View Full Version : Need some stock advise
Mickey Christian
05-07-2011, 04:28
Have a d&t'ed RIA receiver with a NOS HS barrel screwed into it. I have a WM. Malcome scope being mounted on it. What would be the more appropriate stock? A finger groove or a "C" stock.
Jim in Salt Lake
05-07-2011, 12:24
Are you building this for CMP Vintage Sniper matches? If so, see their rules,, look at the table on page 34, they show a C stock for a Malcomb scope. I have a d&t'd high number Springfield I'm building for that. I'm going to use a C stock also because they have a slightly higher comp than the straight grasping groove stock my Springfield has.
Mickey Christian
05-07-2011, 03:33
Thanks for the heads up.
Are you building this for CMP Vintage Sniper matches? If so, see their rules,, look at the table on page 34, they show a C stock for a Malcomb scope.....
Jim, Interesting that they list the USMC WWII sniper - - - United States: .30-06 cal. 1941A1 Springfield (C stock, Standard 1903 sights with Unertl type scope on Unertl type mounts and bases) - - - but not the earlier WWI M1903 Sniper that used the grasping groove stock and could be found with the base D&T on the rear sight base for the Winchester A5 which the Malcomb scope is a copy of. :icon_scratch:
Jim in Salt Lake
05-09-2011, 08:19
Yeah, that is strange. There was a Guadalcanal picture on a thread here that showed a grasping groove stock with an A5. I don't know what the rules issues are or why that category didn't also give a grasping groove option. I don't know how picky they'll be at Camp Perry or the Eastern/Western games so I'm just going to follow the rules as they stand now. However, at the SHOT show this year, I did see Leatherwood's 1903 with their Malcomb scope, looked pretty good. That would be a good way to go as that scope has modern, coated lenses. Mine came with a civilian Weaver 330 on a side mount and you can tell the lenses are old and dirty.
Mickey Christian
05-10-2011, 04:23
Thanks for the good info.
I plan on building a WWI 1903 as I already have the Malcomb And am having the barrel mount installed. Would a stippled butt plate be most appropriate for a WWI 1903?
Jim in Salt Lake
05-12-2011, 07:13
Boy, Mickey, I don't know. I'm going for the match side so I'll build mine to the CMP rules. I'd like a checkered buttplate to help with it slipping on my shoulder. Can some of our historical experts chime in on this question?
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