View Full Version : Creedmore scope/stand kit
11-13-2011, 05:50
I've been looking at this scope/stand set up
I'm confident the Kowa will be great (I will probably also buy a 20-60 eyepiece to have on hand but I really like the idea of the LER eyepiece for 100-200 which is most of my shooting). I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the Creedmore stand/and polecat mount?
I've heard so much good stuff about the Ray Vin stand but since Creedmore is selling it it seems the price has jumped. Getting a complete set up by buying individual pieces will be quite a bit more than the Creedmore package.
I note that everything comes with aluminum rods instead of stainless. Does the lighter material degrade the stability of the stand?
I also like the Ray Vin outrigger for use in the prone.
It looks almost like you could have your shooting eye on the sights and your non shooting eye in the scope at the same time. I am assuming with 1" rods the Ray Vin outrigger could work with the Creedmore stand?
Thanks for any help anyone can offer. If anyone has used equipment available to sell as an option I'm open to possible deals.
12-22-2011, 05:10
Got a retro paycheck today. Seeing as I have saved enough to pay for the Christmas presents with my regular check I think I will order the Creedmore/Kowa scope kit tomorrow. Anyone have any info to offer on this kit before I buy?
Jim in Salt Lake
12-22-2011, 07:35
I have that scope with the LER eyepiece and you'll like it. If you shoot highpower XTC, in my opinion, you won't need anything but the LER eyepiece. I would start off without it, you can always get that later. I have a couple of stands I'm not real happy with and have no experience with what you're looking at, but I'll be checking back in case others do.
Maury Krupp
12-22-2011, 07:52
I really like my old Ray-Vin for it's simplicity and lack of tension screws, allen wrenches, and extra knobs that get caught on things.
That said I don't think you'll be disappointed with this setup either; once you get it all adjusted and you get used to it.
I've got the fixed 25x LER on my 661 and it's all I need; an extra variable would just gather dust.
Most of the stand's stability comes from the base and footprint; those haven't changed. Aluminum poles should just make it lighter for carrying.
The outrigger should work; it says "on any 1in stand." But...
I've seen ratgunners position their scope so they're looking through the sights with one eye and the scope with the other. I can do that with my current scope and stand (no outrigger) but .30cal recoil always bumps it out of place on the first shot. With the LER I can move it out of the way enough so all I have to do is turn my head a little. I don't think I'd pay over $100 just so I don't have to turn my head.
For some reason I don't recall seeing this thread before when I've clicked on "New Posts". If I had I'd have kicked in my $.02 already. If I'm too late to help sorry 'bout that :icon_redface:
12-22-2011, 09:26
Thank you for your replies. Not too late at all. I was thinking of getting it tommorow but may pull the trigger by the end of the day in order to get it shipped before Creedmore takes time off for XMas.
Most of my "match" shooting is at 100 yard reduced targets and the 25LER is adequate for that. My desire for the vari power is that I often use a 200/300 yard range for targetting and in order to see my unmarked shot holes 60X will give me the best chance of getting some utility out of the scope at distance.
I'm going to belay the purchase of the Ray Vin outrigger at this time. The polecat mount provides 5 plus inches of standoff. That will work good for prone. I do have concerns that using the Ray Vin (7 inches of standoff) coupes with the Pole Cat would cause the stand to become tippy. I was just thinking it would make set up easier - leave the outrigger on the stand and my prone scope setting is always ready. Use a fall stop to mark my sitting set and offhand would be easy enough to do on the fly.
Maury Krupp
12-22-2011, 10:34
By the time you get to 200yd and really at 300 there is so much else going on in terms of light, haze, mirage, etc that seeing even .30cal bullet holes becomes a real hit-or-miss operation; even with a 60x eyepiece.
Your money would probably be better spent on white plastic garbage bags to staple behind the target to reflect light back through the holes.
"Utility at distance" comes more from the ability to see mirage and read conditions. The 821 is excellent for that.
A piece of 1in copper tubing cut to the proper length for Prone and slipped over the rod makes a perfect stop collar that can't slip, come loose, or get bumped down if the scope is dropped on it :icon_wink:
12-22-2011, 11:31
I'm using a Weatherby branded 20-60X , 60mm, straight scope off of a bench tripod right now and its workable at 200. Ive not had much luck at 300 (some but not much) with it and I dont expect the bigger objective to make a big difference.
I guess besides using it at 200 I'll be able to set it out on the back porch and show my kids a 60X view of the moon. Maybe my wife will see the utility in my purchase if it looks like entertainment for the kids.
Thanks for the good info. I think I want to call Creedmore now.
12-22-2011, 11:51
Gee, Talk about customer service Dennis Demille took my order.
01-03-2012, 12:50
Received the scope/stand kit late last week. Great purchase. Set it up last night for the kids to view the moon and the planet visible just beneath it. I think its Jupiter. You could clearly see at least 4 moons orbiting the planet with the 25LER eyepiece. Cant wait to use it on the range. The scope/stand was the last piece of equipment I need to be self sufficient on the range or at matches. Nice to be independent now.
Dan Shapiro
01-03-2012, 08:16
Gee, Talk about customer service Dennis Demille took my order.
Dennis is real 'down to the earth' people. Drop by the store in Oceanside and he'll talk your leg off! :icon_lol:
Greg Ficklin
01-06-2012, 10:01
I just bought myself a 'Polecat" scope head as a Christmas present for myself. It is a real high quality piece. It is the perfect addition to my Ewing 1" stand, and Kowa 661. The complete scope stand package to include the stand, polecat, and kowa 821 was a real bargain. You should never have to buy any of that stuff again. Find or make a padded hard box to keep your scope in when not at the range, and it will last forever.
I just bought myself a 'Polecat" scope head as a Christmas present for myself. It is a real high quality piece. It is the perfect addition to my Ewing 1" stand, and Kowa 661. The complete scope stand package to include the stand, polecat, and kowa 821 was a real bargain. You should never have to buy any of that stuff again. Find or make a padded hard box to keep your scope in when not at the range, and it will last forever.Hopefully Creedmoor will run this Kowa scope package on special again this Christmas. What pieces came with Kowa scope package?
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