View Full Version : M1 Matches in North Idaho?
Hello gents, I am looking to get into some competitions if possible and was wondering what may be available in or around north Idaho? Anything that gets me more trigger time would be fine, although JCG would be great.
Semper Fi, Rob
Allen Humphrey
10-29-2010, 06:48
I've shot a couple matches at the Coeur d'Alene Rifle and Pistol Club in N. Idaho. They mix a variety of matches over the year including JCG. There is a NRA High Power match on the 6th. I also think there is a JCG match in Lewiston on 11/20. There will be matches starting spring of 2011 at the Spokane Rifle Club. I frequently use the CMP site to look for upcoming events. See Link:
For what it is worth, I almost always see some Garands even at the non CMP matches. I always use my 03. Good luck!
Allen Humphrey
10-29-2010, 06:52
Sorry, forgot to mention: Coeur d'Alene is a 100yd range, Spokane has 100, 200, 300, and 600. I have not been to Lewiston yet.
Thank You Allen, there does not appear to be any matches coming up near me in the foreseeable future. Which is OK for now, I am just geting back into the game and am in the process of tweaking my current M1 to ensure her reliability and performance.
Semper Fi, Rob
Allen Humphrey
11-06-2010, 04:07
Went to the Coeur d'Alene match today and got one of the last slots. After the match I heard that someone had driven from Moscow Id and didn't get to shoot. Hope it wasn't you. It was a 50 shot NRA match, so there were lots of mouse guns. However there was at least two M1As, 1 carbine, and one lonely M1903 (me). A guy sooting an AR won with a 474-15x. I snuck into 5th with a 432-4x.
Nice Job Allen! That was not me from Moscow, I am further north in Boundary County. Its about an hour and a half drive to CDA for me. I did get out and function fire the new M1. Need to work out a vertical stringing issue. Pretty sure it will just be relieving the tension in the rear handguard, and peening the gas cylinder slots, and she should close up. Horizontal spread at 100yds is only 2-1/2", a new stock will help too I imagine, as I am not too terribly fond of the lock up.
I am no where close to challenging the mouse guns.................yet. Give me heads up on the next match, and I will try to make it.
Semper Fi, Rob
Allen Humphrey
11-08-2010, 03:02
Glad to hear it wasn't you that drove that far for nothing. I'll try to post something when I hear of a JCG match coming up. I just got my first Garand 2 weeks ago and finished cleaning and greasing this weekend. Hope to take my first shots this coming weekend. Can't wait.
Nice on the new M1! I just returned to the M1 after some difficulties at home. This time around I intend to focus more on the shooting aspects and actually get out and enjoy it. Out of all the rifles I have owned, the M1 is my hands down favorite. Something addicting about that "PING"........and the constant praise from the vetrans who used it.
Semper Fi, Rob
elfego baca
11-11-2010, 08:10
There is a monthly high power rifle match at the Coeur d Alene Rifle & Pistol Club. Check out: for info.
I shoot an Remington 1903A3 at the Garand Matches using cast bullets.
The next match is a NMC on December 4th. Firing begins at 0900.
You may see a variety of rifles at these matches from SKSs, m1 carbines, m1 rifles, bolt actions, and ARs.
Thank You for the heads up elfego! If I can get out of work, I just may attend that one.
Semper Fi, Rob
Brad in Idaho
12-05-2010, 05:18
There are Garand Matches hosted by the Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club of Lewiston at our range near Lapwai. Matches are over for this year, but they start up again in February 2011. I am including a link to the club's event schedule at their website, all the info about the matches is there also. We are not a large club, but the range is nice. We shoot at 100yds. (no pits). We always have hot dogs and chips for participants at lunchtime. When Mike cooks (he usually does), we have good burgers too. Either way, donations are accepted, but not required for lunch. Shooting starts around 9:30-10 a.m. and we're usually done around 1 pm depending on the number of shooters. Good group of guys and we are always happy to welcome new faces. Come on down and shoot with us sometime .
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