View Full Version : CMP to auction an M40......
I noticed on the upcoming auctions that they have an M40 coming up.
Should bring HIGH dollars.........
...and me with not enough cash...
Johnny in Texas
10-20-2010, 11:36
I'm sure it will be insanely and disgustingly expensive !!!!
Hey, nobody bid on that because I want it really cheep......You'll all go along, right.........
10-20-2010, 03:34
Where did you read that? I just scoured the website looking for a mention with no luck. Do you have a link?
It's in the Auction forum...
10-20-2010, 04:37
they sold an M40 action last Winter, i bid it up to 1000.00 went for well over that,,,
Its been on the "Upcoming Auction" thread for oct 25 for several days. might be on the full auction by now.
The rifle is in excellant condition. Has matching matte black redfield accu-range scope. Should bring $15K plus.
10-21-2010, 10:05
Is the rifle posted yet?
Looks like the rifle will be posted on the auction next week. I would expect a lot of action on this one.
Dan in NY
10-22-2010, 03:52
Senich says these "seven digit" M40's were procured by the USMC for test & evaluation purposes.....Probably not combat-fielded, but rare as heck, and he quotes Bruce Nelson .."one without provenance should be viewed with caution."....I would say this one has good provenance.........should go for a pretty penny....
Since Senich wrote his book, more information about the late M40's have been found. These rifles occur in a narrow band of serial numbers, 6,257,XXX. Some of these rifles were used in combat. 19 of the late rifles were sent to Sionics for modification to accept supressors for SF use in country. It seems that alot of these rifles also found thier way into the AMTU, The AMTU sent about 14 barreled receivers to the CMP about a year back. Most, not all, were modified to .223 (new heavy barrel). Once the MTU folks figured out what they had, they wanted them back.
Game on! Went on auction today. Looks rightous. Already up to $5,005.00.
Dan in NY
10-25-2010, 08:45
Man....that thing is sweet.....looks new....
As per the DOD central registry, the rifle is/was USAF (United States Air Force) property. Scarce none the less but not USMC. Interesting to note as with most 6xxxxxx rifles, the scope is matte black and the scope base has rounded corners.
10-26-2010, 04:40
Ba-da-bingo Sully,
I wish the CMP would have done some research instead of just throwing out the "USMC Sniper" but it will bring more $$$$$ with the wrong description.
Badger Ordnance
How are you gaining access to the DOD central registry? In other words I'm curious, how you got on and how to check a firearm there? How is it set up? Any firearm they have a serial number for or what?
Dan in NY
10-27-2010, 04:13
Bid up to $8355 as of Weds.
There are certain privileges granted certain citizens due to certain circumstances. I know that is a bit vague but it is as best an answer as I can supply. My specific study area was initially USMC Remingtons and Winchesters. Come to find out there is a much broader and interesting history throughout all branches of service concerning "commercially" procured civilian weapons for special services and other uses and as such my area of study expanded. A side note; The initial USAF M40's were turned in by the AF in the early 80's as there was no real use for them any more. The Army found out that they were being turned in and obtained a few and they were utilized by the AMU to build the first test beds for the M24 program, really an off shoot of the USMC M40A1 program. They were short actions with heavy barrels in McMillan stocks to include a few built up in McHale stocks, the "space guns."
Marty, I fully agree on the "USMC" description. Would hope it is just lack of research. Did you see the M40 in the last Rock Island Auction? It was an AF rifle as well and the M40A1 although a listed rifle had nothing to do with reality. Take a look at the US marking and the discoloration around the serial number. The font on the mount was the exact same font on the receiver and the US was way too large.
Ok - No guess as to what the CMP auction will go for - waaaayyy toooo high I suspect - - - but what would a "fair" value be on such a nice rifle?
Ok - No guess as to what the CMP auction will go for - waaaayyy toooo high I suspect - - - but what would a "fair" value be on such a nice rifle?
Given that; there were approximately 995 M-40's made, and, that the experts say there was a 50% loss rate in country, and, that the majority of the balance were used in the rebuild program - M40A1 (and many of these have been coded out be cause they became out of spec), How many original M-40's are in existance? So what is a fair value on a rare rifle like this? $12K to $14K.? Point of reference - I just saw a mint Redfield Green scope sell for $7K.
10-27-2010, 07:21
$7K! Man O Man... I need to divest! I have a Greenie with a special test reticle that is a thin cross hair with a dot in the center, its legit, I have the DRMO papers from the 70s.
Sully, the A1 was a fake, Sometime we should have a phone conversation and discuss a few of these kinds of things.
Badger Ordnance
The scope was stone mint. It didn't have a rifle number on it. I am surprised, given the current economy, that people are still willing to pay high $$ for collectables. Sometimes outrageous prices!!
I have one of those un-numbered greenies, I would let it go for $7K!!!
Dan in NY
10-28-2010, 01:27
As of Thursday afternoon, its over $10,000 already......Yikes....
10-29-2010, 08:36
The auction will go crazy as most CMP auctions go. Everyone is stating the matching number scope, if you refer to the electropencil as the matching parts, then I guess it is matching. Is there any way to know that this rifle is original and was not assembled last week, month or year by an armorer???
Dan Shapiro
10-29-2010, 04:19
Someone wants this rifle BAD!
10-29-2010, 04:22
The SN indicated it was made in 1969, for the Air force. The fact the the CMP has it gives a pretty good indication its real.
Badger Ordnance
I'm guessing that the cost for the rifle will reach somewhere N of $15K, it appears that @ least 2 persons with deep pockets want it......
da gimp
10-30-2010, 10:25
Too bad the powers that be cant get over the gun phobia, shut down Capt Crunch, and allow more firearms to generate funds for a good cause.
I suppose someone so inclined will claim the bidders are gang members or terrorists solely purchasing this rifle to commit crimes.
Its up to $12K+ with 6 days to go. Will easily surpass $15K. My guess is that it will hit $20K.
Ive been predicting 20 large
$23k - - - anyone else?
Not just 2 guys with deep pockets, but at least 3 of em are seriously hunting this rifle. Look @ the bid history.
Better lay your $$$ down. At $24/oz + change I think silver looks stronger.
11-03-2010, 02:05
My Guess 25K +
Over 35 large, 5 min to go...crazy..I said 20 large...must be a rare bird, but Id rather have a USMC 1903A1 with Unertl
Johnny in Texas
11-07-2010, 03:46
I was right Insanely and Disgustingly expensive. I never even looked at the Auction. WOW I would not Trust FEDEX with that one. I think personal delivery is in order.
As Frank Romano would say "Holy Crap".
Probably two guys with no money screwing around. Their bidder numbers did not have any auction won behind their bidder number.
There were at least two individuals, according to folks at the CMP, that wanted this rifle really bad. One was a doctor, the other a high end collector. They both have the funds. Looks like my M-40 just increased in value. I am happy!
I sorry but there is no way it is worth 36.3g's but there is an old saying it's worth was someone is willing to pay for it.
Johnny P
11-15-2010, 11:36
Recently a Singer 1911A1 pistol sold at auction for somewhere just north of $165,000, which was almost $100,000 over what was expected. All the Singer owners were salivating over how much theirs had gone up, but within weeks another was sold at auction for less than half that amount. It just depends on how much two people want the same thing, and in no way establishes a hard value for every one like it.
11-15-2010, 05:50
Johnny P, you are absolutely right.
The CMP probably has 5 more to sell, wouldn't that suck!
Badger Ordnance
I believe it is the only complete M40 they have ever recieved. They were surprised it made it to the auction.
Johnny in Texas
11-16-2010, 07:47
Who are the "they" that were surprised?
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