View Full Version : CMP Military & Vintage Sniper Team Matches, Harris Mn - June 16

06-08-2012, 01:01
June 16, Stat office will be open at 8:00 am, Pits seal at 8:45 am, Rounds down range at 9:00am for match #1, Approximately 11:30am for Match #2 and Approximately 2:15pm for the Vintage Sniper Team Match.

G.R.R.C. Recreation Area, 5180 450th St. Harris, MN 55032

Take I-35 north from twin cities to the Co. Road 10 interchange at Harris, MN (exit 152, 4 miles north of North Branch, 16 miles so. of Pine City). Go west on 10 about ½ mile. Turn north on Co. 61 (Falcon Ave.), go north 1.2 miles, turn left at the “T”, the gate is about 100 yards west, on the right side. (North).

Competition open to any eligible competitor you need not be a member of the NRA, CMP or the GRRC. All competitors must have a notarized “Eligibility Affidavit and Liability Agreement” on file with GRRC or present at registration. Must be 18 years of age or older and a citizen of the United States. Persons under the age of 18 must have an adult on the range at all times.

Current CMP rules will govern throughout. To download a current copy of the rules: http://www.odcmp.com/Competitions/Rulebook.htm

Military Matches: 200yd (SR) Highpower Target

Sniper Match: 300yd (SR3) & 600yd (MR1) Highpower Targets

All Competitors will score and pull targets.

Both Military Match 1 & 2 will follow Course A @ 200yds.

Military Match #1 (9:00am):

Prone Slow Fire 5 sighters, 10 record shots in a time limit of 15 minutes.
Standing to prone Rapid Fire, 10 shots in a time limit of 80 seconds.
Standing Slow Fire, 10 shots, single loaded in a time limit of 10 minutes.
Military Match #2 (15 minutes after of completion of Match #1, Approx. 11:30):

Prone Slow Fire 5 sighters, 10 record shots in a time limit of 15 minutes.
Standing to prone Rapid Fire, 10 shots in a time limit of 80 seconds.
Standing Slow Fire, 10 shots, single loaded in a time limit of 10 minutes.
Vintage Sniper Team Match (15 minutes after of completion of Match #2, Approx. 2:15):
Teams consist of two people. Don’t worry if you don’t have a partner as most teams are formed just prior to the start of the match.

300 Yards:

5 Minute unlimited sighters per team
10 shots for record for each team member

600 Yards:

5 Minute unlimited sighters per team
10 shots for record for each team member
CMP Achievement Pins will be awarded as per cut scores listed in the rules.

$15 per match/per team member. Club M1’s available for but must use club ammo at $0.50/round

All competitors must bring a signed CMP affidavit (or have one previously on file with GRRC) in order to participate. http://www.odcmp.com/Competitions/Forms/Affidavit.pdf

Questions to: tjtorborg@aol.com