most of Afrika below the equator(Congo,Guinea-Bissau,Zambia,Malawi and Mocambique) with corn meal(the local STAPLE) wind up as a ****hole dependant on foreign aid FOOD SUPPLIES all on account of MISMANAGEMENT by the indigenous thieving politicians and their sycophants.
When LIEBERALS are in favour of anything you just KNOW it'll be FUBARed...
Ken The Kanuck
10-10-2010, 08:57
Unfortunately John, folks don't want to learn from their mistakes. Often to discredit the truth the cry of racism is raised. I wish I knew the answer except to keep fighting.
Thanks for posting the videos, any time you want to tell us what it was that would be good.
I was in New Zealand around this time and one of the things what amazed me there was cut off dress pants, black dress socks and shoes.
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