View Full Version : WWII Maser Barrel
I've got (what I believe is) a WWII 98 Mauser barrel, bore is shiney, I would call it very good condition. It has Waffenamts stamped on it, but I really don't know much more about this stuff. Actually I have the whole rifle minus the action, it was robbed for a sporter. What is this stuff worth, hypothetical? I know that values are based on condition, it's out at the ranch and if it's not worth much I don't think I'll bother messing with it, I don't have photos. Let's say it's average condition rifle.
Randy - It's probably worth the bother. Good WWII 98k Mauser parts are getting somewhat hard to find for restoration purposes. They also vary greatly in value depending on condition, manufacturer, serial numbers, and "WaA" (inspector marks). Nice complete original stock assembly could be worth $125 and up to a guy that needs it for his particular project. Barrel assembly with sights, $50-60. But to get a fair price, you'll need to photo thoroughly and describe accurately. The auction market will give widest exposure to potential customers, but there's nothing wrong with selling parts right here on jouster's WTS board.
Thanks, I think I will snap a shot and post it.
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