View Full Version : M1D Cheeckpad question.
My M1D was a cmp auction with no accessories, I purchased a cheekpad that only says MRT on the back and it appears too short maybe, the lace eyelets would be very far apart where as most of the ones I see seem to be very close.
Is this just a bad copy?
It also didn't come with the leather lacing, where can that be had?
mine would look like this ...doesn't seem right to me.
Johnny in Texas
11-06-2011, 09:44
It looks like a repro pad to me so the leather is slightly thicker and stiff so it does not give.
Your stock may be a little heavy in the butt area also. ( Something you should never tell your wife) no matter what she does or says!
I would just tighten the laces a little at a time to pull it together and call it good.
You have got the pad mounted in a way that will cause it to be a little tight as well.
I don't use the extra lace holes for lacing.
The left pics shows the extra hole used for the screws the other 3 are a different pad with no screws in the pad at all.
hope this helps.
yeah the pics aren't mine but it looks like the same pad, If the pad needs to be on the side, seam lined up along the top of the butt stock then the screws would be in the side...
The usgi manual i found shows the screws where they are on my pics....
Thanks for the info.
Johnny in Texas
11-06-2011, 05:29
In the TM's that I have seen it looks like there are 3 lace ends I bought a few M1C/D stocks from CMP with pads on them and there were a couple different ways they attached the pads.
You can stretch the pad by laying the pad flat on a smooth table and with a hammer over a board on top of it, tap it carefully with enough force to work the leather to stretch/thin the leather. Or you can wet/soak the pad and by hand pull/work the leather to stretch it and let it dry before putting it back on. Or while wet put it on the stock with plastic wrap under it, and tie it pulling it tight to stretch it. Remove it an let it dry before putting it back on as the wet leather will stain the stock. You'll be suprised how much the leather will stretch. Most leathers shrink with age as they dry out. Ray
11-19-2011, 04:38
Good Day,
I've snagged a number of cheekpieces over the years. They range from "K Line" marked :banana100:to one that was dated 76 and still in the bag. Five of the six pictured were already mounted. I've mounted 4 or 5 for others and they all required careful installation. Getting them wet was the best way to do it but the caveat is that it will lighten the wood under the leather. I have seen an original 1950s cheekpiece destroyed because the person who soaked the leather (I swear I wasn't involved), cinched down on the leather thongs and as the whole thing dried, it stretched to the point where the grommets pulled out.:icon_e_surprised:
Best of Luck,
Good Day,
Getting them wet was the best way to do it but the caveat is that it will lighten the wood under the leather.
Best of Luck,
Yes putting a wet pad on the stock will stain/lighten the color of the stock when it dries. Reason why I mentioned to put it on over a plastic saran wrap.
I learned that the hard way, :(
Nice collection Michael, Ray
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