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View Full Version : Source for grips and rivets for Krag bayonet

01-01-2011, 06:22
Recently acquired a nice Krag bayonet. Only problem is that it is missing the grips and the rivets (I guess that is what they are called). I am pretty handy with wood and I carved some out of walnut, but they just don't look right. Plus, I could not find anything that would simulate the rivets correctly.

Anyone know of a good source for the grips and rivets?


Dan Shapiro
01-21-2011, 12:27
You MIGHT find the grips on E-bay from time to time. The way they were originally fixed on the handle indicates that replacing them wasn't a DIY option. The closest I can come to a suggestion as to rivets - absent a machine to do it - would be using what are known as "Chicago Screws".

Bill D
01-21-2011, 03:16
S&S used to carry the rivets and washers for Krag bayonets. I got some from them several years ago.

Dan Shapiro
01-21-2011, 07:20
This is how they did it at West Point when they chromed their bayonets, then put the grips back on.