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View Full Version : gibbs replica o314 stock refinishing

12-23-2012, 07:08
the stock is fine functionally but it didn't come out pretty. i think because the grain is so fine.

a bit of stain and several doses of hand rubbed BLO. not happy with the results and i've done boo coo stocks.

i'm thinking i might start over with tung oil.

any suggestions appreciated.


i know, i know... i got the lower band spring on order.. :)

Darreld Walton
01-02-2013, 12:02
Didn't come out "pretty"? Please explain what would put it over the top on the beauty scale.

Are you looking to match the finish that it would've had fresh out of inspection/overhaul, or original manufacture? There's not much 'pretty' down that road. 100 grit finish sanding, and a couple of baptisms in the linseed oil tank and wipe downs.

01-02-2013, 01:23
i was kinda looking for something i didn't already know but thanks anyway, darreld.


(this stock is pretty)

01-03-2013, 11:38
its gettin' a bit prettier usin' this stuff.
been hand rubbin' it.
gotta wait a few days between applications for it to dry.
looks like it might need about 8 doses...
this is after three,