View Full Version : Norwegian K98

02-20-2012, 09:56
Last year I won this Norwegian K98 at an auction.

The Norwegian serial number is xx320 and the original German serial is xx84. The Norwegian serial number appears on the receiver "flat" and the butt plate. The last three digits, "320" of the Norwegian serial appear in the bolt handle root.

Bore is shiny and sharp

I finally got to the range and shot it last week. After putting three Federal 180 gr Power shocks into a target @ 50 yards to make sure the sights were on...


I moved the targets down to 100 yards and shot 5 Hornady 168 grain M1 Garand match rounds...


I was expecting a bit better with the Hornady. I guess it is possible the K98 didn't like the BT bullet or the load. Guess it is also possible I messed up the five rounds. I'll give it a go with the Federals again next week.

While shooting it, I appreciated the square front sight blade that the Norwegians installed...much easier for my eyes than the triangular one on the German K98

02-20-2012, 10:13
Nice rifle!!!
That looks to be about a 3 in. group at 100 yds. Probably within factory accuracy specs for that rifle.
If I can shoot 3 in. groups with a military surplus rifle and iron sights, I consider that a good day.
My Norwegian tends to change the POI radically as the barrel heats up. It's disheartening to get a couple rounds in the 10-ring and then watch the holes march right out of the black.

02-21-2012, 06:03
. . . . .

I moved the targets down to 100 yards and shot 5 Hornady 168 grain M1 Garand match rounds... . . . .

Are you telling us that the rifle is now a 30-06?? --Jim

02-21-2012, 06:58
The rifle has always been a 30-06 after the Norwegion's re barreled it. If stamped 7.65 NATO then it is military 308. Notice the cut on back of reciever ring for longer cartridge? They were re-done in both cartridges. The mark on the barrel only indicates bore size!

02-21-2012, 08:48
Are you telling us that the rifle is now a 30-06?? --Jim

What Dave said.

The Norwegians re-barreled them in 30.06 shortly after the war. They re-barreled them again in 7.62 x 51 later, when NATO adopted that cartridge.

There is still a supply of brand new, in the white K98 profile Norwegian 7.62 x 51 barrels floating around. I bought a couple a few years ago.

Dave in NGA
02-21-2012, 09:45
Where are these barrels? I could really use one on a current project. TIA

02-22-2012, 09:09
PM sent

P. Greaney
02-22-2012, 05:19
The barrels in question are available at Coles Distributing. Use the link and click on "Click here" and then "Parts".

Calif Steve
03-07-2012, 09:49
The Norwegians had, indeed, planned to convert all of their 30-'06 rilfes into 7.62 Nato rifles. They changed their minds and only a few were ever converted. The excess 7.62mm barrels are around.

mike webb
03-14-2012, 12:06
I think the German surrendered K98k's that were issued to the Norwegian Navy stayed 8mm calibre, a friend of mine owns one.

Calif Steve
03-17-2012, 11:19
The Navy kept its rilfes in 8mm and then received all of the 8mm capture ammo on hand. The Army and Militia converted all of their rifles into .30-'06.

03-19-2012, 01:01
That's biggest swastiki I've ever seen on a rifle.

07-09-2012, 04:03