View Full Version : IPTF Bosnia, anybody????
06-26-2012, 11:43
06-26-2012, 05:19
Glad you made it home in one piece. I've heard there were more mines deployed there than freckles on a red head teen-ager. Captain Jacks place sounds like the kind of place I would enjoy. Bob.
06-27-2012, 11:41
06-28-2012, 10:29
Your right, there will never be peace there or any place where a people ( muslims ) believe it's right to kill anyone that is not muslim. Bob.
01-28-2013, 02:56
It is no wonder that there will never be peace there, or in any other country where that radical muslim ideology exists
Im not surprised that you would say this. Did they even give you a brief of the ethnic group you were going to be in contact with?
I was there for the entire war from day 1, before coming over to the US and taking the oath of enlistment here. I wasnt there for a post war deployment like most of you. Most of the mines were laid by the Bosnian Serb (Orthodox) population. How do I know? Once again I was there, I lost family members. There was hardly anyone in my elementary school class that didnt loose a loved one to Serbian placed ordnance. Serbs inherited Yugoslavian logistical might in 1991 which put the Bosnians and Croats at an immediate disadvantange. At one point we were fighting off tanks with molotovs and grenades.
Its at this point that I should probably clear up that I came from the Muslim side of the conflict. , We had no mines to place of our own. Five years after the war's end, one of my classmates lost an uncle and his father on the same day after venturing too far into a Serbian minefield. NATO/UN/US troops in the area made literally no effort to mark it.
We had no radicals in NE Bosnia ever. In fact, we're the best ally you have in the region. During my Iraq tour, I was able to trace Serbian made rifles and MGs that made their way into the hands of the insurgents. So put 2 and 2 together there.
01-28-2013, 03:03
Your right, there will never be peace there or any place where a people ( muslims ) believe it's right to kill anyone that is not muslim. Bob.
I dont even know how to reply to this.
16,000 Iraqi Muslims died while fighting on our side in Iraq and theyre still dying. The Afghan National Army is entirely Muslim and bleeding alongside my Marine brothers in Helmand. Who did we need in order to defeat the Soviets in the 80s? They bled and died in the tens of thousands to help us win the Cold War.
The dishonor people felt for pulling out of Vietnam evaporated a good deal when the Russians were beat out of Afghanistan.
Bosnia itself sent contingents to Iraq and Afghanistan. I've met a good deal of Bosnian Americans who enlisted immediately after 9/11.
There are more Bosnian immigrants to the US that fought in OIF and OEF than the BiH govt officially sent over. To classify them as radicals is an insult to me personally due to my origins, even tough Ive lost all faith in religion since 1995.
Im also not surprised none of you even know what the conflict was about. The Muslim side of the war was the ONLY one to offer all ethnic groups to fight for RBiH in 1992. I also wouldnt be surprised if you didnt know the country that exists today includes all 3 ethnic groups living peacefully and also a strong alliance between the Catholic Croats and Bosnian Muslims.
History is never as black and white as youd want it. That type of history or truth, doesnt make for good reading.
I was deployed to Doboj (pronounced "doughboy") in 1997. It was an f'ed up place. I was in the Army and not the IPTF.
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