View Full Version : 1939 Mod.98 German 8mm Mauser
03-07-2011, 04:27
This is a WWII bring back from Europe. My father and his brother worked together to bring back stuff after their WWII military service in Africa, Italy, and Germany. This arm saw some action so the woodwork in dinged up. The bore looks good with little if any pitting. The gun functions smoothly and looks shootable. Ser.#36xx . Some parts have "g" stamped under the SerNo . The chamber and other parts have a Phoenix stamping. Some parts are stamped with eagle on a circle enclosing a swastika over "26". The chamber is stamped 7,9 also 243 over 1939 also 393-38- Do (with 2 dots over the o). The SerNo stamped on the bolt and chamber and all other parts all match. Smaller parts like screw heads have the last 2 digits of SerNo and eagle over "26". No numbers are scratched out or stamped over. Anyone having any info about where this rifle was made and what all the stampings mean and what they are for please respond. It will be appreciated. Any good value estimate will also be appreciated.
Johnny P
03-07-2011, 05:21
You need to use a darker background. Your camera exposed the background perfectly, but underexposed the rifle.
The 243 code is for Mauser Borgsigwalde, the the "phoenix" is the Weimar style eagle firing proof, the 7,9 is the bore diameter, and the g is the letter suffix of the serial number.
The lower band is on backwards, as the loop for the sling should be on the left side.
Kleanbore 1
03-07-2011, 06:33
If your looking to sell it or trade it, I'd be interested. Thanks
03-07-2011, 06:56
Thanks for the info JP. It is very helpful. I took some pics on a darker background and they look much better. I learn new stuff even at 61.Thanks.
03-07-2011, 07:00
I'm looking to sell Kleanbore. Unless you have a Ruger P90 to trade. I have no good estimate of my Mod.98 worth.
Johnny P
03-07-2011, 08:11
The wood should have acceptance marks and the serial number on the bottom between the pistol grip and the buttplate. Also, the handguard and the stock should be numbered inside ahead of the rear sight. In the new pictures I can see the H for Heer (Army) marking.
Kleanbore 1
03-08-2011, 08:34
Check your PM's. Message sent to you.
keith smart
03-09-2011, 04:37
Nice rifle! PM sent
If all matched (including parts hidden under the wood) as you say and in the condition its in, worth is minimum of 7-800 bucks. Depending how bad someone wants it! WW11 bring back, all matching K98k's have mostly disappeared into collections years ago. They seldom come up for sale except at auctions where they go for big bucks!
keith smart
03-09-2011, 12:22
If all matched (including parts hidden under the wood) as you say and in the condition its in, worth is minimum of 7-800 bucks. Depending how bad someone wants it! WW11 bring back, all matching K98k's have mostly disappeared into collections years ago. They seldom come up for sale except at auctions where they go for big bucks!
I was thinking 12-1800 although the Borsigwalde is not as desirable as Oberdforf.
I was thinking at a gun show, but if put on an auction the sky is almost the limit. I quite collecting these some time ago, prices are just too high for me. Are not the Oberndorf more commen then the Borsigwalde? And as they say about wine----39 was a good year!
I hope he does not sell it too cheap!
mike webb
03-10-2011, 07:06
Pics aren't that great but I think the rifle would go for $1500 minimum as all matching Nazi K98k's have exploded in value. Like has been said, depending on condition, on an auction site it might go over $2000. My advice is don't take the first offer.
keith smart
03-10-2011, 03:32
I was thinking at a gun show, but if put on an auction the sky is almost the limit. I quite collecting these some time ago, prices are just too high for me. Are not the Oberndorf more commen then the Borsigwalde? And as they say about wine----39 was a good year!
I hope he does not sell it too cheap!
The Oberndorf seems to have a bit of an edge as it was the main Mauser factory. The factory was also producing Lugers until 1942 and the common coding (S42, 42, byf) and waA (63,655) seems to generate interest with Luger collectors
Kleanbore 1
03-12-2011, 09:51
I don't think the Oberndorf has any more desirability then the Borsigwalde. Actually if you look in Law's book there were less made by Mauser/Borsigwalde (243 code) then Mauser Oberndorf(42 code).As far as value I would rate the 243 higher then the 42 code. All matching and pre war makes this rifle highly collectible regardless of the manufacture. After speaking with the owner I feel this rifle would go for over $2000 on gun broker. If you get two people with money bidding on it then the sky is the limit. I'm glad I got my collection before these thing went so crazy. I remember when you could buy a nice matching rifle for less the $500 and that wasn't that long ago. I am amazed at some of winning bids on some of these rifles.
03-14-2011, 03:58
You are getting the idea.
These matched original pieces are rarely offered regardless of pedigree.
I'm sure several have offered to take it off your hands.
I would auction it and expect $2000 +.
I recall when these were $25.00 rifles.
You got a nice piece somebody will pay goo money for.
03-16-2011, 01:38
The 1939 8mm Mauser has been sold. Thanks for your interest. Maybe the new owner will continue the thread.
keith smart
03-21-2011, 04:32
Thanks to Gandydancer accepting my offer, I was able to augment this fine rifle with a launcher I picked up from the veteran last week. Excuse the pictures; my daughter ran off with my camera and I had to use a cell phone.
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