View Full Version : Need ideas from you collectors
09-21-2011, 01:33
I have a rather large collection ( 479 items) I would like to sell and am asking for recommendations on who I might contact, how to go about selling it intact if it is possible to do so. Good quality items.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Well I think what the collection is would have allot to do with it. For such a large number of items a specialist auction house MAY be the best bet.
09-21-2011, 02:10
Rent a table at a local Gun Show, price your collection at others prices or less and watch your collection fly of the table. Bob.
09-21-2011, 02:23
What type of things do you have in your collection?
09-21-2011, 03:58
Collection consists of Pistol Belts, First Aid Pouches, Ammo Pouches, Cartridge Belts, Suspenders, Canteens, Musette Bags, Garrison Belts, Haversacks, Grenade Bag, Assistant BAR Belts, Bandaoleers, Combat Carry Pack, Various Pouches, Carrier Pack, Leather Straps, Stripper Clips, Carry Straps, Ammo Pouch for Thompson MG., Leather Slings, Entrenching Tools/Shovels and other odds and ends.
Thanks to those above who have mentioned possible solutions thus far.
09-21-2011, 05:50
You might go to GUN BROKER and check out the prices on their Military Collectables site before making a decision on how and where you sell your collection. Bob.
Try selling them on the For Sale forum at this board:
Believe it or not, 479 items of what you describe isn't that big a collection. It really depends on the eras represented, i.e., Civil War, Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Desert Storm, Iraqi Freedom. The older the better.
09-21-2011, 06:10
About 95% of items are WWI or WWII, a few newer items and a few older items also on hand. Example M14 Ammo Pouch. Nice that it can hold about 6 M1 Carbine 15 round mags. A cover for the early round Canteens but it is marked RIA 1912 as I recall. I could be wrong on the date. Two leather slings that would be correct for either the trap door or the Krag as another example.
Sean P Gilday
09-22-2011, 03:21
Do Not use Manions, heard nothing but bad things about consignment auctions they run.
09-22-2011, 07:17
Thanks Sean.
You might check out the shows put on by this group
Trying to sell an entire collection often does not work well unless you are prepared to take wholesale prices selling as a lot.Right now it's a rough market for sellers,exceptional pieces are bringing good prices and but little or no interest in the common pieces.
09-22-2011, 04:33
I second using the for sale section of
Post pictures of the gear and watch it fly at reasonable prices.
I second using the for sale section of
+1 Good place to sell but you must have 50 posts on the forums to use the For Sale sections.Items that are pictured move well,no pictures and they sit.
09-22-2011, 10:44
Thanks to all. Will check them out.
Dan Shapiro
09-23-2011, 02:20
John, selling via militariaforum would probably maximize your take, however YOU are the one who will have to attend to it. Don't know how much time and effort it will take. I'd also suggest contacting two individuals I've dealt with in the past. Ken McPheeters ( and Mike Poppernack ( Of course if they do purchase in bulk, they'd offer less as they have to turn around and sell in on the open market. But it would be an alternative, depending on what they offer. Not sure if they're taking stuff on consignment.
How to sell one's collection is ultimately the question we all have to ask. My thoughts would be to separate the collection into three catagories.
1. Things I want to keep (personal attachment, family heirloom, etc.)
2. Uncommon, high value items that sell well (Krag sling, for example)
3. Run-of-the-mill items (common WWII canteens, belts, shovels, etc.)
Put the first group away; you can always sell them later or you can give them away to family and friends.
Sell the second group yourself on the boards, at shows if you can get there, local venues, on ebay/gunbroker, etc. this will maximize the value of your collection.
Sell the third group in bulk priced to sell; contact folks that buy in bulk to sell on their sites or tables at shows, put them up on the boards as bulk sales, or take them to a show and find a buyer for everything; this will minimize your time and effort.
Note that this is for a militaria collection that doesn't contain any really high value items; if you have any of those, going through one of the auction houses may give the best exposure and mazimize the sell; Rock Island Auctions and Julia Auctions come to mind.
In the 1960-70s I was into collecting militaria and still have a lot of it that is mostly in storage. I have much the same dilemma as you describe as I to want to move this material along. The rub is that I am unwilling to devote the time to pack the stuff up and haul it to gun and militaria shows. I did that several years ago and things sold well enough but every buyer was looking for a bargain and tried to negotiate sale prices. For example I had an M1941 Johnson Rifle bayonet and scabbard in unissued condition priced at $75 and the guy that bought it tried to negotiate the price. I ended up taking home the remains, the unwanted and etc. that was the stuff I really wanted to get rid of.
From my experience I have been advocating on the forums I contribute to that people not collect anything except reference books, but that has fallen on deaf ears. I just wonder how many if any of these people will reflect back in 20 years and think "Hey, that guy I thought was off his rocker was right, why didn't I listen?" I was advised to obtain reference books and material and now enjoy my personal library a great deal more than the material culture items in storage.
As was previously mentioned the economy is somewhat depressed which means that people have a little less discretionary funds to spend on collectibles, but that doesn't seem to have slowed them down much...where there is a will (desire for something) there is a way.
My thought is to inventory the stuff and organize it (group it) in a way that will appeal to collectors so that some of the hard to move stuff will go along with the more desirable stuff. Taking the dealers approach of marketing everything separately may bring the best price on each piece but then neither you or I are in business and do not have or want to devote the time (and don't have a clientele base) to move everything by the piece.
As the result of some of my previous posts in this same subject area I have been contacted through email by people that say they are willing to acquire the entire collection. They of course want to buy at wholesale prices, select out what they want and sell the rest for profit. I don't object to the idea and you may have already had communication from someone proposing to "take it off your hands." This may be the ideal solution, but personally I don't like the idea of the character of these people.
I have quite a few firearms and have found a local gun shop that takes firearms on consignment. I am confident that this long established store will do the best they can to sell at the best price to both our benefit. I went into anther gun store I was unfamiliar with and met the manager who reminded me of "Pawn Stars" and I bet he took pointers in "negotiation" from the show, he was even dressed in all black. He said they don't take consignments and wanted to buy my all my guns outright and was even willing to come to my residence to pick them up. The greed and pure profit motive in this guy's "business" was a total turn off for me.
So we're stuck with allot of stuff that we wish we had not acquired in the first place. How to get shed of it with out the devotion of allot of time, dealing with people whining about the prices, getting rid of all of it at a reasonable prices, and perhaps most important at this stage of life not leaving for heirs to have to sort out and possibly trash. This later happens way too often and is a tragedy if you hold your collection in any sentimental value.
If you figure this out please let me know what worked for you.
I was advised to obtain reference books and material and now enjoy my personal library a great deal more than the material culture items in storage.
So very true.I'm always digging out a book to look something up.Can't say the same about all the stuff in boxes I bought,looked at,and then put away.
Dan Shapiro
09-24-2011, 04:30
Don't ya just hate it when a question comes up on a forum, you know the EXACT answer, even to being able to quote it, BUT CAN'T FIND the book the quote came from? :eusa_wall:
09-27-2011, 07:54
I would figure out how much you want if you want to sell it all together, post it on the WTS board here, and on the site under the collector's firearms.
If you price it right, you will have it sold in a couple hours.
Hell I might be interested if the price was right. I love collecting that old stuff.
11-25-2011, 05:57
Thanks again to all for your help. Much appreciated.
I have had good luck buying and selling on this forum.
So far everyone has been very honest and honorable.
Great bunch of guys.
You would get a fair deal and deserving collectors would get a fair chance at your plunder!
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