View Full Version : What is the story behind your Avatar!
Griff Murphey
11-15-2012, 10:23
Where were you, what were you doing?
I just put one up or, more accurately, Don W did for me. This is me, Fort Sill, Oklahoma, 1970, Army ROTC advanced camp and this is right when we did the Vietnam Village helo assault exercise. About that time, my interest in being an infantry officer really began to wane, and I started studying harder....
11-18-2012, 07:28
My eldest son got married four years ago. On the morning of the wedding he came to me and asked if we could go for a “shoot”. So with the best man and my son in law we drove to a mate’s farm and for half an hour declared war on a number of wild tin cans. Amongst the many rifles we took with us was my .303 Citadel Martini. Love that rifle and it is the one I am holding when we took a few pictures to remember the moment. My son says that the blast up was just what he needed to reduce the pre wedding jitters.
Mine represents the first true duty station I had after basic and tech school. Sent to Goose Bay Labrador (1962) for a year and a half tour. As a born and bred Texas boy, the rather intense cold was a shock to the system. Luckily, I was sent there with two other Texas boys who would become roommates so we learned together how to cope. It was really rotten duty but I've always felt that it taught me that I could overcome minor inconveniences. We were not being shot at so I always considered it a rather gentle transition to the real world.
11-19-2012, 12:36
My eldest son got married four years ago. On the morning of the wedding he came to me and asked if we could go for a “shoot”. So with the best man and my son in law we drove to a mate’s farm and for half an hour declared war on a number of wild tin cans. Amongst the many rifles we took with us was my .303 Citadel Martini. Love that rifle and it is the one I am holding when we took a few pictures to remember the moment. My son says that the blast up was just what he needed to reduce the pre wedding jitters.
Ahhh. Better point out my own error first. The Avatar I use on this forum was taken on the day of the wedding but it is my FR8 that I am holding not my .303 Martini.
Ahhh. Better point out my own error first. The Avatar I use on this forum was taken on the day of the wedding but it is my FR8 that I am holding not my .303 Martini.
That makes me feel so much better....LOL I was a bit confused.
As to my Avatar, I wanted something unique and we had been chatting about muzzle blast so I edited a picture I had taken from some video I got one night of my M-38 Mosin. I like ad parodies and blammo popped into my head as a great name for a fake toy company so...there ya go.
11-20-2012, 06:49
Mine is my first duty station. It is a Minuteman III ICBM Launch Control Center. I spent over a year of my life pulling alert duty in one.
I carried a revolver for a living for 26 years. In fact I was the last guy in my agency authorized to carry one. Right after I retired all authorization letters for revolvers became invalid. I like revolvers and still carry them as my CHL weapons. The revolver in my avatar is my Texas Department of Public Safety surplussed out S&W Model 28. One of my absolute favorite handguns to shoot. Yeah I do like "wheelguns."
11-20-2012, 09:52
Mine is easy to recognise, SAC shield. Was stationed after tech school in 1960 to 1963 at Walker AFB, Roswell New Mexico. 6th Bomb Wing, changed to 6th Strategic Aerospace Wing I believe in 1962. I was in the 6th Armament & Electronics Squadron. Duties: repair the Bombing and Naviagtion Radar system for the B52E.
No, while I was there I did not get to see any little green men.
Hal O'Peridol
11-20-2012, 10:54
Italian Spiderman. Cheesy "D" movie character. Just liked it. Previous avatar was a picture of a straitjacket.
Griff Murphey
11-24-2012, 05:50
Hal, yours is one of the ones I had REALLY wondered about...
11-24-2012, 04:35
My avatar does not need to be explained by anyone who served in our military.
Ken The Kanuck
11-24-2012, 04:44
My avatar does not need to be explained by anyone who served in our military.
I thought that you might of been one the Marines that carried our flag in the World Series. :evil6:
Mine is a WWI recruiting poster, I liked the thought it portrays.
Used a picture of our Newfoundland "Saphira". Named after a blue dragon from book "Eragon". Avatar is too small to really see so put it below. Other picture is us taking a rest during water rescue training. She weighs about 125# and 'Newfs" are double coated so when wet they seem skinnier.
Michael Tompkins
11-27-2012, 01:44
Mine's pretty easy. Good times...
Mine's pretty easy. Good times...
Hey, I got that patch in my dollar bin....LOL Everybody who wants a patch is like 4th or 5th or something.
Dan In Indiana
12-01-2012, 04:21
Self Explanatory
01-08-2013, 12:14
I love Enfields and I found this picture , It really caught my eye. I couldnt find a picture of a seagoat, which is the sign for people born in January. Soooo.... I went back and refound this picture and used it
01-08-2013, 12:17
That makes me feel so much better....LOL I was a bit confused.
As to my Avatar, I wanted something unique and we had been chatting about muzzle blast so I edited a picture I had taken from some video I got one night of my M-38 Mosin. I like ad parodies and blammo popped into my head as a great name for a fake toy company so...there ya go.
lol lol so thats what that is , thanks for enlightening me, been wondering for a looong time
Ben Hartley
01-10-2013, 01:54
Mine is of my now-departed housemate, Smokus-Pocus the MagiCat. (His laser eyes are set to "stun.")
01-28-2013, 03:34
Mine is only a representative of one of world's finest riflemen.
"They were the Leathernecks … the old breed of American regular, regarding the service as home and war as an occupation; and they transmitted their temper and character and view-point into the high-hearted volunteer mass which filled the ranks of the Marine Brigade.
—Capt John W. Thomason Jr.: “Fix Bayonets,” 1926, on Marines during WW I
01-28-2013, 03:43
My avatar does not need to be explained by anyone who served in our military.
I think the feeling is now mutual.
First theyre gonna kick out the battle experienced NCOs due to downsizing and now theyre gonna replace them with females.
There goes 237yrs of the Marine infantry's pride, right down the shtter.
Mine is a silhouette I made from an on-line photo I found of a WWI-era soldier demonstrating proper shooting technique with an M1903 Springfield.
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