View Full Version : 03 marine sniper rifle
01-05-2011, 08:26
Hello all, I have a question about an 03 a fellow is selling. It is a smith corona with a 3/4" Weaver mounted on it. He says it is a marine sniper rifle built for the korean war.I'm not an expert but something doesn't sound right. I haven't seen rifle yet, but I will post more once I do. Please advise. Any input is appreciated. TIA
01-05-2011, 09:51
He's full of it.
Remington made the 1903a4 which was the Army sniper rifle during WWII. Some 03a4's might have been used by the Marines, but not many. Marines hated that rifle. Marines used the 1903a1 Springfield rifle with an 8X unertl scope. They used the same 1903a1 rifle in Korea as well as the M1 sniper rifle models, the M1C + M1D.
Smith Corona never made any sniper rifles for the government. It's a fake that has been done since it has left service. Tell the guy he is a scumbag and walk away fast!
01-05-2011, 11:01
There are NO Smith-corona sniper rifles no matter what scope it has.
Johnny in Texas
01-05-2011, 02:19
Only made in Bubba's garage Not by the US GUBERMENT
01-06-2011, 04:36
Maybe???? Peter Senich's book 'U.S. Marine Corp Scout-Sniper' on page 75 references converted A3's. "In addition to the conversion of A3 rifles for sniping purposes in Korea, though viewed with reservation, reports of 'unoffical' USMC field expedient M1903A3 rifles fitted with "salvaged target scopes" during the later stages of the Pacific campaigns have surfaced as well." I have also read somewhere, (I thought it was one of the Senich books, but can not find the reference), that the A3's that were converted to scoped sniper rifles were not consiidered very accurate or acceptable by the Marines. I remember reading that many were "wrapped around trees or rocks and returned with the explanation that, 'it broke!" If the U.S.M.C. or the Government did in fact convert a small number of standard A3's to A4's and the rifle in question is in fact one of the rifles converted. I wouldn't pay a single dollar extra for it, I would in fact pay a great deal less for it then a standard issue A3. I would have to think of it's value as a "sporterized" or 'parts gun' A3. The only things worth any money could be the A4 turned down bolt (worth maybe as much as $300) and the Weaver 330C scope (if it is a M73B1 $500 to $1000 if just a commerical 330 about $200). But also, the scope makes me question the story as I believe by the time Korea rolled around any rifles for sniper use would have had the M-84 sniper scope mounted.
01-06-2011, 06:47
There were a few 03's after the war that were converted to A4's at Springfield Armory during rebuild during the 50's. But it was something like less than a 100. Might some Smiths been in the conversion, it could be possible. But chances this one is a conversion is about 0 in my opinion.
I had one once that was a a4 conversion that I bought, that John Beard thought it might have been one of those conversions. It had a couple distinct characteristics that made him think so. But he asked me not to publish them, as he is afraid humpers will start putting them into their conversions. So I promised I wouldn't.
When I posted pics of it about five years ago on the old jouster forum, a few advanced collectors were really interested in it as a varaiation. And I did sell it for a little more of a premium than a normal 03. But all told, there is no way to to prove it was converted by an Armory or converted by Bubba.
But like I said, John has documentation that about 100 were produced. And most likely very few were ever released.
The weaver scope I would guess is most likely a Weaver K4 series. No Weaver scope was used in Korea. Some people argue that they were fitted on A4's during Vietnam. There is a lot of controversy on that scope as people argue that it didn't see US service at all. Some argue it did. It most likely was put on the weapon as a cheaper substitution used for our allies during the Vietnam War. So it was probably used by the south vietnamese or montague troops in Vietnam. And most are still sitting over there.
So the scope was never used in Korea, a smith corona has a very, very small chance of being a true A4. The seller will probably say it was a Korean war bringback. Which we know isn't true. It just doens't add up. And I bet if you posted pics of the rifle, it's a restored drill rifle. I've seen so many of those floating around lately in A4 configuration. All in all, it has about a 1 in a billion chance of being a true A4. It just doesn't add up to me.
01-06-2011, 02:03
I was just going to ask if there might be a possibility that a field unit may have done their own work. Unlikely and virtually no way to prove it. However, if I have learned anything about USGI weapons, its risky to say "never!"
As an aside, I wonder how collectors in future years are going to categorize the equipment coming out of the current wars? There are so many variations of gear, weapons and unit and/or personally owned equipment (items like knives, scopes, etc) that the official historical books will undoubtedly miss out on the myriad of non-standard gear currently being used by the troops.
01-06-2011, 06:57
Yeah very good point. You can never say never. Only thing you can say is unless it is an absolute known weaopon with collectors, it's a pain in the butt to sell if you ever try to sell it. As everyone just considers it a bubba special. Even if it might be true USGI.
If it looks goog, and it's a good price, and you will enjoy it. Get it, just be known if you ever sell it, it will be very, very hard.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
01-07-2011, 08:14
Some people argue that they were fitted on A4's during Vietnam.
What A4's were used by the Marines in Vietnam? I say NO A4's were used in Vietnam by the Marines. Someone who knows for certain agrees with me. No K4's either.
hello, have a 03 with supposedly USMC armorer accurized iron site/ hand stippled butt plate/ hand honed bolt with rifle serial electropenciled in bolt/ walnut C stock/ 1,2xx,xxx serial with 28/29 barrel. bolt a remington with under blueing signs of hand honing/fitting. few other "accurizing" tricks but is basically a standard prewar 03 tuned by USMC armorer. several knowledgeable sources confirmed, any info??? minty bore but evidence of use in field (wood dark from oil used cleaning protecting in field. i have read that the first marines on gaudacanal, the "left behind", had 03's in use. any info on truth vs bubba stories? (remember every gun has a "story"). HALP!!!
arm mentioned shoots moa well sandbagged, also skinny front post, smaller peep?
could these have been tuned for "best shots" as not really a sniper. no star on barrel front.
02-09-2011, 10:09
The electro penciled bolt and stippled butt plate sound like USMC armorer characteristics. Sounds like a rifle worthy of its own posting with pictures.
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