View Full Version : Unknown US M4 Carbine bayonet ......value???

08-31-2012, 04:00
Bayonets are not my area of expertise and I need some help on this M4 Carbine bayonet. I took three of them in on trade on some M1 Carbine parts and need some help in identifying them and putting a value on them. I have one carbine bayonet, a CASE, and these appear to be identical to it. I have taken pictures of the only markings that I see.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Johnny in Texas
08-31-2012, 04:30
The cross guard is very different from U.S. Made M4 's the finish should be smoother and the Font is more defined. Overall it does look like a US M4 though. This may be a Danish version based on the Euro looking proof mark looking stamp. I have looked at many leather handled M4's and have never seen this one.

08-31-2012, 05:01
Exact same ones that were sold through the CMP that were apparently purchased by the greeks for use with thier carbines. The last theory I heard was that they were Norwegian manufactured with the mark being a stylized K. You can go to the CMP forum and do a search on the carbine forum for the old info and it may be on Gary Cunninghams bayonet site as well.

09-09-2012, 03:59
The bayonet pictured is a Norwegian manufactured M4, made at the Kongsburg Arsenal.