View Full Version : Need M1 Bayonet Opinion
07-23-2011, 11:17
Hoping the experts can tell me if this bayonet on ebay is really an uncut M1 or a cut down version. The fuller seems ok, but such a pointed tip has me confused.
Scott Wilson
07-23-2011, 11:21
If it were a real uncut it would not be dated. I think that it and the scabbard are reproductions.
07-23-2011, 12:21
The early M1 bayonets were dated, they stopped dating them when production stopped on the M1905/1942. I am searching for a dated M1, that is the reason I need opinions. Thanks for the input.
07-23-2011, 01:18
Great question. I just looked at my M1 bayonets and none of them have a point ground like this one. The scabbard looks like a repo. I suggest you contact Gary at this site and he may enlighten all of us on what this is.
07-23-2011, 02:22
Sent an email to Gary....will post the reply.
Thanks for all the input.
07-23-2011, 05:34
Yes, there are dated M1 bayonets. However, they are dated 1943, not 1942. The marking is fairly close to the correct UFH mark, but is too small and misplaced. The bayonet in question is a fairly modern copy/fake, sells for about $40-$50 on the open market.
Also UFH made few if any "pure" dated M1 bayonets. They used up unfinished blanks for the M1905 bayonets that already had the basic fuller forged into the blade, so the blade looks like a cut down except the forward part of the fuller is much less deep.
The photo below shows the 1943 dated M1 bayonets (as far as I can determine, AFH did not make a dated M1). The bottom one is the UFH and you can see how the fuller just sort of "fades" away rather than runs out at an equal depth as it would if it were a true cut down. The second photo shows two shortened M1905s by UFH so you can see the obvious difference. Notice that the lower one in the second photo is shortened but undated - UFH is the only company that I have found (besides AFH) that made 16 inch blade M1905 bayonets that were not dated.
07-23-2011, 05:39
Im voting for repro, first 16 inch Bayonet production ended in 1943 and M1 production started the same year so an uncut 10 inch that is marked 1942 would be a give away that its repro. Also the UFH M1 I have does not come to a point like that the area past the end of the fuller is rounded. That profile looks like some of my cut downs but then again the fuller clearly stops where the M1's do while on a cut they run to or almost to the tip. Also im holding in my hand a 43 dated cut UFH and the markings arent even close. Lettering is off like it was handstamped. I wouldnt touch that auction with a 10 foot pole.
07-23-2011, 06:09
Thank you all....great info.
07-23-2011, 11:56
Thanks Bayonetman, I figured you would have the answer.
Lets Go Mountaineers.
Johnny P
07-24-2011, 03:48
This 1943 U.F.H. has a partial fuller, with it being very strong on the opposite side.
I believe the fuller was forged in the blank is why some M1 have a partial fuller. They used an unfinshed 1905 blank and just finsihed the fuller only to M1 length but the forged in fuller run to the tip on some. It is pretty obvious they were never finsed as 1905s since the fuller is much more shallow towards the tip.
07-25-2011, 09:56
Bayonetman, I have a 1943 dated AFH that looks like the UHF on the bottom of your first picture. I assume it is a cutdown.:icon_salut::icon_salut::icon_salut:
In my opinion, the bayonet in question is the product of someone's workshop. I wouldn't touch it.
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