View Full Version : M-40 Sniper Restoration Project
I am nearing completion of a 6.257 million M-40 sniper. Can anyone tell me where I can find a 1969 vintage Remington 700 .308 bolt? I would need one without the forge marks on the underside of the bolt.
I'll post pictures when I complete it.
05-08-2011, 09:01
What do you mean Forge marks?
Badger Ordnance
Electro-penciling of the receiver's serial #? Every 700 and 40X bolt is fitted at the factory. I'd check the benchrest boards. Shooters/builders sometimes list older 700 actions and some offer replacement bolts. I don't think Remington will sell one by itself.
Dan in NY
05-09-2011, 07:43 would be your best bet. Go to the home page, then on the left, click on "complete rifles". You'll see a link to a small store called The Shooters Corner. A small home-based operation out of north Jersey. Owner/operator is Bob White. He has won more benchrest championships than you can count. Builds what he shoots, too. Very knowledgeable and has a ton of Rem 700 stuff on hand. He's your man..
Good luck
What do you mean Forge marks?
Badger Ordnance
On the newer Remington bolts (i.e.) those provided with the M-24's and later 700's, there are inspection marks on the underside of the bolt handle. In addition, the newer bolts have a different shape (geometry) than the older bolts, circa 1969 and before. I need a bolt that is contemporay to a 1969 vintage 700. These bolts generally do not have markings on the underside. I'll try and get some pictures up tonight when I get home from the office.
Electro-penciling of the receiver's serial #? Every 700 and 40X bolt is fitted at the factory. I'd check the benchrest boards. Shooters/builders sometimes list older 700 actions and some offer replacement bolts. I don't think Remington will sell one by itself.
You are right, Remington generally does not sell bolts except to gunsmiths. I checked with Remington, they do not have any of the older style bolts in inventory.
John would be your best bet. Go to the home page, then on the left, click on "complete rifles". You'll see a link to a small store called The Shooters Corner. A small home-based operation out of north Jersey. Owner/operator is Bob White. He has won more benchrest championships than you can count. Builds what he shoots, too. Very knowledgeable and has a ton of Rem 700 stuff on hand. He's your man..
Good luck
Hi Dan:
I followed up on your suggestion. I called Bob and he did not have any bolts right now. But he does get them in from time to time. Great suggestion though!
I think what I might have to do is just buy a complete 700 in .308 and part it out
Gus Fisher
05-10-2011, 01:09
I think what I might have to do is just buy a complete 700 in .308 and part it out
John, I agree that's the way to go. If I were going to make a repro M40, I would try to find a period factory "Varmint" barreled .308 as those barrels were actually used in M40 production. Failing that, a period .243 or .308 rifle would give you the correct bolt and action.
John, I agree that's the way to go. If I were going to make a repro M40, I would try to find a period factory "Varmint" barreled .308 as those barrels were actually used in M40 production. Failing that, a period .243 or .308 rifle would give you the correct bolt and action.
Gus; Thank you for the advice. I have a lead on a 6 MM and .308. Lets see if they come through.
I have two bolts that came from 1967 circa Rem. 700 SA rifles. One was in a Feb. 67 date coded rifle and the other in Dec. 67 rifle. Both appear to be identical. The earlier one, an ADL, only has punch marks on the handle, otherwise neither has any codes or markings at all.
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