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View Full Version : CMP Western Games & Creedmoor Cup West

Maury Krupp
10-22-2012, 07:12
Back home and have to say it was all terrific :banana100:

The new CMP Games schedule is a winner. Two events each day with everything but the Vintage Sniper done by Monday. Three GSM, Garand EIC, Carbine, and Rimfire Sporter all for only one vacation day (for most working stiffs).

The Creedmoor was run in a way that made it look easy. A full 240 record shots in just three days. Start at 0730; finish by 1530 No screwing around. No "Simon Says." No "Mother may I?" No waiting around for the slowest common denominator. Just shoot, score, pull pits. The way it should be.

Conditions were great all week. Overall it didn't seem as hot or as windy as previous years (although the way my shooting sucked I probably added a few MPH to the wind). That said the Ben Avery wind and morning light can always be a challenge; saw some really outstanding shooting by some really talented hard-holders.

Many thanks to Dennis, Dick, Wayne, Christie and all the other CMP people, the volunteer block officers, and everyone else behind the scenes that make this the "Go To" event for the western states

Come on 2013!


PS - Unfortunately, the way CMP has the Competition Tracker all dicked up it's not possible to post a link to the winners and scores :1930:

10-24-2012, 05:53
