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View Full Version : Anybody tried the Atlanta Cutlery M-1905 repro bayonet.

Griff Murphey
02-21-2012, 07:44
Looks pretty in the catalog. Cheap... $69.95

Are these the ones that require grinding to make them fit?


03-04-2012, 11:14
I've got a '1942' long bayonet(same as 1905) that I suspect is a reproduction. Came in a suspected reproduction M3 scabbard.

I've owned the set for several years...and it fits right on a Rock Island 1903..and a postwar Garand. It fits both better than a genuine UC made M1 bayonet I also own.

John Sukey
03-09-2012, 09:42
Bought one too. Well made. If you got one in WW2 you wouldn't see the difference between it and an original