View Full Version : This $#!^ don't ever happen right?

02-23-2012, 09:52
Zeroed my Romanian PSL at 25yds this weekend. It had rained for 2 days and I didn't feel like laying in the mud to zero the rifle so I figured I'd squat behind the truck and use a rucksack on the tailgate for a rest and atleast get it close to zeroed at 25yds to save time later.

This was not the most stable position and there was a little wobble. First shot hit center and VERY low but atleast was on paper. I then played with the knobs to get the up/down figured out as I don't read Romanian. I set the scope to 0yds and loosened the adjustment screws. Then I took a second shot which was steady and deliberate. It cut the centerline but was still VERY low. So, no windage adjustment needed.

Here's where the "are you kidding me" part comes in. To adjust for elevation I decided to try the method that just never really works. I put the sight on the bullseye then while balancing on my toes squating behind the truck I reached up and turned the turret until the scope was sighted on the bullet hole. I hoped this would get me "close" to where I needed to be. I fired again, BULLSEYE, slightly right. I thought F-me, that didn't really work, so I fired again. BULLSEYE, just a hair left. Had I not fired a shot just to check to see if I was on paper, and had I not fired a second bullseye just to check the first bullseye, I basically would have zeroed the rifle with one shot and a second to confirm it.

I doubt it will ever be so easy again but it sure was nice this time. Now just to get back out and do some serious shooting and see what it can do. So far I'm happy with the results I get with cheap russian ammo. It aint a 1,000yd match rifle but it aint supposed to be either.

Jim in Salt Lake
02-24-2012, 08:39
You can do something similar with bold guns. Take out the bolt, sight on the target through the bore, turn your scope windage and elevation knobs untill the reticle is on target. With a little practice and a stationary rest, you can get on paper at 100 yards. The range closest to me has pits so they usually never have cease fires. If you ask, they'll cease fire so you can set up a chrony or closer target but this method can definitely work well enough to get you on paper at 100 yards. Geez, Guam, you did really good!

02-24-2012, 10:14
Yep. Boresighting. I do this for all of my newly scoped rifles. Saves time and ammo.

02-25-2012, 09:40
I'm attributing a bit of it to luck. Had the wind kicked up or anything at all had caused me to move slightly it wouldn't have worked. But thats why I say this NEVER works. Usually gets me close but never a bullseye on shot #2....LOL

02-27-2012, 04:04
And here I thought I was going to read about blowing away a tailgate hinge bar that was in bore line but below the sight line , or how you are now needing a new tail light.

02-28-2012, 12:21
I was a little worried about the tail light, The muzzle blast is pretty impressive. HOWEVER, as a Texan I have been fully versed in the intricacies of shooting off of, over, around, under and out of pickups sense I was a wee child.

However, you did remind me of an Armadillo hunt one night on the farm. Two friends of mine, Wayne and Jeff seemed to constantly be getting into some sort of bad situation together. Jeff had a used Ford pickup he dearly loved. We were loaded up in the truck driving through the pasture in the creek bottom one night and Wayne was in the back. He decided to sit on the spare and use it as kind of a swivel seat to be able to shoot off both sides without having to get up. We came up on an arma dillo and as we are driving along Wayne lays into it with a .22 and about that time we hit a huge hole in the ground and we heard POP POP POP POP DING!! POP............Uhm JEFF? I SHOT YOUR TRUCK!

It just put a long groove down the bedrail. Had I not felt bad for Jeff and known that Wayne felt bad too, I would have laughed till I pissed myself. As it was, I felt it the proper thing to do to stop laughing once I had to start wiping the tears away.

To this day I will occasionally have those words echo through my mind and cause an instant chuckle....Uhm JEFF? I SHOT YOUR TRUCK!

02-29-2012, 10:16
Closest I've come were muzzle blast scorch burns across my hood's paint job. Shooting off a rolled up blanket or sleeping bag as I recall . Did not see the scorching till I raised up to go check the target. I was able to get them buffed out before the wife noticed.

04-27-2012, 12:50
And here I thought I was going to read about blowing away a tailgate hinge bar that was in bore line but below the sight line , or how you are now needing a new tail light.

Me too! Like the claymores RedJacket installed in the tailgate of the Porsche Cheyenne SUV.

Griff Murphey
04-29-2012, 09:09
A good job of bore sighting will usually get you within a few inches of the bull... Sometimes it'll get you in the black. I cracked my Greek return CMP Rock Island 03 out of the cosmo a few years back, boresighted, fired for effect at 100, that thing hit right on the x... Center bull pinwheel...

It never happened before... It will never Happen again!