View Full Version : swede stock needed
I have fallen into a very bubba'd swede. All manner of bad things have been done to this rifle. By the serial number I believe it is a mod.24 made in 1907. #42577. It has been polished and blued by somebody. Drilled and tapped for a scope, the job is surprisingly good on this mount. Bolt handle bent for scope. The last three on the safety housing part of the bolt match the serial number stamped under the barrell. Most other markings and ID sources have been ground or polished off. There are a few visible crowns. Trigger is standard. The magazine well is an aftermarket with some kind of silly ass hunting design on the bottom. The rifleing in the barrel is excellent. The barrel has been countersunk.
Question is, does anybody have a stock, also bubba'd that would be usable for a shootable rifle, perhaps just ugly and functional? Will the regular swedish mauser stock fit the reciever and magazine well part of the mod 24 carbine? Anybody got one that fits the above criteria and will let it go at a reasonable cost.
I'd like to make a shootable truck gun out of it. Looks definitely are not important here. Clean the rust off the metal parts, do a little sanding on some wood, paint, and make go boom.
Any advice will be appreciated.
randy langford
10-23-2011, 03:33
With that date of manufacture it should be a 96 mauser stocks can be found on ebay pictures would help ID the rifle for sure
I'm not sure pictures would help. If it was a 96 its been cut down. Aftermarket bolt handle installed, scope type. Heavily polished and blued almost no discernable stamps that could possibly id the rifle. Under barrle is the number 42577 with a CH near it. It was ignored somewhere for years and there is a lot of surface rust. The barrel is 17-3/4 inches long and countersunk about 3/4 of an inch. No sights at all except a scope mount was installed. The reading I did on the swedes indicated that the rifle was a mod. 24 carbine made in 1907. I don't know. I know very little about these rifles. Had a carbine I bought in 1960 but don't have it any longer and remember precious little about it except it was noisy and had a muzzle flash you could see at high noon. I fell into it and over time will make some kind of shootable product with it.
There was a Model 94 Carbine, a M-96 long rifle and a M-41 (may be off yr or so on number) but no '24 carbine'. Yours is most likely a 94 carbine. Most had the bore counter sunk to which a short barrel
extension was prssed in. Original 17.75 " barrel was illegal under our gun laws, had to be 18. Many were not pressed in tight enough and they came out. I blew mine off after about 5 rounds. You are correct on the muzzle flash, first shot I made I thought the damn thing blew up and yep it was bright sunny day! NO (1960's) hearing protection and it took a day to recover hearing! Like new from Mokey Wards, 35 bucks!
94 Carbines had bent bolts but they would not clear a low scope. 41 original rifle also had bent bolts but not the conversion from 96's.
I am sorry, it is 94. I don't know where the 24 figure came from. Probably old age and senility. Anybody know where a beater stock could be had from? Don't want to spend much as the whole thing done probably won't be worth fifty bucks if you take the scope off it.
Watch gun auction sites, e-bay, call some parts dealers such as Springfield Sporters. Look into sporter stocks.
For another thought, I renewed a bubba'd Swede Model 94 for a truck gun. It is still a very good shooter. For a stock, I just ordered a black synthetic stock for a small ring Mauser. It dropped right in with no problem.
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