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View Full Version : Samco Persian Mauser "no blue" refinish

03-06-2012, 08:24
The topic of Samco "no bluing" 98/29 Persian Mausers seems to be hot on a few milsurp forums right now. A few years ago I bought three of them with the intention of having them refinished. I've had two of them reblued and had the stocks refinished and am getting ready to send off the remaining one.

I've already posted pics of the first one that came back here:

I figured now is a good time to post pics of the other one that I had refinished:

03-06-2012, 08:25
This is what the rifles looked like when they arrived from Samco;

03-07-2012, 05:56
Many persian rifles had little or no blue left, handled allot but in hot dry climate, no rust. Who ever did the work did a decent job!

03-07-2012, 07:06
Thanks, Dave.

These appear to have had their finishes damaged by a strong chemical of some kind, probably during an attempt to clean the cosmoline off. They appear to have little or no wear underneath the damaged finish.

The bores are incredible.


The reblue was done by Mark Waldo at Blue Ridge Bluing http://www.blueridgebluing.com/. He does excellent work and is very reasonably priced.

The stock refinishing was done by Larry Winslow at Reissued Surplus Rifles http://www.reissuedsurplusrifles.com/. Larry also does great work.