View Full Version : RugerM77 Gunsite Scout.
02-02-2011, 05:13
Just traded for this at the Gun Store,(Candy Store). It is the most versatile Urban ,Tactical,Self Defense,Scout rifle out there for an in reach price for everyone to own one. It was a hit at the Shot Show. Yes, it is a modern Jeff Couper type scout rifle, if you can own only one rifle.
Brief description:
Ruger M 77
308 with a 16 1/2" barrel with a long eye relief scope base on the barrel
Laminate wood stock with sling eyelets and the Gunsite logo under the pistol grip
Stock has spacer system for length
Comes with peep sights and an Accuract Int. 10-Round magazine
Barrel with flash hider is threaded 5/8x24 for suppresors and other flash hiders
Comes with Ruger rings for conventional scope mounting
Well, is 25 Degrees here and 40mph winds in south texas. Just waitilng for a break in the wind to heat up the barrel and be for a hand warmer.
Devine 308
John Sukey
02-06-2011, 10:24
Please excuse my comment, but a "scout rifle" is a solution in search of a problem.
02-06-2011, 07:38
Bingo John! right on the money!!!
02-07-2011, 04:39
I dont agree.
I think it fills the niche for someone that is not a hardcore gunner or someone not wanting to own a bunch of different rifles. The bolt is simple and reliable, the caliber is able to fulfill multiple roles, it is reasonably accurate and doesnt require much for maintenance.
Granted I'd rather own an M40A3, a Winchester Model 70 (pre 64), an AR and a 1911 Combat Commander to fulfill any target, hunting or self defense roles I would want to cover but if money, the desire for logistics simplicity, and the lack of time or will to become knowledgable with multiple weapons systems are primary factors such a scout rifle might be the answer.
Is the disdain for the rifle based on the knowledge you could do everything with an AR and the marketing behind the rifle is distasteful? Granted the marketing that makes the scout "concept" to be the be all end all of rifles is over the top but I dont think this rifle is marketed to the more experienced firearms person. Or is the negative feeling of this rifle based on the "Jack of all trades, master of none" factor? Again I think this rifle is going to someone that needs a firearm that is not perfect but good enough.
Disclosure - My gun safe does not include a Scout rifle. My firearms needs and desires are satisfied by my Springfield 03, Garand and Combat Commander. The scout is an interesting concept though and I appreciate getting an opinion on any rifle.
Griff Murphey
02-07-2011, 10:38
It may be good for 3-gun for the man who prefers bolt-action accuracy. It won't do anything my A3 sporter with Air Service mag can do, except "look tacti-cool!"
02-07-2011, 06:34
The last episode of Gun talk I watched had a good report on the Ruger scout rifle, I was impressed the rifle with a long eye relief scope and a box magazine it was cool. Like one of the guys who was shooting the rifle said it is an all around rifle; but for sure not a M40.
02-07-2011, 07:19
I also disagree on the idea of the scout. Is a great concept.. in my opinion.. for a large county ..police patrol rifle it is perfect..
It won't do anything my A3 sporter with Air Service mag can do, except "look tacti-cool!" Sir your wrong about that statement. I can name a few thing it (ruger) can do that your Springfield sporter can not do.. one is chamber the popular 308 cartridge...two easily attach a Harris bipod..three.. cost less.. I own a scout rifle.. but it is one I built.. The Ruger's will sell Very Very well.. B2B
02-08-2011, 08:51
The Ruger Gunsite Scout shot really great this last weekend. Using a High Power sling, shot it at 100 yards on paper, 200 and 300 yards on steel and finally 400 yards on a steel. I used a Leopold 1.5 x 5 scope mounted on the reciever. Next trip out, I will try a Red Dot on the forward pictnany rail and try the peep-sights. It fed perfectly from the 10-round magazine. It was zeroed at 200-yards. Aimed approximately 10" high at 300. Aimed at the top of the head at 400. We were very impressed with the results.
This is not my only rifle, just wanted to try one. I normanly shoot a M40A1, M24 or one of my Pre-64 Targets out to 750-yards.
I also think that Ruger is going to do really well with this gun.
Devine 308
Griff Murphey
02-08-2011, 10:49
Bolt to Bounce: AHHH... I don't need a bipod; I have one; actually, it's a VERY STABLE monopod: my Air Service Mag. But if I want to put a bipod on I have a QD mounted one and I can put on the regular floorplate if I want to go down on the ground... (how LOW can you GO>??) and I got tons more '06 than I do ought-ate!
But y'know it's all about taste, right? Enjoy your Ruger Scout, suh! I would not pretend to denigrate or belittle your new firearm. I just have my "tactical" bolt gun already...
02-08-2011, 08:44
I was just pulling your leg a bit.. the 03 is a great gun and very accurate...but I have a lot of respect for the man who pushed the scout concept, he was a no nonsense practical combat marine..and he seldom if ever paid any attention to fads. or on anything that was not a proven useful tool of the trade.. his trade was putting bad people in the ground.. jeff Cooper.. Rest in peace.. B2B
Sorry, but for about a 1/3 the money a NO5 .303 could do the same job, and looks cooler.
Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
02-09-2011, 06:16
Doesn't do anything for me. I think it is one ugly rifle and a totally useless concept. That is just my opinion. I won't buy one, nor can I think of a single reason to recommend one for anyone else.
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