View Full Version : Sniper rifle name
I did several searches and came up empty so if this has already been discussed, pardon me.
The TV show, NCIS, had a episode wherein one of the members of the team is shot. Later it's stated the rifle used was called a "Kate" which happened to be the name of the victim. I go back a lot of years in the Corps and as I recall, in Vietnam the scout/snipers were using slightly modified Remington 700's with a scope and chambered in 7.62 x 52 NATO 165 grain ammo. I know there has been many changes since. I think the Kate business came from another web site where the shooter had named his person rifle, a Tac Ops B 51 Kate or Kate II. I never heard of the name Kate being used to describe an entire group of rifles. It's my understanding that Tac Ops is actually not a military unit but short for Tactical Operations, Inc a company that builds these rifles. It's also my understanding that USMC sniper rifles are produced by in house armorers at Quantico, VA.
Can anyone confirm or debunk this?
I believe they were referring to the round as a kate. I personally never heard a scout sniper instructor call any round by a name. Of course my association with these guys goes back to the mid to late 80's
08-14-2011, 11:11
Just did a web search using "Kate Sniper Rifle" and it appears one fellow named his rifle Kate. Not everyone is so enclined to name their rifle. However there are rumors the name "Betsy" has often been a standby over the years. I would guess it goes along with sayings when referring to cars and boats, "she runs good" or others like that. Seems to me that it has to do with what men call a womans attitude, some days you get along with them and then there are days you just can't no matter how hard you try.
08-15-2011, 05:39
I have a good handle on all the US snipers rifles and most of the foreign ones and I have never heard of a Kate. I have one sniper buddy (Army) that named hie rifle Nina.
Its just typical Hollywood C--p. Just like they pull a bullet out of a brick wall after it went through someone's head and it looks unfired.
Badger Ordnance
08-15-2011, 06:48
Here is the story, your option to believe some of it, none of it or all of it. Link below.
pull a bullet out of a brick wall after it went through someone's head and it looks unfired.
Not at all unbelievable. My Army medic friend has a 7.62 tracer round that his team removed fron a Iraqi terrorist. It had gone thru a concrete block wall and ended up in the Iraqi's spine. Other than the tracer pellet being missing the projectile looks almost pristine (probably a APT).
BTW, I have some Italian 6.5 Carcano bullets (just like the Kennedy "magic" bullet) that has a steel core and will go through a 1/2 inch of iron railroad plates like a hot knife through butter.
BTW, if you want 1 or 2 to play with, PM me and I will send them to you.
Griff Murphey
08-17-2011, 09:45
I cannot speak from USMC Boot experience as I was a "guest" Marine only as a Navy dental officer in 3rd Mar Div but I am reminded of Gunny Ermy's instruction to his men in FULL METAL JACKET to give their rifles a girl's name. I wonder if this practice is still followed; was it Hollywood fantasy only; or real; if so is it followed after bootcamp? - Is it followed out of the infantry by the scout snipers? I must say, I shot with the 4th Marine Recon Bn sniper platoon on many occasions, due to being high power shooting pals with the Col. who ran the USMCR sniper school at Camp Bullis and the sniper platoon's platoon sergeant. None of the Marines I ever knew or shot with talked about naming their rifles. And I would not think an individual with advanced skills such as a Marine scout-sniper would do so...
John Sukey
08-17-2011, 11:08
Hey, its a TV show, not reality. Just like those DNA matches they do in 15 minutes
Hal O'Peridol
08-18-2011, 05:47
I call it "Vera".
I thought the round he was calling a "Kate" in that episode of NCIS was the .300 or .338 Lapua round he is latter shown using to kill the drug dealer who killed his wife and kid?
08-19-2011, 07:28
Love the Firefly Ref. I thought I was the only one.
Badger Ordnance
Hal O'Peridol
08-21-2011, 04:57
Firefly was one of the GREAT sci-fi shows. Much better than any of the Star Trek shows. Just the idea of a wild west type society on the outer planets, plus the mixing of chinese language, signage, etc was a stroke of brilliance. Been enjoying it of late on Netflix, If anyone has not seen this show, do yourself a favor and view an episode.
absolutely one of the best scenes in a super duper short lived series!!!!
You are correct. "Kate" refers to the round....actually the bullet itself.
08-31-2011, 06:06
Gunny, can you elaborate? I have been around Snipers, Sniper rifles and Sniping technology for the last 30 years and I have never heard of anything called a Kate.
Badger Ordnance
05-14-2012, 02:57
Gunny, can you elaborate? I have been around Snipers, Sniper rifles and Sniping technology for the last 30 years and I have never heard of anything called a Kate.
Badger Ordnance
This is a TV series, and like the bourbon they use, call Old Edinburgh the Kate is probably also fiction.
The bourbon was the first thing I checked being Scottish and checking the lapua b51 nato round called a Kate led me to this site so thanks guys for clearing this up it's probably tv bs sounded good though.
John Sukey
05-16-2012, 11:15
Never heard of "Old Edingurgh" But there is Gordons Single malt whiskey Yes, I know there is also gin by that name
[QUOTE=RED;168059]Not at all unbelievable. My Army medic friend has a 7.62 tracer round that his team removed fron a Iraqi terrorist. It had gone thru a concrete block wall and ended up in the Iraqi's spine. Other than the tracer pellet being missing the projectile looks almost pristine (probably a APT)
My 8mm will go through 1" of soft steel(the 30-06 gives it a good try).
Usually the jacket peels off of the inner slug. Concrete isn't steel so I can't say.
05-19-2012, 05:19
Naming rifles seems to have passed, a relic of previous generations. Tankers still seem to name their guns or perhaps the tank itself. Although I did name one of my Deuce and a half trucks.
One of my buddies named his M24 "Justice" after 9/11 which I later was assigned. and yet another named his M4 "Jihad." Both carved the names into the buttstocks.
Saw a motorized quad .50 set up on the back of a duce and a half named "the meat grinder". it was deployed in front of my bunker for cover after the wire was blown out. Miserable job replacing razor wire at dusk going onto dark thirty.
I don't remember the name, but the hummer we inherited from the Marines had a name. When we finally gave it back, they wanted to know its name. At least we remembered it then. Our new one we just called our limo.
06-24-2012, 04:54
I am a big fan of NCIS but it is just entertainment. Every instance in this show where they try to give accurate info about firearms they get it mind numbingly wrong.
John Sukey
06-25-2012, 09:44
Then there is getting DNA test results in a few minutes! ROTFLMAO
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