View Full Version : Repair of a M8 Scabbard Using JB Weld

09-29-2012, 08:33
Since the number of scabbards for 20th century US bayonets is finite, and some of them are damaged at the tip, I did this to a recent acquisition and thought I'd share the process here, as posted on CMP website:


Hopefully this will be helpful here as well.

Dan Shapiro
09-30-2012, 10:29
Great tutorial! Perhaps this will encourage others to save those old scabbards.

Johnny in Texas
09-30-2012, 01:39
Home depot will custom mix a correct paint color from an original scabbard and you can buy a mini spray bottle there also.

10-03-2012, 06:12
Nice job. JB Weld is great stuff. I have used it for many things and the only time I remember it failing me was once on my Son's cars engine block when there was just no way to get it clean enough.
I have been trying to figure a way to take dents out of metal Krag or German scabbards.
Filling is not the answer due to the finish type.
I need a way to make a mandrel to fit inside and then expand at the dents?
Any ideas??

Dan Shapiro
10-04-2012, 03:47
Have you tried taking a piece of hardwood, cut to the width and thickness of the bayonet. Round and slightly taper the stick on one end. Insert into the scabbard and push towards the dented area.

Another idea is this cheap 'dent puller'.

10-04-2012, 08:19
Thanks for the idea. Thats what I'll try.

10-05-2012, 07:35
If you look at the post of the M3 scabbard I "restored" for Barryeye, you will see there is allot that can be done with these. I for one think the plastic/fiberglass scabbard is a beneficial when it comes to restoration.

JB weld is fantastic if used in the correct applications.


10-05-2012, 04:04
I can confirm that Guamsst did a brilliant job at restoring my M8 scabbard.Mine had the tip intact but the overall condition was such that I was ready to bin it until Guamsst took on the challenge. My only reservation was that it looked too new but after a few months of rattling around in the wooden ammo box that I store my American blades in it is taking on an appropriate 60 year old patina.Glynn you are to be commended for saving this small piece of history. Great restoration job.