View Full Version : M84 wobbley mount
I have a home built D and the scope mount has the wobblies. The ears on the mount conners have been filed and i think that is why it does not hold in place. What is the recomended way to tighten it up. Thanks
Johnny in Texas
06-21-2011, 06:05
Jim I am not sure what you mean by ears. If you are referring to the 2 top Right angles you can have someone MIG weld a blob of metal on both spots and draw file it to fit properly. The bottom point of contact also determines the fit. The mount should only contact the barrel block at those 3 points.
Griff Murphey
06-21-2011, 06:52
You might try one of the repro mounts.... They are cheap enough. Not sure of the quality but if it works...
I had the same problem with mine. Everything came from numeric, I wrapped the knob with a rag, and tightened it with vise grips. Don't go crazy on it, just enough to hold. Worked great, and no marks on the metal.
Tom in N.J.
06-28-2011, 07:08
Wobbley mount??.. I expected to find info on the manufacture by members of the I.W.W. ( International Workers of the World, the Wobblies)... " Eye wobble wobble"....
Griff Murphey
06-30-2011, 06:37
I'd be careful doing that. I stripped my original mount that came from CMP using a couple of GI patches and pliers in that same way....
Thanks for the information, but---after some steel Epoxy ( a machinest friend recomended), at the range the scope dropped off after the 8th round, it seems that when the Chineese welded the knob to the bolt, they weld like the English, the weld broke. So I am thinking that the bolt was pulling away from the knob, not tightening the base correctly, and comming loose.... Now I will pick off the Epoxy , and Braze the bolt back onto the knob. Thanks for all the advise
Oh Tom in NJ,--my grandfather was a member of the IWW. Being a good Swede, and knowing that the wheel's if Industry being oiled with the blood of the workers, what is the working man to do???
If it is all repro. Just have someone weld the mount to the block. rock solid platform
Thanks for all the input. I was shooting again last week, and the knob bolt just gave up. I think that the braze softened it too much. I cut it off with a cutting wheel, went to the hardware store and got a 5/16x3/4 cap screw, chased the threads with a bottom tap and bolted the whole works back on. Holds like a champ. Im going to drill the old bolt out of the know in a lathe this weekend and, use it as a washer. Just my $.02--when you get a repo it is just that, expct to do some homework, and if you dont have acess to a machine shop, or very deep pockets, it ain't cheep enough---at least yet---
02-04-2012, 08:36
I have had pretty good luck drilling+tapping thru the tops of the right angles+using short set screws to take up the slack...not a very noticeable mod .Loctite `em in after you adjust the play out of the bracket.Did my own+a friend`s home built+they`ve both held tight for hundreds of rounds. Once the scopes are on,though, I never take them off unless absolutely necessary. HTH Joe
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