View Full Version : How many MOA's for each click in the M84 and Alaskan?
Just what the title says. How far does each adjustment move impact on the M84 and the Lyman Alaskan? Also with the Alaskan, is the rear eyepiece meant to be threaded forwards or backwards to adjust parallax and can it be unscrewed completely without hurting the scope?
i click is one minute
300 yards one click move impact 1 minute or 3"
600 yards one click move impact 1 munte or 6"
a word of caution on the older scopes, they were not designed to go back to zero when done for the day or the match. this is not like the unertl with exterior ability to move up and down.
i am comfortable with a note book each changed dope on rifle is recorded and i do not Zero the thing
after cmp games i left my scope with 600 yard X dialed in and that is what the notebook confirms, when i go to perry and shoot the sniper match at 300 i will back off 12 clicks or 12 minutes and go from there
wnen i shot at butner and came up 12 minutes first 6 shots were X's
if i shot it more, and am thinking of this, but shooting it more i might be able to aim off or comp for wind by cross hairs adj left or right on target and not dialing it in, but 2.5 power this is tough, i can do it with unertl 8 or 20 that i have on other rifles, but the lyman alaskan is tough to do
my alaskan is a 1942 original and i sure dont want to gorp it up
also note that if you call lyman they will give the name of a man that can rebuild and clean your scope at a reasonable price. i did and wow did it clean up and become crisp and clear
another caution, there is not paralax adj
go outside and look at something white and bright bring scope up and adj rear bell to the point that the cross hairs come crisp play with it some, look at something at 300 yards and adj focus to the point that crosshairs are crisp and do it again at 600, you might have to adj some when going from 300 to 600, i did a little
i was happy with the first results at butner, and i know i can do better
at 300 i had no time for sighters, due to circumstances and time limit it just did not happen i had to shoot first for record and absorb the 12 o clock paper miss and the next 8 due to not coming down enough, but after that it was 8 straight 10/X's so i know the old A4 copy is a winner
good luck, this is a fun event
Thanks. I thought the M84 was 1/2 MOA clicks and the Alaskan was a tad over 1 MOA click but I guess I was wrong.
05-25-2011, 03:04
Pelago is correct - the M84 is 1 MOA per click. Rick
Johnny P
05-25-2011, 08:33
The eyepiece of the scope does one thing, and that is to focus the reticle. Back the eyepiece out CCW until the crosshairs are fuzzy. Point the scope up at a blue sky and turn the eyepiece in about a half revolution at the time, looking away from the scope frequently so that your eye doesn't focus to the scope, until the cross hairs come into sharp focus. At that point you scope will be as sharp as you can get it. Don't try to focus the scope on a rock or tree, as this just doesn't work. It is the reticle that must be in sharp focus.
If you screw the eyepiece in too far, your eye will then try to focus to the scope, and you will have induced additional parallax.
The eyepiece of the scope does one thing, and that is to focus the reticle. Back the eyepiece out CCW until the crosshairs are fuzzy. Point the scope up at a blue sky and turn the eyepiece in about a half revolution at the time, looking away from the scope frequently so that your eye doesn't focus to the scope, until the cross hairs come into sharp focus. At that point you scope will be as sharp as you can get it. Don't try to focus the scope on a rock or tree, as this just doesn't work. It is the reticle that must be in sharp focus.
If you screw the eyepiece in too far, your eye will then try to focus to the scope, and you will have induced additional parallax.
01-27-2012, 02:29
I just finished my 03A4 clone with the Lyman Alaskan. I am going out to shoot it today and was wondering what a click was worth. Google brought me to this thread where the answer sits for all to see, plus a great heads up on the difference between 300 & 600 (12 clicks). Thanks Pelago! I hope to be competing with it at Perry this year. I don't think I will make the Eastern Games.
Regards, Ray
Ray, the Alaskan is not a sealed scope. So if you are using the one-piece, top split, rings the eyepiece must be removed to install them. It would be a good idea to take some precautions to prevent dust from entering the scope.
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