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View Full Version : Chris Kyle sniper rifle

04-19-2012, 12:30
We have the following up for auction on May 17, 2012 and thought you might be interested in adding this “one of a kind” weapon to your collection or may know someone who is.

Brought to you by "North Shore Rotary Club" of Houston, Texas! We are part of Rotary International, (www.rotary.org) and we have a brand new sniper rifle built to Chris Kyle’s specifications with an autographed copy of his book “American Sniper”.

Chris Kyle is a former United States Navy SEAL. He is the deadliest sniper in United States military history, with 160 confirmed kills out of 255 claimed kills. This is the same gun (not the gun), built to Chris’s specifications that he used in Iraq to get a confirmed kill at 2,100 yards (1.2 miles).

It is a Remington 700 XCR Tactical 338 Lapua. McMillan stock with adjustable cheek pad and adjustable pull length. Pillar and glass embedded. Free floating barrel. Harris bipod. Night Force 8x30 scope. 56mm objective and 30mm tube. 20 MOA elevation rail system.

The weapon system will come with 2 boxes of custom load shells. Shells will come with "dope sheet" and actual range card for 300-1000 yards showing muzzle velocity and ballistics. In other words, the owner will be able to take the dope sheet to someone who loads shells according to those specifications, and get the exact performance. With this weapon system anyone who can hold a gun will be able to shoot milk jugs at 1000 yards.

Chris Kyle's signature as well as the Navy SEAL trident is laser engraved into the stock, making it a one of a kind.

Please contact;
Eric LeBlanc