View Full Version : snap caps
McCormickDeering M
06-01-2012, 03:56
Are they really any good? I read you could use a spent case to practice trigger pull on is it true?
Johnny P
06-01-2012, 07:47
When a cartridge fires the high pressure pushes back on the firing pin, cushioning it's fall. I guess if you rotated a fired .22 rimfire cartridge case each time, it would help cushion the firing pin.
Jim in Salt Lake
06-04-2012, 10:40
What are you dry firing? If it's a center fire military rifle, don't worry about it. I've got ARs, an M1A, an M1, and a M1903 all with thousands of winter time dry fire "rounds" down them with no problems and no snap caps. Shotguns and rimfires, that's another story, I use snap caps on those.
Maury Krupp
06-04-2012, 11:40
Not sure I understand your question :icon_scratch:
-Does dryfiring help? Done right it does :headbang:
-Do you need a snapcap to dryfire? No, snapcaps are really only dummy rounds with a little spring-thingy of questionable value in place of the primer. For loading or stoppage drills they're no better than make-your-own; more expensive too
On some older rimfires a spent case will help keep the firing pin from peening the breechface but you must rotate the rim for each shot; considering what a PITA that is it's probably better to just not dryfire any such firearm
For an M1/M14 a better dryfire aid is something like the one pictured. They're sold by Creedmoor, Fulton, and the rest of the usual suspects. They make one for M16s too.
You can also make your own by cutting a case in half and gluing a dowel between the top and bottom halves. The finished item should be about a half-inch longer than a normal case. Resetting the Hammer only takes a half-inch pull on the Op Rod. It also keeps the Hammer from hitting the Firing Pin in the first place.
07-13-2012, 09:29
click here --> DIY dry fire gizmo (
McCormickDeering M
07-17-2012, 03:33
Well I didn't realize this thread was still going, I like the ideas for the garand, but I am wanting to use them for a 308 remington 700. I think I'll stick to once fired brass or try mouseguns suggestion. Once again thank you for the help.
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